The blog has now officially moved! Click here for the new blog |
Friday, August 17, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My eating habits are not too bad, I eat with my mouth closed, I try not to slurp too loudly with my drink and keep most of my food on my plate when it's not on it's way to my chasm-like mouth. So I ask the question, if a fly lands on your forehead at dinner time and you whap your hand against your forehead, thus splattering the fly across the palm of your hand, is it rude?
The Potato Theory
So, what is a potato theory? Well quite simply it's a theory involving potatoes. It's all about love and how it's shown and what it means. Lets suppose there was this really nice young lady I liked, I'd met her and liked her quite a lot and wanted to ask her out (or maybe she wants to ask me out). I could do this with a rose, ladies apparently like them.
Now, I'm sure you've at some point been told by a lady to stop being so superficial, to stop judging by looks and to start judging by personality. They clearly want to be given a potato, or do they? While the theory is spot on, it doesn't account for one very very important fact.
Ladies don't make sense, they tell you not to judge on physical appearance yet they want to be told they look nice
Armed with this crucial bit of information we can see why despite making complete sense, the potato gift idea is doomed to failure. But now that leaves us with a huge problem, if we want to be true Gentlemen then we can't just give out a rose, it gives out completely the wrong message (i.e. that are obsessed with physical appearance). Thus I propose a new theory. The Strawberry Theory! Granted a Strawberry isn't symbolic and doesn't last for as long as a potato but it does taste awesome, looks quite nice, has lots of inner goodness and can be quite resilient (you try getting those seeds out of your mouth). Alternately, Rosmary suggested simply using a whole rose bush. I still however think that's rather superficial thinking. Remember, the blog will be moving soon. |
Labels: Life
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
New Blog!
I've decided to move my blog completely to my server (the one). There are a few reasons for this.
Tomorrow I plan to create an entry fully explaining the Potato theory and where it works and where it doesn't. |
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Cheltenham (Long Post)
Day 1 - Arrival : Wednesday
Becca: What Month was Teifion Married in? *I stand up so everybody can get a good look at me* Becca: The answer? It's a trick question! He's not married, note the lack of ring Jon: He's single, so if you've got any older sisters about his age, send them over
Labels: Life
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I get to lead a Bible Study!
Today myself and the rest of us going to Cheltenham all met up, I get to lead a Bible Study we do (I've never led a Bible Study before, should be fun). The Bible Study I'll be leading is titled "Love". Becca has organised it all and the subject it'll be on along with the Bible verses to use so that'll help me a lot, still, I'll have to read the verses in advance and make sure I understand them.
Labels: Life
Monday, July 30, 2007
Should I take a career in teaching?
Friday morning I got up, I as per usual did some of that World of Arl stuff, played a little Warcraft 3 and generally relaxed. I then did some more World of Arl stuff and it was still before lunchtime! Then, my sister who is not even at Secondary School yet asks me a question.
Labels: Life
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Did I miss a chance?
I returned from Portsmouth and I think the exams went well, however I can't make that last an entire post and if I did, it'd likely be boring. What I can tell is a story of my manly charm, swashbuckling manner and downright awesomeness of myself. Yes, a most magnificent tale, I shall tell it.
Labels: Life
Monday, July 16, 2007
A good reason
I decided that I'd blog one more time before going to Portsmouth and possibly being without an internet connection for a week. Today at Church Jon talked about opposition when spreading the word of God. Normally any service on evangelism will focus on the good things and try to encourage you. Jon did encourage us, he just spent 95% of the time telling us about all the opposition you can face telling people about the word of God. There will be lots of nice ladies there, maybe you could find a Girlfriend Granted, it's almost certainly not word for word, and yes, I have noticed that Christian events and settings tend to have a much fairer Lady to Guy ratio than my lectures (about 1 - 200 or more). I responded by informing Becca that though I at some point would like to meet a lady that likes me enough to date me, I've yet to find someone like that. I suggested that maybe if they were a little geeky it'd help, I then suggested asking them if they know the Fibonacci sequence or indeed, what it actually is, that's a good start. I'd write about how Becca then managed to embarrass Emma but I don't think Emma would appreciate it, suffice to say that Becca might not have thought it through completely. |
Labels: Life
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Long Journey
I've completely forgotten to blog for the last week! On Wednesday I went to see my Dad affirmed as a probational police officer. Friday afternoon I found when my Referrals are, Tuesday, Monday and Tuesday. Yes, there's a week gap between the 1st and 2nd. However, the Hackers have very kindly said that I can stay at their house (thus solving the biggest problem of accommodation). So, the odds of me blogging over the next week and a half are very low as I'm going to be trying to revise a lot. |
Labels: Life
Monday, July 09, 2007
Structure and Organisation
Yesterday I didn't go to Church! I went to the Sunday School instead to help. In Portsmouth the children leave mid-way through the service, just before the main talk. The children in Portsmouth that I help with are a few years older than the ones in Wales and there was a marked difference. Section 5: Emergency Contact Details Next of Kin: Address of Above person: Contact Details: Okay, I know why it's needed, however, I laughed a lot and thought you might too. In the evening my extended family came round and we had a big dinner. It was lots of fun and really nice ( |
Labels: Life
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Blogger isn't letting me put a proper title on this post...
