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Saturday, April 29, 2006

I hit someone! - Saturday

I managed to drag myself out of bed at about 1100, spent most of the time between waking up and getting up reading more of the book. When I finnally was up I went to the refectory to get breakfast. Normally I ask for more sausages and suchlike, as you'd expect a growing man to. However, the lady forgot to ask for my meal ticket so I was essentially getting free food and the less I said the less she'd recall. After my excellent and free breakfast I did some Othello stuff and cycled to Tesco to get some food for myself. Just outside Langstone there is a set of council houses. Every so often some chavs come into langstone from it to try and steal bikes. Three chavs were crossing the road as I cycled along, not caring that there was a cyclist heading towards them at maybe 15mph. However, like most people they realised in time and slowed down. For some reason that escapes me, other than perhaps stupidity, some fat child, half my height sped up. After looking at me. Sadly the breaks on the bike are not designed to come to a stop from 15mph in the space of two meters. I swerved a little and my shoulder struck his, at an angle that was good for me. I'm guessing that he got something close to 60kg of force into his shoulder and he flew onto the floor. I was fine. As the kind and courteous person that I am I got off my bike and checked he was okay. He was a little shocked but fine. The bike and myself were fine so I got on said that I was sorry I'd hit them (despite not being in the wrong in any way shape or form that I could tell). The child I'd hit (looked like he weighed twice what I did) started swearing at me and telling me I was going too fast. I rode off to Tesco. Halfway to Tesco I realised that I'd seen this child before. He was in Langstone trying to break into the Tower Block. I have no sympathy for him at all and simply ignored him on the way back, this time he had a bike but he (for some reason) didn't give chase. In the evening I almost completed Deimos Rising. I also had a greasy dinner of food acquired from the refectory (I now turn up whenever possible to grab leftovers). I also read more of the book

Spots Anybody who sees me face to face often will know that I'm a slightly spotty person. The only time I've not been spotty since spots appeared was when I managed to miss-read the instructions on a spot-cream jar. I got the equivilent of sun burn on my face. Suffice to say I'm trying to puzzle out why I have so many spots. I'm lowering my intake of ketchup as much as possible and trying to eat more greens. I also use Spotcram but I'm not sure it's got much effect. Any more suggestions?

Friday, April 28, 2006

Manageable - Friday

I got up an hour later than planned, my alarm had de-activated itself. Luckily I had only one lecture today and I don't need to go to it. Still, there was an assessment thing happening and I went in to see the lecturer about it. I got him to sort of see a "draft" of my work and it looks like I'll get a good mark for it. I spent some time helping Sam from the CU with some PHP code he had to debug. When I have flaws in my code I think I should ask other people to help me, it's so much easier to spot mistakes other people have made. I found that sadly there was no bus back at the time I got out of Angelsea building, however, Alan was also walking home so I spent about 40 minutes (seemed like 10) talking to him about how to play games like an Evil Overlord. I spent the evening reading "A Clash of Kings" (book 2 in the series), making flowcharts for a C program and a very little time on WoA. The great thing about timing here is that just as my workload has increased (it'll vanish soon enough) the WoA workload drops. I went to bed fairly late, but then, I've not got WoA to do tomorrow, just work. More importantly, it's work that I know. I find a great satisfaction in doing work that I "know" exactly what I have to do and even more if I'll learn to do something new at the same time.

Eating Chocolate The people that I don't want to see tips are silly enough to only read the blog on the days they meet me. The people that goto Eastney or see said people I think I can trust not tell other people. Sadly however nobody sent me any suggestions, however, seeing as the people I'm trying to beat won't read this post, feel free to post any and all suggestions here :)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

It mounts up - Thursday

Up early early early for my 0900 lab. In it I got a good bit of work done as did my partner. We've got a clear picture in our minds as to who does what and what that'll entail. I then walked/jogged home (33 minutes, new record) and sat down for a while, it was very hot out there. I did some WoA stuff, lunched and thought about MySQL. I then went into uni and attended a Lab I didn't need to. Well, need is an imprecise word here. In this case there's an assesment tomorrow and I wanted to make sure I was prepared for it, which, after an hour, I was. The C lab was okay, we've gotta hand it in for Tuesday, that means that Saturday and Monday are for writing up a report. My group is of four people and it's not as focused as the two-man lab group I've got. My team-mates are in no way bad or incompetant, so far they've been excellent. However, I feel that a smaller group would be better (or we need to get a team leader voted in straight away so they can get everything organised). I left the lab half an hour earlier than usual because I had to go to Tesco to get some stuff for CE (Well, again "had to" is wrong, "Volunteered to" is better). CE tonight focused on what we must do if we are to be Christians and it was quite appropriate for me given my recent choice. During CE Lizzie said that week Sunday everybody in Eastney chruch is having a "competition". It involves eating as much ice-cream as possible. Sam gave us a lift back to Langstone (or in the case of Greg and Lizzie, to their houses), it was a wee bit cramped in the back but I was okay with it. Getting back I did more WoA and realised it was only 2200, that left a good two hours to read book 2 of the series. Thanks to Huw for lending it to me (apparently the author is halfway through the fourth book and there'll be approximately seven of them).

