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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Progress has been made, it's just not very apparent

I got up and wasted an hour and a bit of my life walking in the rain to my Java lecture. Last semester Ionnais was a really good lecturer, I wonder why he's not so good at teaching the newer stuff? On the plus side, the exam will be made from a similar batch of questions from the first semester so that's good to know. Java project wise I spent most of the time trying to get it to draw off-screen in an attempt to make it run faster but alas it eluded me. Likewise, I've not yet had the ability to take in keyboard input but I didn't spend as much time on that and Ryan linked me to a site with a lot of Java tutorials which may even hold the answer to both my questions. This evening there was a BBQ to celebrate the day that Guernsey was liberated from the Nazis. I got back and fixed PHP on my computer (I broke it a few days ago) and also installed MySQL (though I fear that will break itself as it did last time).


Anonymous said...

It's ioannis, i've told you before!

Teifion said...

So it is, my mistake, I have it written down on the file I use to draft the blog and mistyped it. I've now changed it so I shouldn't make the mistake again.