Today I mowed out the front of the house again. First off, I found a hedgehog. It made something crossed between a grunt, a sniffle, a snore and a snort. I sprinted back to the house (it was a good 100 - 150m away) and returned with a Camera and Cycling Gloves (you'd be surprised how thick they are). Suffice to say he was a prickly customer and even through the gloves it was quite possible to feel the spines! I got some nice pictures of him. |
Labels: Life
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Labels: Mac Software
Monday, July 02, 2007
What it's like in my house
Well, with one thing or another I've forgotten to blog. Firstly, my house is inhabited by Coel, Gethin, Brecon, Cerys, Mum, Dad and Taz (Cat). |
Friday, June 22, 2007
How to win at Twister
I believe that if you follow these simple steps you are sure to win at twister. |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What a lovely day
The day was bright, the sun shining, there was tell of impending rain but the sky was clear and the day lovely. A gentle breeze carried the Moth towards it's next landing point, it rested gently, folding it's wings onto itself. Suddenly, there was a tremor!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Typical Student
Felt you might find this story funny and/xor amusing, warning, it is a little messy so if you're eating, you best not read it just yet.
Teifion didn't go to church because he managed to throw up over himself while cycling, typical student... |
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I am now home and enjoying the home cooked food a lot, it's also been nice to see the people at the youth group from my church. When something noteworthy happens, I'll post it here. |
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I'm helpful (yeah, I know it's not easy to believe)
Friday involved me ummm, getting up very late. I've got no exams and so had no motivation for actually getting up that day. I spent the day a little with WoA, then I went over to Huw's and played various Warcraft 3 maps until about 0100 Saturday. Walking home Friday night is never plesant, as it was however now Saturday morning there was no problem so it was all good :)
Friday, June 08, 2007
Time for an Update
Sorry, I've been rather busy with exams and then last night, a party and as such have not blogged! Tuesday involved an exam which I think I passed, wednesday was involved with revision for my least favourite exam, that exam did not go amazingly well, however, I feel that I passed it (hopefully).
Monday, June 04, 2007
More Stuff
Saturday was filled with WoA stuff but that's to be expected. Today I went to Church, had lunch, went to a BBQ and got back late. Tomorrow I will be revising all day and all of Tuesday before my exam. |
Saturday, June 02, 2007
More Examination!
Thursday was not the day of my exam, it was today (Friday).
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday involved almost nothing but revision, normally there's some warcraft 3 and WoA in there but no, all revision (okay, 5 minutes of WoA while I ate breakfast). Today was the day of the exam. It was hard but I think that I have passed it, I have doubts that I've done amazingly well however I wrote more than some people and normally I write too little so that is surely a good sign.
Monday, May 28, 2007
I've been sleeping quite badly over the last few days so while I was going to blog yesterday, I felt tired and decided to skip blogging in the hope that I would sleep better. It didn't work amazingly well.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Renewed Hope
The "Company" that I have been trying to get a placement with is actually the University of Portsmouth itself! Yes, I've been trying to get a placement with the IT department (called IS or "Information Services"). Stuart has attended the faculty board meetings and in one of them when I suggested IS did such and such he replied told me that they were understaffed. I know that at least one of their projects is written in Java, hey, I know Java!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I got a pass
I awoke at 06somethingorother and thought "eugh, time to fall back to sleep". I awoke again, I looked at my clock and saw it said 0830. This was "not good" as I had to see a guy from IS at 0900 and it normally took people 30 minutes to walk to uni. I got out of bed, had a very quick wash and skipped breakfast. I packed my bag and ran some of the way. After almost throwing up due to a massive bought of coughing I decided to forgo any more running and walked the rest of the way thinking "God, why am I going to be late?". I of course arrived on time and reminded myself to be a little more patient. All the points I raised were forwarded on to the relevant people and some people even have my contact details for further discussion if need be.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Bullet Points
Saturday and Sunday, both have involved nothing blog-worthy or at least, of interest to anybody but somebody so obsessed with my life that they have picture of me on their wall. As that person or persons does not/do not exist, I will summarise what has happened. |
Friday, May 18, 2007
Cough vanishing
The cough is starting to vanish, again, nothing much has actually happened over the past couple of days. There has however been one thing, one of my placement targets emailed me a message saying that due to some administrative stuff I wouldn't be able to get a placement there. I'm chasing it up and hoping to get that placement, they seemed like they would like me to work there. |
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Cough cough
I submitted my coursework and also saw Ioannis about it, he found the Ioannis mode amusing as predicted. I also got a card for my sister and maybe tomorrow I can get a stamp on it and find a big red box where postcards go. I spent most of today dying of a cough, well, it felt like I was dying. No doubt I will look back on this in a few days and think "wow, I was such a wuss, what was I making all the fuss about?" |
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Two days (again)
Monday was mostly full of lectures. CU was replaced with a BBQ which was for the most part good. Today I spent most of the day completing my Java project, I put the final touches on it and it's now downloadable as an actual .jar file! To run it, simply double click it. Windows users, you will need to install Sun Java, not currently sure of the exact location to get it from. I am suffering from quite a bad cough and I'm hoping that tonight I will get a decent night's sleep. |
Monday, May 14, 2007
Not much to say
There really isn't a lot to say, Friday and Saturday were a bit dull! Today it rained a lot but that was more than made up for as I was invited over to Pauline's for lunch! It was really really nice, I actually liked the broccoli! Tomorrow or Tuesday I will have completed the Breakout game (as it's due on Wednesday, this is a good thing) and will save it as a .jar file so it should be able to be run on any PC with Java runtime enviroment installed, if possible I will also get a hold of the games made by my friends and put them there so you can compare them all. |
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Breakout returns, now with flashy colours!
