Got up, did the WoA results and played no April Fools jokes on anybody. Decided it just wasn't worth the retaliation that'd happen. Sorry for the dull day, it was all WoA related. |
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Nothing to write about - Saturday
Friday, March 31, 2006
Good and Bad - Friday
Up in time to arrive for my Math Exam. Here's what happened in the exam, in choronological order. Test starts. Teifion reads question 1. Teifion thinks about question 1. Teifion writes a page of answers and finds out that he's actually ended up with the origional question as a result. Not a good start. Question 2 part A is read. Teifion writes a page of workings and maths before finding that he's just had a repeat of Question 1. Question 2 B is similar and Teifion doesn't even know where to start. Question 3 looks possible. Teifion completes the question as best he thinks he can, the result makes sense. Question 4 is exactly what Teifion expected, but worth an extra mark (8/20) and so Teifion makes sure he's done it poperly. End result is that Teifion thinks he passed, assuming he did badly, as long as he has an average of 6.33 for the next three tests he will pass the unit. After the exam I got the bus back to Langstone, played a little Marathon, ran some WoA stuff and then did some PHP. Dinner came along and myself and Jack enjoyed it. I got back and carried on with the PHP, I got so engrossed in it I forgot to go down to the refectory to get free food! Later on I did more WoA stuff and completed Marathon. And that's my day. Notice the complete lack of socialising or doing much at all. |
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I expected more to happen - Thursday
Up in time for my 0900 lab. In the lab myself and David wired up some more stuff and David started work on the C code. I'm starting work on the VHDL this week (it's this very different programming language). After the lab I went and chatted to one of the guys from WoA, he lives in Gosport and came along for an open day. Owing to a lack of bus I walked back to langstone. I think it was a 40 minute walk in total. Back in my room I did the usual WoA stuff, failed to complete any levels in Marathon (only played a very little) and also made my packed dinner, chickein sandwich. I turned up for the early computer practical and spent some time teaching C programming to one of the people before realising that my group were on the other side of the room. I went over and did what I could to help them (very little sadly). They left early into the second lab session and I spent most of that trying to teach a guy called Alex how to solve problems. He's a very bright guy, but seems to have problems remembering things people say. After the lab I went to CE. Today was about grace and that you can't possibly get into heaven except through grace. Sadly the compelte lack of sleep is catching up on me and I felt very tired during the video part when the lights were dimmed. Once I got back to my room I did some WoA stuff, blogged and started revising for my math test tomorrow. I found that I got 14 marks for my math test two weeks ago, that puts me at 50% and means that in the next 3 tests I only need to get 20 marks to pass. |
Not good - Wednessday
I had an 0900 Internet Apps lecture this morning. I awoke at 0700 ish as planned. However, I turned my music down and fell asleep. Not a good start. I managed to awake at 0845 and after wash, dress, breakfast and packing got the 0930 bus for my 1000 lecture. Luckily the lecture that I missed was stuff that I learnt in A Level about Relational databases. I understand the subject very well so that's always a good start, obviously, not everybody has exactly the same education as me so it's good that Shikun is going over the items. Misha Filip's lecture wasn't very easy to concentrate in at all. After it Gareth, Chris and myself went to the ECE KTG. I've got a little more stuff to do and we're hoping to have it ready by the weekend. Something of interest to at least 3 people that read this blog is that David Ndzl is thinking of getting people from the Creative Technology department to do graphical stuff. I think that's a pretty good idea as, for all the programming knowledge we may have, we can't make much in the way of graphics (I can make very very spiffy flow-charts, but that's it). After the ECE KTG I got onto one of the last levels in Marathon Infinity and then got the bus back to Langstone. There I carried on work on the website and did the standard WoA stuff. Dinner was excellent, Roast Wednessday always is. After dinner I played Worms Armaggedon against Gareth. It's basically a 2D world with small worms that shoort missiles and suchlike at each other. It's impossible to play it in a serious (well, for me at least). Just before hall group I aquired 3 bits of chickein from the refectory. That's lunch and dinner for tomorrow. Hall group was very good, we did wade off topic a lot but it was good (i.e. Lawrence told me how to make a REAL morter). Next week there's no hall group because we're doing something involving chocoloate and giving said chocolate to other people. After hall group Gareth and I played more worms. Sadly I lost track of the time and it's now 0115 on Thursday. This isn't a good thing as I've got an 0900 lab tomorrow. |
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Splodgit - Tuesday
