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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Long Day - Saturday

I got up at about 0840 ish and basically WoAed the rest of the day. I took a few breaks, used my Free Coke Codes to get some Kutless Songs, used the voucher from my Gran to get some Neuroticfish songs, I've been listening to them all day. I took a break at one point to sort out some more stuff with the CU website, it's quite handy that the students all live so close to each other. Next Saturday and the Saturday after that should be somewhat more interesting to read as I've got parties to go to (assuming I can WoA done fast enough).

Friday, October 06, 2006

Birthday - Friday

I awoke very tired this morning around 0700 and lay in bed, when I actually got up at 0930 my shoulders and upper back ached, almost as if I'd carried a load of free stuff a mile and a half yesterday. Either way, my day soon got better as I got some music and was soon listening to it. Gareth Bought a Vinyl Disc some time on Ebay, he assumed it was a CD. We laughed at him quite a lot and I went back to snoozing/WoAing/MSNing. I didn't do an awful lot today until about 1730 when I walked to Asda, got some fizzy drinks and then walked to the BBQ. It was a long walk and my shoulders now really ache from all the carrying stuff. At the BBQ I got some presents. Lorna, Brierley, Sarah and Emma got me a Mr Potato Head, some Chocolate and some Playdoh. Lizzie, Jo, Emma, Charlotte and Chris got me a Kite, in addition Lizzie and Jo (I used to say Jo and Lizzie because I think it sounds "right" like that but Lizzie complained and Jo wasn't fussed, see what a nice guy I can be?) got me a bag of chocolate covered "Lymington Seagull Poo". I think it tastes like chocolate covered rasins but I'm not a master cheff so my opinion probably isn't valid here. Special mention must go to the card that Jo made, I'd have a picture of it on the web but my Camera is in Steve's car (I forgot to get it out of there when I left it in there). It is made from very nice navy blue card with a picture of the cookie monster on the front (really nicely drawn) with writing saying "Me Want Cookies!!". I think it's very nice that my friends know me so well. Within 60 seconds of getting the Kite I was putting it together and in true Engineer style, ignored the instructions. I got it together fine (despite Lizzie complaining that I should read the instructions), however, needed help with tying a knot (I'm really hopeless at it). Shortly after the knot was tied the plastic bit it was on broke, I'm tempted to blame Lizzie because she tied the knot but that'd be unfair, I could blame Sarah because she was holding the stringe but that'd be unfair, I think it was however better without it. I again used my cool engineering skills to "solve" the problem and we had the kite flying, at least until the string broke (it was very windy). Steve H and myself had fun walking about 400m through high winds to the sea, trying to fill a bucket with water without getting wet, failing at that (the filling it up part, we were both very dry) and then walking back 400m with about 8kg of sand in the bucket, the handle threatend to give at every step. By the time I got back I was very very hot, everybody else was in jackets shivering and I had a t-shirt on and was almost sweating. I also found a way to get people to believe that it's not an act, I get them to touch my neck, in short order I was being compared to a fire because my neck is for some reason, really really hot (though the back of my hands is also a good one). At some point Lawrence came up to me and put his arm over my shoulder, Lawrence made a mistake in this in that I always know he's got something planned so I moved away. The second time (about 10 minutes later) everybody was ready and 5 or more guys all grabbed me. To be fair, they did hold onto me for about 5 seconds before I squirmed out of their grasp. It turns out that while I may look like a skeleton with some very stringy muscle, that muscle is well toned for twisting. In the end they couldn't give me the bumps and settled for all just sitting on me (most of the people weighed somewhat more than me but I survived). After the BBQ some of us went to the pub but I was very tired and so didn't do a lot, when Sarah left early I got a lift with her, it was very welcome as I'm extremely tired from all the exercise I've done. I got back, strung up my Birthday cards (thank you to Lauren for untangling the string), ate some Seagull Poo, WoAd, MSNd, ate some more Seagull Poo (seriously, it's great stuff, I need to look into getting some more), listened to some Worship Music (thanks to Lauren and Pete W I now have 14.6 hours of it!) before going to bed. Now that I am 20, I'm wondering if I should be acting a little older, to quote Brierley and Graham on the card they got me (has a picture of a Gorilla with the words "Hey Gorgeous!") it says "You're no longer a teenager, but it's okay, it doesn't show!". I'm wondering what doesn't show... Edit: As a side note because I forgot to include it earlier, my housemates got me a mahoosively big bag of sweets and the Lizzie-Jo household made me a cake!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

