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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Party! - Friday

Lectures = Boring. I did however learn what would be in my exam next friday so that was boring but useful. After the lectures I walked back with Gareth where we talked about various geeky things and how when Windows Vista comes out nobody's computer is going to be able to run it because they'll all be too slow. I got back and tried to do some work but again felt really tired. It's very annoying as the work must be in on Wednesday, on the plus side I've already done half of what I need to do, on the downside the weekend might not be full of free time to do it and I've got an exam on Friday. In the evening I walked Siän from her house to a party at India's house. The party was good and I enjoyed it a lot, though there were not many games organised. Myself and Graham walked Siän and Becca to their homes and then walked home ourselves. I got home, had a sandwich and went to bed after blogging.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Carols - Thursday

I had a nice lie in and was quite awake for my Lab. In the lab we found that our solution would not meet the marking criteria since it was too simple (we however are convinced it would actually work, we've worked through all the logic a few times now) but Hassan did point us in the correct direction. After the lab I went home and annoyingly felt very lethargic. However, I managed to pull myself into doing some more of the UML report. Between getting home and going to the CU Carol service I managed to get 7 pages done, a lot of it was diagrams but they required work too. Myself, Pete and Lauren went to the Carol service, it was good, I performed a reading (Matthew 2:1-12) and apparently had the mic turned right down for me because I had such a booming voice. After the Carol service we went to the pub where I found I was too tired to win a game of chess. I left the pub shortly after Emma told me to take drugs (it makes somewhat more sense in context). At home I talked to a Lady in Sheffield Uni and talked to her a little about cookies and how to make friends before going to bed.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Free Money and Food! - Wednesday

I got up nice and early, took my time getting ready for the Java lecture and walked at a slightly slower than usual pace next to Gareth. We got to the lecture, I answered questions and then started "work". The day was pretty good, most of it involved talking to people about what I studied and how good the uni was. When I applied I only looked at one other Uni, some of these people looked at three or four and they all seemed really impressed with Portsmouth, particularly with the Problem/Project Based Learning. I had to take a one hour break to attend the SSCC meeting where I made a small contribution of showing support for several thing and having to leave before the two interesting items came up. Ah well, the rest of the day was good as it involved free food and best of all, a few little goodies, specifically 5 Litres of Orange Juice, a double handful of sugar in sachets, enough tea-bags to last me two or three weeks, twenty-ish biscuits and some of those piddly milk carton things. Tom and Richard got some Orange Juice, some sandwiches and I think a few biscuits too. Tom gave me a lift home (it was most appreciated as my bin-bag of stuff was quite heavy), once home I had some dinner and then worked on a UML diagram for the UML project thingie that's due in in (now) just under a week. I also did some WoA stuff (what a surprise).

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mediocre Day - Tuesday

Yeah, I didn't turn up to the Java lecture (are you really that surprised?) and it was cancelled anyway. I did go to the group tutorial, which was cancelled so that serves me right. As per usual on a Tuesday, lectures were boring. After lectures myself, Gareth and Peter went to Tesco where I bought the food (it's my turn), on the way back they decided to let me walk on ahead and wonder where they were. I've played this sort of joke on people before and I know that if you go back to look for them, it's probably not going to work. However, if you walk off and leave them behind it's much better. It took then about ten or fifteen minutes longer than me to get home, I thought it was quite funny. I spent the evening writing stuff for WoA, talking to some people about WoA and working on the Java project. Tomorrow I get paid to walk around in a stupid looking t-shirt (I'll see what I can do about a picture) and tell them how great the uni is, I'll get paid enough money to pay for my server rental for WoA, that's not too bad in my opinion. I also get free food (yeah, you knew it was coming didn't you?). I also get to attend an SSCC meeting thing, yeah, that's got free food too (you must have seen that coming). Incidentally I uploaded a video from the CU weekend away of some people mud-sliding. I'm not sure who the first person to speak is. Brierley is the second when she yells "Mud Wrestling" (yes, for Brierley that is yelling), I don't know who yells takedown, I have a sneaking feeling it's Pete, Becca mentions that she's filming it, Jo laughs and agrees that it should go on the site.

