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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Long Journey

I've completely forgotten to blog for the last week! On Wednesday I went to see my Dad affirmed as a probational police officer. Friday afternoon I found when my Referrals are, Tuesday, Monday and Tuesday. Yes, there's a week gap between the 1st and 2nd. However, the Hackers have very kindly said that I can stay at their house (thus solving the biggest problem of accommodation). So, the odds of me blogging over the next week and a half are very low as I'm going to be trying to revise a lot.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Structure and Organisation

Yesterday I didn't go to Church! I went to the Sunday School instead to help. In Portsmouth the children leave mid-way through the service, just before the main talk. The children in Portsmouth that I help with are a few years older than the ones in Wales and there was a marked difference.

For a start, we're in a different building so the Children run around a lot and make as much noise as they please. Secondly, because they were younger and were allowed to run around a lot, they were quite chaotic. There was a very vague structure to it, we watched a DVD thing where some (admittedly fairly good) music was played along with dancing. At first I thought "Oh great, it's another rubbishy music thing with cheesy songs that hurt my ears with their sheer lack of quality". The first song was quite good, the second not very good and the third okay so I was surprised.

After that there was a story from the Bible, Becca explained the story of Solomon and his many wives. Then there was a quiz and colouring in. In addition, Becca and I helped ourselves to some of the sweets used as prizes for the quiz. It was good. Filling out a form to be a helper at the Cheltenham Bible Festival I found something quite funny.

Section 5: Emergency Contact Details
Next of Kin:
Address of Above person:
Contact Details:

Okay, I know why it's needed, however, I laughed a lot and thought you might too.

In the evening my extended family came round and we had a big dinner. It was lots of fun and really nice (