Ice-Cream Rather than post comments, email sarkalian at suggestions for how to win the competition (don't hold back on your suggestions, cheating is allowed, sort of). The people in the CU tend to mostly read the blog only on the days they see me (some read it everyday) and the last thing I want is to get beaten by someone more attractive than me.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Choices - Wednessday

Up early for an 0900 lecture. Well, I woke for the lecture. I didn't go because I already knew what it was about. The one just after it wasn't overly interesting. After the lecture I went to the ECEKTG and learnt that there are a couple of little things to do to the site and it'll practically be done. There was a Board of Studies meeting today, normally they start at 1330, today it was at 1430. This gave me a good two hours to loaf around (thoguh I didn't realise it was 1430 until I turned up to find nobody there and after asking found the truth). The meeting itself wasn't too bad, it only lasted one hour and I got lots (well, four) free cake things. Dinner was a Roast again (alwawys is on wednessdays). I got three free pies and also a leg of chickein (which I just ate, yummy). After dinner I spent more time reading "A Game of Thrones". I'm almost finnished, it's an excellent book and my neck is starting to cramp up. I'm also losing sleep time because I stay up late reading it. Hall group was good tonight. I've decided that I'm almost certain I want to be a Christian, as far as I can see, there's no reason not to become one. After hall group I sat down and chatted to Lorna a little about Christianity before comming back to my room and spending a good 30 minutes doing WoA stuff!

Colour? Completely random (sort of) question. What colour of Chocolate do you like most and why? I personally like White chocolate a lot, however, the Tesco variant is sicklier than I'd like and sucks the moisture from my mouth. I have to say I like the dark and darkish variants of chocolate sold by Tesco.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tired - Tuesday

Okay, the title is more of how I feel right now at 0038 on a Wednessday. I got in really early for my Math lecture and then spent the rest of the day attending lectures and doing work. In the afternoon I carried on reading, had dinner and then went bowling with my Housemates. I am completely rubbish at bowling but apparently "bowl with style", or at least something that causes people to laugh. After bowling we walked around for a bit then I went home while they all went in the Spinnaker tower. On the way back I met Ben and his company made the walk go much faster. In the evening I did my laundry and read more of the book.

1750 And I had more lectures today!

Monday, April 24, 2006

There's free seconds too! - Monday

Up early today. I had breakfast and spent the rest of the time reading a book I've borrowed from Huw. "George Martins - A Game of Thrones". It's very very good and Huw has the sequels. I went in for my lecture at 1300 and afterwards made it to Tesco in time to also get the bus back (I admit I walked moderately fast). The afternoon was also spent reading the book (it's really that gripping). Dinner was a delightful Steak and Kidney pie. I got a second one for free afterwards. CU this evening had some slight technical hiccups, not least that we had no computer for the projector that worked properly, if I'd known I'd have brought mine (which would have worked). As it was Lizzie was typing up the songs as fast as she could manage while someone ran to get a computer with something halfway useful (software wise). Just before the CU thing started tonight I got a lady walk up and rub the stubble on the back of my head (wondered when it'd happen). Helen just walked up, rubbed it once and ran off. It turns out she'd been dared to do it by Sarah, Lizzie and Brierley. They all came over and rubbed it too. Lorna and I had talked on MSN about how many people I could get to rub my hair and I'm trying to remember if we stated it had to be on Sunday... In the Pub I talked a lot with Huw about WoA, he's really enjoying it a lot and we've told two other people about it. One is very intersted and one has a passing interest. After getting back I had that Steak and Kidney pie, read more of the book (apparently I'm reading it very fast, I'm only halfway through), blogged and went to bed.

