Last night I went to bed rather late, actually, it was more like about 0030 this morning. Nontheless, I wasn't going to get up till about 0730 or 0800, I'd be fine. At 0200 there was a fight outside my room (on the grass) and due to the number of spectators, I couldn't throw water onto the participants to shut them up. For the next hour I endured someone swearing that they'd kill someone else, sort of makes me think they're either incompetant or just a liar. And due to the lack of corpses outside my room I'm assuming they failed (there wasn't blood either). I still managed to get up at 0800, though I did wake at 0630. I ate a half bowl of Cornflakes (I need to buy more, I've none left) and then walked two miles to Immanuel Baptist Church for the Christianity Explored thing. I took with me 4 bottles of fizzy drinks (I'd volunteered to bring drinks). Owing to the weight of them and my activities last night, it took slightly longer than expected to get them there. My hands are not too badly blistered. I had to wait for anybody else to turn up, I waited a whole half hour. On the plus side it gave me a chance to cool down (I'd somehow worked up a sweat from walking somewhere at 0830-0900). When everybody had arrived we started. The first topic was "The Church". Owing to my Christian upbringing and association with the CU I already had a good grasp of this area. Though we did cover an important aspect of "love". Not in the sense of boy meets girl, boy gives cookies, girl goes out with boy. No, this was in the area that Christians are called to love those around them. My definition for this type of Love normally comes under the name of "Supportive Friend" or "Close Friend". The second topic was "The Holy Spirit". This was a bit harder for me as I'm still having trouble grasping exactly how God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are three different things. However, with the aid of Lorna I managed to come up with something that allowed me to think of it fairly well. You have a rock, that rock is God. You take a slice off of that Rock. That Slice is Jesus. Jesus is God and God is Jesus, yet at the same time they are different. If that doesn't help, well, stage two is that there is a bit of sting connecting them making them one object yet two. After this we broke for lunch. Greg had to go so myself and Lorna played against Sam (relay worker) and Lizzie in Indoor Hockey (there was a set upstairs in the church). Owing to my compelte lack of competance at anything except being in the way of the other players Lorna and myself lost 3-1. Apparently I'm "Rough". The third topic today was "Prayer". Due to my recent religious talks with members of the CU I knew what it was about and as I want to be a Christian already it wasn't overly important (not the subject, the way the DVD covered it, it covers stuff as if you're completely new to it which is a great idea). The fourth and final topic was "The Bible". The DVD shows at the start of each topic what some members of the public think the Bible is. Most said "A rough guide as to how to live your life", or at least something similar to that. They're close, but they're as close to being accurate as you are to calling a Cookbook a book about food (my own analogy). The Bible is about how to get it right with God as it were and enter into the relationship with him. We finnished about about 1530 ish and I went over to Lizzie and Jo's house to attempt to fix their wireless router. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it so we got Sam Groves to come over. It turned out someone had unplugged it and re-plugged it, but incorrectly. I felt a little stupid I'd overlooked something as common as the fact that only one of the five ethernet ports would be for input. I also installed some Anti-Virus software on Lizzie's computer (Jo didn't appear to need it for some reason) and also got soundly trounced by the two of them at Reflexorisor. I then walked back home and spent a while working on my Coursework for Internet Apps. It's basically an online shop, run off a Database. If you want to look at it (and even sign up and buy fictional Sellotape) then goto and poke around. I've still got to add a search feature and I plan to improve the Purchase Screen so you can enter product name or ID and also your name or ID. Otherwise it's only lacking code comments and it'll all work and get me nice marks. It's 2212 and I'm going to grab and early night, looking at the size of today's blog, should I try writing it earlier in the night so as to write a longer (and probably more accurate/better) account of the day? |
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Aching - Saturday
Friday, May 05, 2006
Worn out - Friday
Up early early early for the Math test. I think I passed so that's all good. I got 12 litres of fizzy drinks and got the bus home. At Langstone I worked on a lot of coursework, found out I put on 5Kg of weight since I last weighed myself (I'm now 60Kg or 9.45 stone). In the evening I first cycled to Andrew, Steve, Colin and Ed's house (we'll call it the LT house for now) and found nobody there. Turns out I was an hour early for the party. I left the 4 litres of fizzy drink at Lizzie and Jo's house to save myself having to carry it later. When I walked back to the LT house I was greeted by a nerf rocket to the face, or would have if I'd not dodged (or Steve H missed). Steve H was a year older today or a day close to today and it was his Birthday party. We ate and drank some stuff before playing in the park. Suffice to say I'm now compeltely worn out and my feed are very worn out due to all the walking I've done recently. I'm so knackered and worn out that all I want to do now is sleep. Before I do that, I've compiled a LInux version of the Reflexorisor for Richard. |
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Tired again? - Thursday