I was in well on time for my 0900 math lecture. I got a hold of the practice test and it's a lot lot easier than I thought. The lecturer doesn't need to teach us some of this extra stuff for this test (though there's nothing wrong with it). Owing to the fact that the marks for the last test are still not out I was wondering about my arrival to Christianity Explored, currently I feel more worry about failing maths than anyting else in the immediate future. The Computing lecture was nothing special, I spent a lot of the time grinning like an idiot as I played with Splodgit. Splodgit is my latest possession, it's one of those Ribena (probably misspelt but the spellchecker couldn't help me) stress release toys. It's small, purple and when you squeeze it the eyes pop out. It's really funny and I've played with it most of the day. I plan to buy more Ribena and bring chocolate, thereby getting lots of them and giving them to friends that have said they like them. I also sent that email to Branislav about Mr S not knowing anything. I talked to some more people and so far, I've not heard a single good thing about the guy aside from the fact that he doesn't lecture to us. Owing to the current position on the math test I missed the math lecture and got back to halls. I carried on working on the ECE KTG website I'm doing, we're meeting tomorrow and I'd like to have it ready for a second review. After dinner, rather than work on the website I played Time Splitters 2 with Gareth. We've now completed it on Normal difficulty and are working away at hard. When I realised that it was very late I told Gareth that I had to get back to my room. I did my laundry and worked on the site as planned. |
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Not a bad day - Monday
I had an excellent lie in. Up at 1130 in time to get to my 1300 lecture. Nothing special about the B122 lecture. After the lecture it was a three hour lab (part 2 of the one I got 85% in last week). It was a lab where you worked as a team. David and myself worked as a team and basically discovered that the lecturer had no clue about anything. We don't know what mark we got. I got back in time for dinner (cycled). Dinner was nothing special, thoguh it was tasty. After dinner was the WoA stuff and then I got the bus into town. It turns out that this lecturer lectures the second year, but not at all well. I'm going to be sending an email to my head of year about it. The CU meeting this evening was very good. The speaker addressed being content as a Christian. This is something that I was interested in. Note that I'm just about always optimistic and most of the time content. He said that there are 4 main reasons to be content as a Christian (and I'm not a Christian).
Sunday, March 26, 2006
So different - Sunday
I had a lie in so didn't look at WoA in the morning. The morning service at church was about Jesus and Popularity. Johnathan went through some stuff showing how he actually chose to be unpopular so as to fullfill his purpose. Johnathan is a very good pastor and would probably score massively high marks in any kind of English comprehension test. After the sevice I walked back to halls with Lawrence and Sarah. Lawrence told me a lot of April fools ideas which I've made a note of. Thanks Lawrence. Getting back to my room I did the WoA trades, I left it really late last week. For reasons unknown to me, it was much much faster today. At 1330 I walked into the refectory to get a cup of hot chocolate and see if I could blag free food. I'm taking a book with me and sitting down next time, there were still people arriving then at 1330. I played a lot of Marathon and devised more WoA stuff (it's really a very good game). I also thought about the ECEKTG website project I've got. The evening service was also quite good, though due to lack of sleep I don't think I managed to grasp the full meaning of it. Johnathan was talking about how Jesus was a leader, but served others. We also learnt that the word Deacon comes from a Hewbrew word similar to the Hebrew word for servant. After the service I chatted to Andrew Ward about my Christianity Explored and my views on it, I also found that when Sarah had said "yes, carry the joke on" with regards to her "friend" she actually meant "no, I would rather you didn't carry the joke on". I wish people would be blunt rather than expect me to guess what they mean, it'd save so much confusion. I then walked back with Lorna, talked about some of the stuff Lawrence had told me and explained more about the ECEKTG project. Got back and chatted to various people, washed (that's the 3rd time this month...) and also talked to someone specifically about open days in the ECE department. |
New Recruit - Saturday
Unlike last week I actually got up on time to do some stuff, get Breakfast AND start on WoA before 1030. Nothing special about today's working out of results at all. Well, not the local (i.e. only affect that team) ones any way. We did however have a rather large change when it came to working out all the violent stuff. World of Arl now has a new Custodian (Game Master). Khornesone is now an Admin. It was a test run today, we didn't give him Admin power incase he changed his mind, he does however really like it and wants to stay on. He also passed the test. At the time of writing story stuff we were not telling people who the new Custodian was. So they were of course guessing like crazy. As a test of his integrity, myself and WarpGhost told three people that Khornesone knows and got them to "guess" that he was the new Custodian. They also tried to wheedle information out of him. Particular mention goes to Coel who broke just about every single type of rule you can have on this sort of thing. Khornesone managed to fob them all off and almost comvinced one of them that we were playing a joke on them (though Khornesone didn't know we were doing this). I think that counts as passing with flying colours. The evening was spent yakking to people, working on some more World of Arl stuff and also explaining a load of stuff to Khornesone. Now that he's a Custodian we give him full answers and tell him the whole truth, players have to make educated guesses about stuff. |