MORE free stuff! - Thursday

I got up and left the house at 0845ish, Prayer meeting was at 0900. The Prayer Meeting was over by 0930. Note that last time, we'll be looking at it later. I went to Freshers Fayre and helped at the CU stand a little, got free Pizza for the people at the CU stand. I also got some more bags. Infact, I got a lot of free bags. I would go up to the Union people, then after a while I started asking for a second bag (I was wearing an Orange t-shirt so it's impressive they didn't recigonise me!). Then, disaster struck! They recigonised me! What would I do? What was the best way to get out of it with at least one more bag? So, without any hesitation, with a big smile on my face and a look that spoke friendliness, I asked for three bags instead. I walked off with three bags. This is what I got yesterday. This is what I got today (notice that it's about 3 times the size) and this is the sum total of what I got from Freshers Fayre minus a couple of items such as keychains. I got about 20 goodie-bags today, so, I had a backpack with some in and four slightly large carrier bags full of the mini ones. It was a mile and a half walk home (ish) and by the end of it my shoulders hurt a lot. I got back around 1330. I'd been on my feet ever since 0930 bar a few minutes of sitting. Before that I'd already walked into Uni for the Prayer and Fayre. Lauren and myself then walked to Tesco (another three miles for there and back) and by the end of it my feet hurt a bit. Steve H and myself sorted out the sound stuff for the CU at Immanual Baptist Church, this involved carrying very heavy equipment up a flight of stairs first. Steve somehow managed to not carry anything heavy (he's stonger than me, but very lazy and says so himself). After sound was setup I went with Sam to meet the Freshers and walk them back (there's another two miles to add to the total). After the Freshers Introduction meeting I helped pack up the sound and because Steve H is so lazy, he drove to the Pub (which was handy because it meant I was almost the first one there). I played a game of Chess against Lawrence, last time he won without too much of a problem, this time it was much closer. We traded Queens early and the game remained mostly tied. We got down to about 3 pieces each, I was in the lead but some very very good movement from Lawrence resulted in a draw (I had just the King, he had a King and a Knight, it's impossible to get a checkmate with it). Lawrence and myself started a game of Draguhts but called it a draw (I think Lawrence had about 30% more than me) because we were walking some Ladies to their halls. Becca is now the first lady to have happily accepted my coat when it was cold/raining, strange that I've been doing it a whole year and Ladies normally decline. My Mum would no doubt come out with something about it being a nice coat or my lack of shorts wearing. I talked to Jo (a different Jo than our Vice President) who has apparently already heard stories all about me. She is a Languages student and knows little about computers, so that rules out topics on anything I know. I think I might have scared her by proving I could touch my nose (tip of the nose specifically) with my tounge and also my ability to show only the whites of my eyes, it's a new ability I discovered I had! I walked back with Sarah, Brierley, India, Emma, Andy K and Andy Malcom. India is very cool because she can also touch the tip of her nose with her tounge! Despite all the good stuff that's happened, I don't feel amazing right now, possibly because it's 0037 on a Friday and possibly not, I'm normally up later. Meh, I'm sure I'll manage to recover, in other bad news, Becca said she'd proably not participate in my free stuff competition :(