I awoke at 0620 ish and then again at 0720 ish. I was very very tired and I can only assume it's due to lack of sleep. The B122 lab wasn't overly good as I was very very tired. After the lab I walked home (due to there being no bus then). Sadly nobody else walks at that time or near to it so I was alone. It seemed to take less than 30 minutes, yet that's what my watch says it took. I spent a lot of time playing Deimos Rising (feeling tired again) and napped a little. I then went into Uni for an optional Math lecture, seeing as I've got a test tomorrow it's worth turning up to (normally it's one where no new material is introduced). I learnt some stuff which was handy and then went to the C lab. It was a group of 5 of us and finnished half an hour early. After the C lab I went along to Christianity Explored and enjoyed my dinner (a massive can of Rice Pudding). We looked at what Jesus did and weather or not it affects our lives. My answer, I logically know that it all happened, I logicall accept it all happened and I logically believe it all happened. Yet I have no emotional feeling about it (and if you've been saved from Hell, you should probably have some emotion). Afterwards I walked home, revised some Maths, felt tired, read A Storm of Swords for a bit (book 3:1 of the series) and then did more maths. |
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Free Game! - Wednessday
I did mean to go to the lecture at 0900 but somehow slept after turning off my most excellent alarm. On the plus side I did get in for the one afterwards and the first one probably didn't have anything interesting happen. After the second lecture I went to the ECEKTG and found that David Ndzi will email me when the person is ready to meet me. I'd love some feedback on what you think of my Web Designer Ad page that I've got links to on sites I do. I've also made an excellent game called Reflexorisor. Simply put, I'm mildly competetive and intend to win the reflex game next time we play it. So I made a reflex game. Sadly, Lizzie saw me playing it and then promptly thrashed me at it, still, I've got a few more tricks up my sleve and she doesn't read Wednessday blogs so it's all okay. After getting back I sat down for a while, did some pushups and then cycled into Asda to buy some shorts (thanks for the suggestion Mum). The idea of the shorts is that they'd be longer than my current ones, they're not much longer, they are however long enough so it's all okay. Dinner was nothing special, afterwards I did WoA stuff. Hall Group was good. Graham filled an easter-egg shell with chocolate and we had fun eating most of it. I'm going to make my own, just need to decide what sort of chocolate to put in it. Jo from the CU wanted a pet Rabbit (her one died) and so Gareth and myself are going to catch a rabbit from Langstone and give it to her. The tactic is to corner it and get it into a box (which is ventilated). Then, that night or early next morning deliver it to her. At the time of writing Gareth (his room looks onto the fields, mine doesn't) hasn't seen any Rabbits, perhaps tonight is not going to be a "lucky" night... |
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Gas? - Tuesday
I was (for some reason) up really really early, I woke at 0620 and got up at 0640! I had breakfast in the refectory (fry up and then musli). I got the 0800 bus in (normally get the 0830) and played some Deimos Rising (not much, just some). After 20 minutes of that I was very ready for my maths lecture and the test this week doesn't look overly bad! After maths I did the rounds on WoA. The C lecture was not overly interesting for me, it was more stuff on recursion. After the lecture Peter, David and myself got lunch then I played worms with Aaron. It's most most amusing. The lecture after that was ovely interesting in that there was a gas leak and we had to call the lecture off early. After getting the bus back I cycled to a couple of Charity Shops in search of shorts, sadly, there's none there at the moment. I then went to Tesco and got my hands on 6 litres of coke and lemmonade, the cycle back was less than easy. In the evening there was a social gathering at Chris and Emma's house. It was quite good fun and we played Uno and several reflex games, the person that reacted slowest or too soon got an electric shock, it's an excellent game. |
Yes! - Monday
I got up at the early early time of ummm, I can't remmeber, must be about 0900. I played Deimos Rising a little (very badly) and then did some C coursework stuff. I had lunch and then did some WoA stuff. I then completed Deimos Rising, yay! After that I went over to Huw's and we recorded the podcast. The podcast is great fun to do and we're working on getting another guy to join in. Afterwards we went to Burger King and had a great dinner. Then, walked to the CU worship night. Afterwards we went down the pub where I played against Charlote in Chess. I also played against Sam but we called it a draw because it was getting late and we were pretty evenly matched. I cycled back, finnished up some C coursework stuff with Gareth (he's done loads of work) and then went to bed. |
Sunday, April 30, 2006
A real book - Sunday
I got up, walked to Church. There was sadly not many students there today, however, there was a massive orchestra (well, bigger than the one we normally have) and they were quite impressive. The service was about music, how it can be good and how it can be bad. We also heard a testimoney about someone's son. Born deformed in such a way that it was predicted to live for no more than two weeks (they were told to abort but chose not to). Christopher lived for six months and those that held him felt very compassionate and loving. 300 people attended Christopher's funeral. I feel that there is a very important lesson to be re-learnt from that story. Love and Gentleness will do so much more than Anger anger and Fear. After the service I walked back to Langstone and got my hands on six sausages, they were greasy, great and free! I played Deimos Rising, did pushups, read the book and then went to the evening service. Well, before going to the evening service I went around to Phoebe's house for about an hour. More free food there. The afternoon service was all about Control and letting God into your life. I felt it quite appropriate for my current situation. After the service I ate free cakes that'd been leftover from some time earlier that day, talked to Johnathan, ate more cakes and then talked to Andrew. |