I got up after a very nice lie in. This was the first Thursday in about 4 months where I had not had to go in for a 3 hour lab. I spent most of the day programming Java, some of it was spent playing DotA and even less was spent running WoA. Java. Well, Java itself is great, the language is fairly easy to understand, there don't appear to be a large number of stupid things about it. The key difference between it and C (what I did last year) is that it's called "Object Orientated Programming" or OOP. C on the other hand is, okay, I don't know what it's called but it's pretty linear. The 1st Semester of Year 2 was all about OOP, I was already mostly familiar with it and as such, I feel very comfortable with it. Alas, I have vast numbers of problems with it. Specifically, they're all related to drawing graphics in Java. I don't know why, but I find I come across many many problems the moment I put in a user interface. As such, one of my suggestions to Ioannis (I think I got the name right this time) will be that in the 2nd Semeseter to have a choice of project that doesn't need a GUI. I think that despite the problems it has given me, learning how Java creates a user interface is important as I believe other languages use a method that's not too dissimilar. Anyhoo, enough about the problems that mysteriously crop up for me and onto the improvements for V0.5 - Download from here - Ioannis mode now works, I wanted to make it activate with a key-press but alas, it just won't work and I think I've exhausted every possibility - There are now unlimited numbers of levels - The fonts are now of various sizes - A proper win sequence (sort of) Also, my last exam is on the 7th of the 6th, my first is on the 21st of the 5th. I'll have a pretty timetable for them up tomorrow or sometime later. |
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Progress has been made, it's just not very apparent
I got up and wasted an hour and a bit of my life walking in the rain to my Java lecture. Last semester Ionnais was a really good lecturer, I wonder why he's not so good at teaching the newer stuff? On the plus side, the exam will be made from a similar batch of questions from the first semester so that's good to know. Java project wise I spent most of the time trying to get it to draw off-screen in an attempt to make it run faster but alas it eluded me. Likewise, I've not yet had the ability to take in keyboard input but I didn't spend as much time on that and Ryan linked me to a site with a lot of Java tutorials which may even hold the answer to both my questions. This evening there was a BBQ to celebrate the day that Guernsey was liberated from the Nazis. I got back and fixed PHP on my computer (I broke it a few days ago) and also installed MySQL (though I fear that will break itself as it did last time). |
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Worn out
I got up later than planned I then came close to completing the second section of the Database I'm working on. It's been a lot more problematic than thought and combined with busy days has meant it's still not complete! However, that's going to go on hold for about a week as I work on the Java project again, it's due in week tomorrow! Huw came over and for the first time ever beat me at DotA, as such we agreed he had clearly improved over his constant losses (he's not been playing nearly as long as me). We went online and won a game, then managed to lose the second. I've mostly recovered from my injuries yesterday, though was too sore overall to perform any push-ups or situps (I reckon I can get 7 pushups in a row and 4 situps in a row). |
Monday, May 07, 2007
Scavenger Hunt!