A day late! - Monday

Firstly, sorry for the late post. I did have an internet connection (normally a lack thereof is the reason for a missed post). I was simply very very tired. My day started with me getting up at 0730, this was planned and meant that when I got to my Java lab, rather than be a little tired I was fully awake, it also meant I could take my time getting ready. The Java lab wasn't overly amazing, I got some good stuff done and I believe Chris did too. After the lab we had the joy (or, lack thereof) that is Formal Computing. It's getting very boring (it's not the lecturer's fault, he tries his best but it's a bit of a boring subject). After that I walked home with Ryan, got home, wrote some of a report for the UML project. As per usual I was helping with the sound system and so at 1630 Steve and myself collected it and arrived at the Union. Sam wanted to use the sound desk (simply controls volume of all our inputs and then the volume of them all going out), so, he'll be the one turning up nice and early. The talk was by Mike Mellor who gave the talks at the Mission Week last year, he was very happy to hear I'd become a Christian seeing as he remembered me from last year. After CU I went with Steve, Sïän and Jo to the "international Cafe". It's an event (weekly) where foreign students come and sit down (have some free food) and talk to British Christians. There isn't an overriding theme of Christianity, just of friendship. We arrived after the food but that didn't stop me getting a bag of crisps, lemonade and some sort of juice thing that didn't taste quite so nice this morning (forgot to put it in the fridge). After the cafe Steve went to the pub so I waLked Jo and Siän home, then went home myself. I got to bed at 0100 (not too unusual) and was very tired, hence the lack of blog.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Yeah, a lot better - Sunday

I got up in time to meet Becca outside her halls and then walked her to Church. On the way we stopped at Siän's house to drag her along, she knew we were coming but assumed we'd be 15 minutes later than we were so we had to wait for five minutes for her to get ready. We were the first students there so it wasn't a problem. The service was about the Nativity story, in particular about Joseph and how he dealt with Mary becoming pregnant. Jonathan covered four points about Joseph, they were that he is a good example of self-restraint and faithfulness, he had a high view of marriage, compassion was more important to him than justice also that he valued commitment to God over personal honour (in a day when honour was everything this was quite a big thing). After the service I talked to a new guy called Leo and for lunch I was happy to be invited to the Mitchells. Lunch was awesome, it was a full on Roast dinner. Earlier that morning I had been wondering if missing out on breakfast was a good idea, well, when I dug into this meal I was sure it'd been a great plan. Incidentally the meal filled me so well that the only other thing I've had today was a lump of bread and I'm not hungry! We also played some video games there before I went back to my house. At home I filled in a CRB form for Church (Sarah suggested volunteering for the Discoverers group thingie and Sarah's the sort of person who'd know who was good at that), I also WoAed a little. I got to church before all other students (to be fair, I was quite early) and so managed to help set some stuff up. The service was about friendships and the question was "Have we got Jesus at the center of our friendships?". Challenging. After the service the students were in-charge of tea and coffee. Sadly I'd forgotten to start the water heater so it was just coffee for a while (it doesn't require the water to be as hot). After Tea and Coffee we washed up, had a very small soap-suds fight. Sarah gave myself a lift home along with Becca and Siän (saves me walking them home). I went online and did various things before blogging. Incidentally I've now linked to Sarah's blog on the right-hand-side. While doing the tea and coffee (or more accurately, coffee and coffee) Andy asked me to explain what I mean by "blogged", "blogging" and various other terms used. So, I will. Blog - Noun (I think) A blog is an online diary/story/news page/something-like-that. Simply put, you're reading one right now. It can be used as "to blog" which means to write a blog or blog entry about something. Blogged is simply a past tense of the phrase "to blog". Example: "I blogged about the Spanish Inquisition" Blogging - Verb Blogging is the process where you record events on a blog. I blog my life, some people blog software updates, some people blog other things. Creating a blog Goto and click "create account", from there the process should be explained by

Somewhat better - Saturday

I got up and WoAed pretty much all day. In the evening however Huw came over and we had a laugh (mostly at the expense of some WoA players). Yeah, not a very blog-worthy day... Maybe tomorrow will be better?