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Free Stuff!!! - Wednesday

I got up nice and early today and got to the Prayer Meeting. We didn't use the Chaplaincy and instead prayed on a bench next to a path in a park, I wonder what the people walking past us thought. After the Prayer Meeting I had to enroll, this went mostly okay but I had to setup a direct debit because my student Loan stuff still hasn't come through (I'll have to go see the people sometime). After Enrollment I went to Freshers Fayre. Over the next few hours I managed to get a wee bit of free stuff. I then walked with Huw back to his house, then mine. I dumped my stuff on my bed and got some water, then went back into Freshers Fayre. This time I got a very little bit of free stuff and mostly helped man the CU stall. After Freshers Fayre, myself, Lorna and Steve H talked about the CU website, we've now got FTP access and so are going to be improving it. Sadly Lorna isn't sure of exactly what she wants us to put there. Dinner tonight was very nice, Lizzie and Jo invited myself, Brierley, Lorna, Sarah and Graham to their house for dinner. Lizzie was the only one doing any cooking when I arrived but I'm told Jo did help (I suppose she did talk to me when I got there, incidentally Liz probably helped too). Dinner was Pasta, Bacon and Carbonara sauce. I was given a massive helping, how someone like myself (I think I weigh close to 8 stone and am as such, very thin and lanky) could eat it is beyond me. Ah well, what I did eat was most excellent and I enjoyed it so much that I felt a little sick by the end of eating (I ate to capacity). I rate the food as highly tasteful, filling and despite the lack of mayonayse, delicious. Anybody that knows me will know that I usually have copius ammounts of mayonayse on most things I eat. Graham and myself washed up afterwards, there was a lot to washup and if people cooked for me again, I'd wash up again (providing the food was to such a high standard as it was today). After washing up we all sat around and talked, I've now officially been invited to Lizzie's birthday party. However, it's on a Saturday so it's a little iffy about me acutally being there. After getting back home I did some WoA stuff and then went to bed. All in all a good day. Funniest thing I heard today? "Teifion, your bum is really boney!" (then shortly afterwards) "But not nessessarily in a bad way". I'm rather complimented (it was from a Lady).

More Doughnuts - Tuesday

I got up nice and early so as to get to the Prayer Meeting. It was at Lorna's house, we all had Bacon Butties and it was a very nice way to wake up. We prayed mostly for Freshers and the Freshers Fayre Wednessday and Thursday. Afterwards we sat around and chatted about various things. In the end, Brierley, Sarah, Emma, Steve H and myself went to Langstone to give out Doughnuts, I gave Tom the head cheff a card to say thanks for the great food last year, he was really happy about it. We gave out a lot of Doughnuts, though Langstone was for the most part very quiet and it was hard to get rid of them. After Langstone we went over to Lorna's again, they gave me free lunch which was really nice of them. After that I did a podcast with a guy from WoA. Not long after that, I had dinner. Lauren had as usual very kindly offered to cook. Pete wasn't having dinner with us tonight (he just had a snack). Recently (i.e. since about Saturday) my appetite has been far reduced and I don't know why, I assume stress. Somehow I ate a massive portion of Potatoes, Chickein and even Vegetables. I think Lauren is an excellent cook! After dinner, Huw came over and we podcasted, then played some computer games. Overall it's not been an overly interesting day.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Free Donuts! - Monday