Today mostly consisted of driving around with Steve H, Fi and a gentleman called Graham. The purpose of the game was that there were several teams, each with a car. They would drive along a route and gets a series of pictures of various silly things. One of the aims was to get as many different types of carrier bag. I managed to get about 12 for our team, my amazing charm even allowed me to get 5 different ones from Waitrose (the staff there were really nice). While jumping from one rock to another (they were car-sized rocks) I managed to misjudge the distance ever so slightly, that or a sudden gust of wind threw me off. Either way, my foot didn't make as much contact as was hoped for, the rock was at an angle and slippery so I slipped. Luckily I managed to not smash my face into a big lump of rock, rather I grazed my right thigh, bruised my left knee-cap and right palm. It's now mostly okay, though the graze stung a lot when I washed it in the shower. Later was Playzone! It was really good and I reckon that I burned up a lot of energy there, I'm now generally all around worn out and should hopefully sleep really well tonight. |
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I scare children
First off, the Java project still hasn't been updated. Still, it's located here for those that want a copy. I was not present for most of this mornings church service as I was helping with discoverers. It was quite good fun and very nice to help. After the weekly cup of tea I played with some of the children, running around the pews and generally being immature. At one point I was making silly faces and one of the children whom was rather tired started to cry. Now, I'm aware that I am quite ugly but this was a bit unfair. To make it worse, Brierley laughed! And people say I am horrible! Clearly, Brierley was not laughing at the effect but at the cause. So, I ask you, in return to Brierley calling me ugly, should I come up with some elaborate and probably problem ridden scheme to get her back? Or should I just squirt her with water the next time I see her? Now, I am aware that in the Bible it's written "Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself". Well, if I called someone ugly, I am quite happy for them to squirt me in the face. That's really the interesting stuff for today, the rest of it is warcraft 3 and WoA related. |
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Cleaning Effort
Friday, May 04, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Group Project
Well, it went a lot better than I thought it would. I was one of the most smartly dressed (Hassan told us it might get us more marks) and so that was good. Hassan took into account that Tom was in our group and also ruined our group. I don't think we failed. Afterwards I went to my last lecture of the day, then home!
I got back and decided I'd like some lunch, I decided that with my newfound wealth (I got a pittance for some of the websites I'd done, technically this means I am a professional web programmer) I decided I'd like to have some nicer bread. You know, the long sticks of bread, it's really nice. So, I strolled down to the Co-op to get some and also some sausage rolls for later.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Tuesday and Wednesday
Tuesday involved not a vast amount happening, that's the second reason nothing was blogged. I saw David Ndzi but I'll cover that in today. In the evening I went over to Steve H's to see Phil off, he's moving somewhere-or-other. I played with the Wii and won some games yet lost others. I also managed to peg Phil quite a few times before he started to watch me carefully. Today I got up and went to the Faculty Board meeting. There was just about nothing there to discuss but I brought donuts and lo and behold, the cookies they supplied were rubbish. As such the Donuts went down well. Pity I don't actually have any real favours to ask of them yet. Stuart from the IS (Information Services) department of the Uni was there and mentioned how they were understaffed and that was causing most of the problems. They were understaffed, they did not have enough programmers They did not have enough programmers I am a programmer So I asked if I could perform my student placement with IS! I've emailed Stuart a copy of my CV and we'll see what happens as he's sending it on to his boss. It'd be quite nice to work for IS, I'd get to stay at Uni yet have all the perks of a Student Placement! I then went to the lab and tried to work on the Group Project thing. I'll be honest, I'm rubbish at this hardware stuff and I'm sick of it. We're being assessed tomorrow and if I fail I'm kicking up the biggest fuss about it possible, I'll list the problems with it if I get failed. I attended Prayer Lunch which was very good and encouraging before returning to Uni. Today I got an email from David. "Teifion, I need to see you asap" So, I went to see David and lo and behold he wanted me to make another website. However, I've decided that I don't want to have the hassle of making websites while still looking for a placement. David is now aware of this and has made a few enquiries, he likely realises that if he finds me a placement he can use me as cheap programming labour. I've not got a problem with it, I enjoy programming and as long as I've not got a deadline the next day, should be able to do what's needed. |
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Today I am too tired so the blog spot will remain empty. Tomorrow I shall write a full account of today and tomorrow. |
Monday, April 30, 2007
PHP is fun