1730 1730, not sure what I said, but it was a criticism and aimed at Brierly. I've come to the conclusion that making mock jests with people such as Huw is clearly not criticism and therefor okay.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

There is such a thing as Free Lunch - Sunday

I got up, did some WoA stuff, then walked to Church. None of the others normally at Langstone were there today as they're not yet back from Holidays. It was me, Siän and Lizzie. And it turned out (about 5 minutes before the service started) that we were doing refreshments. I made it to the shop and back in time (had to go get biscuits). For lunch I was invited over to the Hacker's, but I'd heard Becca mention that they didn't have food prepared for students to come over so I quietly left when they were not watching. I felt that if they didn't have food prepared, it would be rude to go over their house. I instead got a free lunch from the refectory (lots of left-overs). So, turns out there is a Free Lunch. The Evening service is still on the subject of Church Leadership. My logic is that if the Church has survived this long, it must be doing some things right, and I fail to see how Leadership cannot be one of them. The first point that I took from the service is that Leadership is important, well, I don't disagree at all there. The second is to ensure that people are not elevated above positions that they deserve, when people become aloof, who will challenge their choices and decisions? After the service I walked Lizzie and Jo home (Siän didn't come to the evening service, but Jo did, almost as if they're on a rota...) and then walked home myself (their house is only a little out of the way so it's not a problem for me). Sadly I've yet to get a lady to rub the back of my head (it's stubble there after the last haircut), however, there's always tomorrow :)

Midday I managed to get to about 1200 until I criticised someone. I was washing stuff up and jovially said that Lizze was a little slow. Too bad. I managed to be good for most of the rest of the day, the way I see it, after the first misshap I have to wait until the next day to start counting. Next week I'll add another challenge. The logic being that after a while, I'll have perfect inter-personal skills :)

There is such a thing as Free Lunch - Sunday

I got up, did some WoA stuff, then walked to Church. None of the others normally at Langstone were there today as they're not yet back from Holidays. It was me, Siän and Lizzie. And it turned out (about 5 minutes before the service started) that we were doing refreshments. I made it to the shop and back in time (had to go get biscuits). For lunch I was invited over to the Hacker's, but I'd heard Becca mention that they didn't have food prepared for students to come over so I quietly left when they were not watching. I felt that if they didn't have food prepared, it would be rude to go over their house. I instead got a free lunch from the refectory (lots of left-overs). So, turns out there is a Free Lunch. The Evening service is still on the subject of Church Leadership. My logic is that if the Church has survived this long, it must be doing some things right, and I fail to see how Leadership cannot be one of them. The first point that I took from the service is that Leadership is important, well, I don't disagree at all there. The second is to ensure that people are not elevated above positions that they deserve, when people become aloof, who will challenge their choices and decisions? After the service I walked Lizzie and Jo home (Siän didn't come to the evening service, but Jo did, almost as if they're on a rota...) and then walked home myself (their house is only a little out of the way so it's not a problem for me). Sadly I've yet to get a lady to rub the back of my head (it's stubble there after the last haircut), however, there's always tomorrow :)

Midday I managed to get to about 1200 until I criticised someone. I was washing stuff up and jovially said that Lizze was a little slow. Too bad. I managed to be good for most of the rest of the day, the way I see it, after the first misshap I have to wait until the next day to start counting. Next week I'll add another challenge. The logic being that after a while, I'll have perfect inter-personal skills :)

There is such a thing as Free Lunch - Sunday

I got up, did some WoA stuff, then walked to Church. None of the others normally at Langstone were there today as they're not yet back from Holidays. It was me, Siän and Lizzie. And it turned out (about 5 minutes before the service started) that we were doing refreshments. I made it to the shop and back in time (had to go get biscuits). For lunch I was invited over to the Hacker's, but I'd heard Becca mention that they didn't have food prepared for students to come over so I quietly left when they were not watching. I felt that if they didn't have food prepared, it would be rude to go over their house. I instead got a free lunch from the refectory (lots of left-overs). So, turns out there is a Free Lunch. The Evening service is still on the subject of Church Leadership. My logic is that if the Church has survived this long, it must be doing some things right, and I fail to see how Leadership cannot be one of them. The first point that I took from the service is that Leadership is important, well, I don't disagree at all there. The second is to ensure that people are not elevated above positions that they deserve, when people become aloof, who will challenge their choices and decisions? After the service I walked Lizzie and Jo home (Siän didn't come to the evening service, but Jo did, almost as if they're on a rota...) and then walked home myself (their house is only a little out of the way so it's not a problem for me). Sadly I've yet to get a lady to rub the back of my head (it's stubble there after the last haircut), however, there's always tomorrow :)

Midday I managed to get to about 1200 until I criticised someone. I was washing stuff up and jovially said that Lizze was a little slow. Too bad. I managed to be good for most of the rest of the day, the way I see it, after the first misshap I have to wait until the next day to start counting. Next week I'll add another challenge. The logic being that after a while, I'll have perfect inter-personal skills :)