I got up at 8ish, (getting into the swing of it), did some WoA stuff and then walked over to Jo and Lizzie's house. From there we walked to Asda, found they had very few donuts, we then walked to Tesco and got 100 Donuts. From there we walked to the Bateson Halls. Now for the hall manager. I went in to ask for a table for us to put the Donut packs on, he was very very much against religion. Apparently by giving Donuts out to freshers we're forcing out Religion onto people. Still, he couldn't stop us doing it and simply glowered at us and refused us a table. After about 15 minutes Steve arrived (making 4 of us if you've been counting carefully). Shortly after that Lizzie suggested that two people go to Trafalgar hall to give out Donuts, I said I wasn't fussed and so was given 50 Donuts (in bags) to carry. After about an hour and a half or two hours, I wasn't paying a vast ammount of attention to time and it went quite fast, we were out of Donuts. Half the freshers thought there was a catch to us giving out Donuts, losers. I had 5 of them last year and look at me! After that I walked home and did some more WoA stuff, watched some Scrubs (oh it's a hard life being a student) and then did more WoA stuff. Later that evening myself and Pete met Becca outside Her hall, however because Jo and Lizzie had said they'd meet her there we had to wait for them, they were late. In the pub I lost at Chess to Lawrence and Sarah, it was a fun game and we made many a joke. I then talked with Huw about WoA and to many other people about it, with a bit of luck more people from the CU will join! I walked Jo and Lizzie home because nobody else was, then walked home myself. I met Gareth and Becca, they got some kebabs and I carried on, I wish now that I'd waited with them, because I was walking down the road and behind me were two fairly large guys, running. I crossed the road, and so did they, so I started running off, they stopped chasing me fairly fast (I can move at a very good pace when I want to) and I got home safe and sound. Again, the time probably had something to do with it, it was only 11pm. You may have noticed that only the first instance of WoA is a hyperlink, I figured I only need one per page so only the first is.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

We may have competition! - Sunday

A great day all told, I met Becca outside her halls (I linked her to that picture of me being wuved by Lorna and so wore the same t-shirt, she identified me quite easily). We walked to the Union and the Church Crawl happened, there were 3 Freshers (I was impressed there were that many, it's the first weekend, most haven't noticed the CU). Becca came to Eastney. The morning service was the Harvest service and we learnt about some food problems in Bolivia, namely that they have nothing but Potatoes and Wheat to eat. The Christian work being done there is improving their standard of life many-fold. After the service we all went to the Thatched Cottage. Normally we have Sarah's car and that's it, now that Steve H is no longer on placement we also have his car, and for a few weeks, Lizzie has a car. Lizzie, Jo and myself got there first and correctly guessed the right number of people and took a table. I had the Half Roast chickein, of which I normally eat about half of, I ate maybe a fifth of what was on my plate, where had my appetite gone? I normally eat much more! After lunch we all headed to #10, where we saw some pictures of a wedding that Steve, Steve, Andy Ward, Colin and Greg went to see. After that we went down to the seaside, I brought the Nerf Vortex (woo to Early Birthday presents) and we (Colin, Andrew, Steve and myself) threw it around. It was so windy that thowing the vortex one way resulted in it moving oh so slowly (but fairly far) and whistling like there was no tomorrow. Thrown the other way it turned sideways (yet was very accurate), didn't whistle and went very very far. I think it works best in low wind conditions... After the beach we went around to Lorna's house, origionally I was going to be helping give out Donuts at Langstone (by "give out" I mean I was going to be having Donut's for lunch with any Fresher that walked past), now however I've been moved to helping Jo and Lizzie placeate a halls manager (we think they may not like the CU), it was strange how several different people just suggested me, I always thought I was viewed as a bit of a loose cannon in sensetive situations such as talking to a hall warden. Turns out that I'm apparently really confident and diplomatic (when I want to be). Jo promptly made me laugh a lot when we were told that she thought I was more mature than last year. The next three weekends will be interesting, I've got WoA on all three as per usual, however this Friday is my birthday (at Lorna's the Ladies were talking about getting me new trousers because mine were ever so slightly too short), the Saturday afterwards it's Lizzie's and the one after that Sarah has a Birthday party. This will present slight "problems" in my attendance and I may not be able to make it to them. I will try and might make it to the evenings of them. After the Evening service I went over to #10 to watch some Monty Python, however, on the way Steve. SiƤn, Jo, Becca and myself passed Lorna, Sarah, Phil, India and possibly someone else that I can't remember, I yelled really loudly out the car window at them and they all jumped, we all laughed and Phil later texted me telling me he thought it was hillarious :D The name for today is because Becca said she might try to beat me at the free stuff competition. Before I told her the rules she tried to claim a point from getting chocolate off me!