Today's lectures were not amazing, pure and simple. After the lectures I went home and checked up on WoA stuff and then returned to Uni for the Student group that make websites (there's a name for it but I cannot remember it). David Ndzi knows that I can write PHP and MySQL and so while the rest of the group are working on something for a company called "RM Marketing" I was asked to create a user registration system for a conference. Users could register and then login to upload documents. David: When do you think you could have it ready? Me: I've got a group project thing to do for Thursday, so I'd say that Friday or early next week would be quite possible David: Could you have it for tomorrow? Me: Ummmm, I can try... Now, I know how fast I can write stuff if I put my mind to it and I reckon I can have it ready tomorrow. I plan to ask for some money for it (in the words of Martin Cripps "the word 'pittance' springs to mind") or the possibility of a Student Placement for someone making websites. I then journeyed to CU. As you're likely aware, I am currently in the middle of a phase of attaching pegs to people. On Sunday one of the ladies I pegged was (and I assume still is) called Sarah H (so not the Sarah R that is normally mentioned). Last night on MSN (after I had pegged her), the following was said... Me: see you tomorrow Sarah: yeah. night night xx Me: and I'll peg you without you noticing too :P Sarah: wanna bet?! Me: no, betting is wrong, but I'm sure I'll manage it ;) Sarah: lol Me: and then I'll blog it too :P Well, the gauntlet was thrown down! I pegged her once and left her alone, this was all part of my cunning plan, she'd been watching me carefully any time I came near and it took several tries to get this one peg near her without her noticing. Of course, after that peg was pointed out by someone else I waited a little then attached 6 or 7 pegs to her in the space of a few minutes. In the end Lawrence felt pity for her and went over to explain that she had been well and truely pegged. So, as we can see, I won. Becca was intent on not getting pegged yet tried to peg me at least once. However, years of being a computer nerd have sharpened my hand-eye coordination to the point where Lawrence said I was like a ninja (I'd just successfully put two pegs on Becca). I repeatedly got Becca for the rest of the night. Sarah R seems to like watching, yesterday she dared me to peg someone over 40. Some funny stuff happened but it was more of a "you had to be there" sort of thing so loses a lot in retelling. I'll post tomorrow regarding what happens about this database project, most of it is already done. |
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I got up nice and early and got to Siän's house for 0830! There I got a lift to Church for 0900 where all the students had a big fried breakfast. Andy and Cora not only organised it all but did the cooking. It was really really nice, very much appreciated and all around awesome. The service itself was about following Jesus and the cost of it, how Jesus rearranged priorities and that he knew what he was going towards yet still went. After the service I went home and did WoA stuff for a bit before leaving for the International Christian Students Fellowship meeting. There were lots of people from all over the world there and most wearing very bright clothing native to their country, it was really nice. The service started with something similar to the singing from the Blues Brothers. I came close to expecting some people to start somersaulting to the front to dance! There was a sketch about how God works and then a guest Pastor spoke. He explained how Jesus made an offer. And to illustrate his point he held up a £10 note and said that it was there for the taking. After 3 seconds I started to vault the chair infront of me (I was in the second row and the front row was empty) but as I did so Chris Brough thought to himself "I can't let Teifion get that" and ran ahead of me. However, when the pastor held up a book I got that so it worked quite well. The book is currently in the possession of Justin as I asked him to hold onto it for me and forgot to get it back later. After the talk and some more (slightly more coherent) singing there was some free food served. I went to the loo and when I came out I asked where I should go (assuming I'd be told where to join the queue). I was sent straight to the food so that worked out really well. What didn't was that almost all the food was laced with spices and/or vegetables. I left holding a few cans of coke and went to see Greg get Baptised at Kings Church. Kings Church has a much louder and more "modern" band, as it were, than Eastney. I don't know that it's better as such, but it is nice to have a change in style of singing. Overall I see Eastney as being a very family based Church while Kings seems to have a much larger youth population and so works differently. It was really good to see Greg be baptised and be there to show my support. The speaker there was a guest speaker from Australia. He had some odd things to say, however, the crux of the message he brought was that if we give and pray on behalf of others, God will act. He had some stories to tell explaining it all and drew from the Bible too. Afterwards there was a load of prayer stuff and I asked to be prayed for which was really good, I then went home and went to bed feeling closer to God than I have in the past few weeks. |
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I got up and for the rest of the day played Warcraft 3 and wrote Java. As per usual, here is the link you want, and the changes are... - 1 type of powerup added - Simple tail added to the ball - Passing a level gains you a life - Basic readme printed on the game when paused - The game now responds to mouse-clicks when the mouse is moving I also sliced three boxes of Mushrooms, tomorrow there's a big group breakfast at Church. The problem is I need to be up early... |
Friday, April 27, 2007
No progress
The project has not been updated today as I was busy all day and thus distracted. However, I have a new activity to try. I am going to say something I like about every person I met today. I don't mean "I thought your t-shirt was funny", I mean things that make the person nice to know and be around. The people should be in the rough order that I spoke to them (I saw lots of people I know but most never spoke to me). Speaking over the internet doesn't count for the purpose of this exercise. In addition, the people must speak to me at least once a week or I simply don't know them well enough to list them here. Ceryn - Almost always excited with a big smile on her face and an attitude to match, interested to talk about anything troubling you and offer impartial advice Siän - Always innocent and well-meaning (as in, moreso than anybody else) Lorna - Happy to offer uncompromising points of view, won't compromise her principles to sound better Sarah - When not tired, always excited and awake, full of energy that enthuses those around her Brierley - Always has something positive and supportive to say to people, somehow seems to have some sort of a rota and seeks out different people each time to offer words of encouragement and renew social bonds Ryo - Talks about anything geekish but also happy to just listen to anything he understands, also has a very good sense of humour Huw - A sense of humour on the same level as myself, what more is needed? Lauren H - Happy to make sure I'm eating well, if she's making some food and I want some she'll make extra if I help cleanup and suchlike (actually, she doesn't require it I just do it out of courtesy but it's similar) Gareth - Has a similar sense of humour to myself and is happy to help with most geekish things Pete A - Is happy to share what he has if you haven't got it yourself |
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I got up and went to the Group Project lab, it's not looking good but next week we've got our presentation. I'm going to be making the report, as such the Breakout game is going to have to slow-down a little. Speaking of which, the latest version is here. And the changes are... V0.3 - Some basic graphical acceleration used, it now redraws less per cycle than in V0.2, there might be more I can do so I am going to leave it as a "to do" item - The game now has three levels, the blocks change colour each level (Black, Green, Blue) - Lives and current level down the bottom are now colour coded - Speed is now displayed in the label at the bottom and increments by 1 for every 12 blocks removed, there are 48 blocks per level Tomorrow I hope to have some powerups functioning along with some cooler effects and the ability to turn said effects on or off with keys (for those with slower computers). If you're wondering why a slower computer is struggling under such a basic game, well, it's because of Java. I shall explain why. "Compiled" Languages such as C, C++ and Objective-C are saved in a language the computer understands. "Interpreted" Languages such as PHP, Python and Ruby are saved in a language the computer does not understand very well, but there is an on-the-spot translator saved with them Java I believe falls somewhere in between the two. I shall now explain the above concept in linguistic terms. C (a very fast language) saves itself in English (we're assuming computers speak English). PHP (not as fast as C) saves itself in German. As such, to run PHP programs, the computer must translate the program before it performs each instruction, thus, slowing it down. Java stores itself as a German language with some English notes in it, thus making it easier. Does that make any sense to anybody or have I simply confounded the issue? |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
More work done, maybe I should be Chairperson?
Firstly, the Java project of Breakout. The correct link for yesterday is here, sorry for the broken link. I didn't bother going to the Java lecture, this semester they have been very poor and I would rather work on my project than attend a lecture that teaches me nothing. The project is coming along nicely, it now does several things. - When the ball hits a block, it bounces correctly, inverting only a single axis (based on the direction it hits the block in) rather than inverting both. - Pausing it really does pause it properly, it no longer resets the ball position, good luck cheating now! - The ball accelerates by 1 pixel a cycle every 10 blocks destroyed, it starts at 5 pixels a cycle - Download it here Midday there was an SSCC meeting. For some reason there seems to always be an item that is of interest to me and the rest are of no interest. Well, today's was the chairman item. Prof Cripps has been Chairperson for 10 years and has been trying to get a Student Chair for a while, he started by hinting at it and now he's put it on the agenda. There was a 2-1 ratio of Students to Staff today and of the vast horde of students, guess how many were eligible to be chair? Correct, just me. The rest were 3rd year and so would be leaving, I told them that if I didn't get a placement I'd accept it but my Mum has very helpfully found another company to apply to. Back when HP told me I was unsuccessful (I've re-emailed them to make sure they got my message asking why) I talked to a friend called Daan. Daan has had some interesting theological discussions with me and I told him that my faith was still strong and that despite the HP incident, God still has a perfect plan for me. Obviously, you can take the view that an 800 mile round trip to Newcastle and Back could be God's idea of a joke, maybe it is. The key thing is that I still believe He has that perfect plan. The thing is, I have to be able to accept that God does not want me to take a placement, it occurred to me while on the loo, "what would God do if He didn't want me to take a placement?". What's happened so far would be a good start in my opinion. So, unless something big happens, if this next chance fails then I will probably not take a placement. Tomorrow's Java project should have some speed optimisations, apparently a single core 1GHz computer isn't quite as good as a Dual Core 2.33GHz computer, odd that! |
Maybe I should do some work?
Today (yes, I'm missing out yesterday) I decided that seeing as my Java project was due in in about 3 weeks (I've been putting it off for a little too long) I should at least think about which of the three options I'd take. - The first was a "chat" program. Well, after the chess game, I hate Java and Networking (at least for now, it's probably because I couldn't understand it at the time) and so don't want to do that. - The second is a game called "breakout". I asked Ioannis how hard it'd be and he said it'd be really hard because Animation in Java is really hard. - The third is a "Customer Database System", it's also a 4 man project (apparently). Tempted as I was to do #3 I decided to do #2. Having no idea how to perform animation in Java or respond to input I was not enthusiastic about it. Thankfully, the first Sun Java tutorial page told me all I needed and even gave me a load of code to start with. Over the course of about 6 hours, I have expanded somewhat upon the code that Sun have on their website to produce something that should get me a pass. I am of course going to be ensuring a First in this Coursework so will be improving it. You can get a copy of V0.1 here. Incidentally, animation in Java is just as easy as in REALBasic, I was very much "at home" as it were in writing most of it. |
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Nothing to report
I'd say "It does what it says on the tin" except there is no tin and my blog gives data not function. I am also quite tired. |
Friday, April 20, 2007
Walking 500 Miles would be very Slow, 1000 would be worse
Wednesday morning I got up and went to the Java lecture where I learnt very little. After Java I decided that I needed some Sunglasses and Chocolate. After comparing prices I found some nice glasses for £2. here is a picture of me wearing them. I packed and got a train to London. At London I met my Dad and we travelled by train to my Uncle (Brett)'s house. When Coel, Brett and one of Brett's friends Anthony arrived we all tucked into some Kebabs. It was really nice to see Brett, Coel, my Dad and to meet Anthony. The Kebabs were really nice and we had a really good time. That night I went to bed about midnight and despite the heat I got a decent sleep. At 0600 my Dad and I left Brett's and headed for Newcastle. The roads were near dead and we made good time. Once we got some distance I started to rest my eyes, I was feeling semi-sleepy. I was jolted awake when my Dad yelled "No no no!" I thought I'd had some sort of a bad dream and then the car started to hit the hard shoulder. No, my Dad is actually a very good driver and it's because he's such a good driver that we were not in an accident. A truck on the left-most lane moved into the center lane just behind a car with a very low trailer. The truck could not see the trailer and as such moved into the trailer, we were to the right of the trailer and thankfully my Dad saw what was happening and accelerated while dodging the moving problem. Later we passed something with a cherry-picker, it'd happened probably a minute before we got there and so didn't hold us up. We heard on the radio it took an hour to clean up. At Newcastle I was to have an interview with HP. The interview was at 1500 and we arrived at about 1000. This was very useful as it allowed time to relax a little by visiting the Angel of the North (a big metal sculpture). Here are some pictures of me standing by it. Click to Enlarge.
Dear Teifion
Further to your Interview Day with HP, we are writing to inform you that you have been unsuccessful in meeting the required criteria on this occasion.
May we take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have shown in HP and we would like to wish you every success with your future career.
Now for the reason that I am very very confused. I am not confused because I think that the interview went well, I think most of my exams go well and I fail those. It's quite possible (and quite likely) that someone else was more suited to the job. No, I am confused because everything up till this point has "worked". I've been praying to God that He would be in control of the situation and direct it, I believe others have been doing so too. God's hand has been apparent over the past couple of days, so why make it abundantly clear that I should go to the interview if I would gain nothing from it?
The CU did a Social thing on the Southsea Common. I went and we were going to play rugby when it was changed to touch rugby. I was not in the most amazing of moods, probably tiredness. So when people kept moving when I touched them or tried to bend the rules I moved to simply stop them. It turns out that when people move from "fast" to "almost stopped" in under a second they also move from "vertical" to "almost horizontal", the rate of the two changes appear to be correlated. So, touch rugby was abandoned (I did tell them that it'd fail but they ignored me) and we played Baseball.
Overall the social was nice but it was overshadowed by the whole interview thing. I am very confused as to what God wants me to do. There has however been 1 good thing today. Recently I began the creation of a second game, it was put on hold due to time constraints, I have no figured that I started it because I was not happy with the way WoA is being run and felt I had no way to solve the problems. I've since decided that's silly and with the tact of a honeycombed brick I will be solving the problems, should that fail I'll use the tact of a normal brick. |
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I have an interview on Thursday and so I spent today sleeping, preparing for the interview, eating, more preperation, learning about computer stuff, preparing, warcraft 3 and a smidgin more preperation. Sadly I've not been able to come up with any handouts that are any good. Maybe I can get by on my good looks? |
And the Pegging shall begin
I didn't post it yesterday or the day before, but I got a letter from Tulleys (the letting agency I am using). It said that I did not pay my rent. This was confusing to me because of two things.
1) I use Direct Debit
2) I have money in my account
Turns out it was an Admin error on their part. Apparently they're going to charge me £5 for every letter they send me regarding rent. I sure hope they charge someone other than me for that letter as it's entirely their fault.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Two new sports
I got up very early considering the time I got to bed last night. I walked to Becca's Halls and then accompanied Becca and Luke to church, acquiring Siän on the way. The service did not (to my memory) contain a specific point which I found a bit off-putting. After the service myself, Brierley, Siän, Lizzie, Becca, Luke and Phil went to Amanda's for a Roast Dinner. During lunch Becca introduced a "Man Points" system. I'm not quite sure how Becca would describe it, however, from my understanding here is how it works. - If you do something nice you get a point - If you make a mistake doing it you lose 3 - If you fail to do something you should you lose between 3 and 10 points - If you do something silly you lose at least 10 - Sometimes points will be deducted on general principles which have no real reason Shortly after I sussed out how the scoring worked I figured if I were to aim for a high-score, I should aim for a negative one. A great tale of logic is also to be had at this lunch. Some of the ladies were surprised that I managed only a single Potato and single Chicken leg. I believe that even the ladies ate more than me, well, at some point Lizzie said "You need to eat more". After the customary twisting of words and asking her why she thinks I'd look better fat it was somehow mentioned (by me) that I have never actually cooked a potato, I might have been mentioning the Potato theory at the time. Rather than accepting the fact and just moving on, I was questioned "How can you never have cooked a Potato?" So, I will now attempt to explain it, for some reason my overly simple diagram still didn't explain it clearly to all of them (most Economics students are fairly smart, some are clearly not). Brierley has cooked Potatoes, therefore she can cook Potatoes or "cooks Potatoes" if you wish to express it so
I have not cooked Potatoes, therefore I may or may not be able to cook them or "does not cook Potatoes" if explained so
Lizzie and Siän went to Asda to get some Wine (probably to help deal with all the stress I cause) and I got some pegs before going home. On the way to Asda, I thought about how much I appreciate home meals, they're easy to take for granted when you're at home yet when you have to cook for yourself it's a big thing and so I'm taking this opportunity to say thank you to both my Mum and Dad for all the food they cook for me and also all the support with any other endeavor I make. Thank you.
Now for the first of the two sports. It's called Pegging, I went to a birthday party and took 8 pegs with me. The objective is to attach as many common clothes pegs to someone as possible without them realising. Becca was an easy target, Jo was easier, Greg quite easy, Siän however proved a challenge, she was (justifiably) paranoid about me pegging her. However, I managed to get her by making her think I had just one peg and attaching that to Lizzie as she walked past. Before I left I made sure to get Becca again (she felt it was a very fun sport and so I feel she's a very good target).
Now for the second sport, I just came up with it. During the course of a day (if not, at least a given time period where you will see people such as "when down the pub") you must try to use each adjective no more than once. It's rather hard but I am trying to do it here, I'd not be surprised if I failed. |
The Long Road isn't so Long
The plan for today was. Parents give me lift into Cardiff I get on train and hope it all works However, Siän's parents offered me a lift along with Siän which meant that the trip was a lot better and shorter because of it. I got back to my house and everything was fine, Huw came over and we had a fried dinner, played some DotA and watched Monty Python. It was good. |
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Last few Days
I've been going to bed late. I will now give you an idea of what I've been doing. - Citizen of Arl (notice all the cool effects) - Warcraft 3 - WoA - PHP Saturday should be fun, the trains between Swansea and Cardiff are currently non-operational and we all know how great the bus will be... That's not a huge problem. Thursday I have an interview with HP. I have a week's notice which is a big help, it's also in the afternoon, another plus point. It's still in Newcastle... Well, at least they'll know I want the job! Plans are still underway for it, suffice to say my parents are really good at it and it's been very nice to have their help. |
Monday, April 09, 2007
I can't remember what I did on Friday, odds are it wasn't very important as I cannot remember much of it. On Saturday, we journeyed down to my grandparents in Somerset. It was very nice and I enjoyed it. Today I did very little but saw my Gran and Auntie, that was also nice. |
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Long Day
I got up early, I travelled to Sommerset, I went back, it's now late, I am tired. That is todays blog. |
Friday, April 06, 2007
Working out a bed-time
if (earlyMorning == true) { goToBed(0000); getUp(0600); } else { goToBed(0200); getUp(1200); } It all makes sense when you think about it :D |
New Shoes
I got up, did some WoA stuff and then some Citizen stuff. In all my cunningness I often ask the players of WoA things, this week I asked them What would you want to see in a game?. Some of the feedback has been good and I plan to incorporate it into Citizen. Of the people I've asked, the layout for Citizen has so far been nice, though IE refuses to display the images correctly, I'm sure this'll work in my favour as I don't want a vast number of players (at least not at first). After some of that stuff I was taken to get some replacement trainers as my old ones were falling apart. My new ones a much nicer and I like them a lot. Over the last few days I've had a cold, it's been very annoying. My Dad has been wanting to go for a Bike Ride with me this Easter and so I went but not only am I very unfit but my cold didn't help at all. As such my Dad easily out-paced me. One the Citizen site I'm using rollovers, below is the HTML code required for a rollover. <div align="center">
<a href=""
<img style="MARGIN: 10px 10px 10px 10px; WIDTH: 107px; HEIGHT: 107px;"
src="../../images/logos/board.png" width="107" height="107" border="0"
alt="Board Link" name="buttonBoard"></a>
<br />
Citizen Web Board</div>
One Rollover link is one of those blocks, clearly this is not a fair system, it involves a lot of typing for me. With some smart use of PHP (it makes the computer think before making the web-page) I can write the following to achieve a similar effect.
As you can see, it pays to be lazy :) |