At 1715 I'll be on a hovercraft on my way to the Isle of Wight, this means no blog for the weekend. Got up for my 0900 lecture, it was a bit chillier today and there was no double decker bus. That meant I couldn't wave at people ^^. The lab was okay, that 'moron' on a motorbike a few weeks ago was my partner, we laughed a bit. He said sorry and that he thought I was a nutcase because I went so fast. We had a cracking time. I got back, had a big lunch (no idea when dinner is) and downloaded Gods Debris by Scott Adams. I then packed and spent some time reading it, it's gripping (description on the site). I'm taking the laptop as I'm also taking the camera, this means I'll be able to get tons of pictures and also blog the whole thing, I will NOT be doing web-design or WoA results this weekend, even if I've got the fastest connection going, it's a CU weekend and I'm only taking the laptop to enhance it, not take over from it. Item of the Day - Awsome Book |
Friday, November 18, 2005
Posting Early Today - Friday
Thursday, November 17, 2005
For some reason, very warm - Thursday
I got up nice and early. I had a damp jacket, a quick look at the frost on the grass told me it would be a bad idea to wear it to Uni. I went out in shorts and t-shirt to my bike and there was ice on the saddle. Yes, this is the first time I've ever had that happen. The bike was otherwise fine and there was also no ice on the road. I overtook the bus on a very good stretch of road that allowed me to pass it at about 5mph faster than itself. I used that time to wave at all the people I knew on the bus, some of them waved back :) The lab with Hassan was nothing special. Several people did comment that I was not mentally fit, they were of course ignored. The afternoon lesson with Hassan was good. We told Tom that he couldn't sit by us because we were getting fed up with not being able to hear Hassan. Tom sat at the front and asked a total of approximatly 7 stupid questions. After the lecture I went to the Academic Skills thingy. I talked to a lady called Emma. I'll be having help with not Spelling and Grammar, no, I don't need help there (apparently). Instead, I've had some help with writing shorter scentences, studying, researching (well, will have help) and hopefully some Memory stuff too. I sat down to dinner with Sam and Jack, Sam left soon after Briley and Lorna arrived. Lorna and Briley had a go at me saying something about me having too much sugar. I'd be interested to know if it's really a problem having all that sugar. I do burn off a lot of calories (I think) cycling in several times a day, often in what the weaklings here call 'cold'. After dinner I got some stuff for the Blog Homepage up and running, hopefully you'll like it, there's also a rudimentary Cast Page up with some pictures, Marisa asked to have her picture not put up there. |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Pedjumping - Wednesday
I've decided to stop writing the date in the title, I get it wrong too often. My day started at 0900, the lectures were nothing special. The chat with Reinart (I spelt it wrong last time) was quite good, he's going to teach me some stuff on Neural Networks for the Othello game. I sat down for a few hours before the Student Guide thingy was due, I attended. It was quite good, I'm rather unhappy that Nick Savage isn't one of my lecturers, he's a really interseting person. I'm also going to be paid £5.98 an hour, specifically, 2.5*£5.98 for today :) On my way in I played a round of my new sport, Pedjumping. I really really scared someone. Pedjumping involves going as fast as possible, as close as possible to people that cross the road when you've got right of way, and scaring them as much as posslbe. On the way home I was attacked by some morons, they threw something like sand at me, however I long ago stopped cycling with my mouth open, things fly in there... I got back, washed what little had hit me off (incase it was something bad) and went down to dinner. I must say that Marisa dissapointed me, after asking me what type of dounut I liked she didn't give it to me ^^ However, I got a second anyway (without even asking, Tom just said to take one). The CU hall group was quite good, we're going to meet up outside the Union at 1700 and I'll be carying as many bags as possible (being a gentleman). I went back to my room blogged and slept. On a side note, feel free to comment, whoever you are, even if you don't want to say the most complimentary things about me, though please refrain from swearing, young people read this too. |
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The Achillies Heel of a Web Designer - Tuesday - 15th of November
I'm rather glad I went to my first lecture for 0900, it was puring with rain and chilly by even my standards. I was of course wearing shorts (nobody seems to get that it's easier and not cold in shorts). I took great pleasure in waving to the people on the bus (one of whom normally cycles) as I sailed past them. The lecture was Internet Apps and again, we were discussing stuff. The Lecturer was explaining about good layout, specifically where links should go on a page. We were in a BIG room, the one with 200+ capacity, though there was more like 100 people in there. Firstly he went to, I thought it was okay but he said it really wasn't (too many links on the front page). The Portsmouth website was really bad (links all over the place), then, his website. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but it really wasn't very good (he said so himself). Then he went to the Uni forums, and scrolled down. I saw one of my posts come up, I knew it was mine because it's got a Apple logo in the signature and a picture of me for the Avatar, he looked at me and said. 'Can I use your site for the lesson?" I of course said 'Sure, go for it'. 100 people saw the nice CSS layout, in IE! He switched to firefox and they saw what a real browser could do, 100 people saw the nice rollovers (no javascript, all CSS), 100 people saw the page change colour based on where he was on the site (colour coded readme). 100 people also saw him click on the only link that was broken, ONE link on the whole site, I'm sure of it, one link..... Still, I corrected the link in 60 seconds and told him to go back at the end of the lecture. Maths is going to be intersting, we have advanced Trig for the next test, definatly going to need to revise it. Prof Cripps' lecture was amusing as always, as promised, we started everyone clapping (all 8/10 of us at the back corner) at the end of a paragraph. I cycled back (it wasn't raining which was nice), showered, dried off, did some basic organisation of my bookmarks and some PHP experimentation. Myself and Jack sat down with Briley and Lorna for an hour or so for dinner. We're all looking forwards to the weekend away. Of note on my cycle home was one near hit, I was doing a good 15mph+ down a slight hill (yeah, they do exist here) and someone decided that they and a group of people should all walk out in front of me (while the lights were green for me). I managed to get within centimeters of the guy at the back and yell at the top of my lungs 'OI, WATCH IT'. He almost jumped out of his skin, I need an air horn, as such it's gone on my Christmas list. I got back to my room, did some more PHP, wrote the blog, chatted to some people on MSN. Of interest there was talking to a Mrs Svärd through her husband (I've yet to find out why she didn't want to use the keyboard herself). |
Monday, November 14, 2005
VANDALS! - Monday - 14th of November
I got in for a dud lecture, I can't actually remmeber what the person talked about (it was really really boring). After that we had a computing test, I think I did quite well, despite the compiler I used throwing me all kinds of wobblies. After the mini-test I cycled back, grabbed a sandwich and got back in time for a Web Apps lab. This lab was a complete waste of time in the sense that I knew all I needed to about it (it was an intro into using Dreamweaver, GoLive is much better). I spent the time using the high speed broadband and chatting to the lecturer. I then went to the lab with me lab partner David and we spent a good two hours managing to achieve very little. On exiting the building I found I had a flat tyre, this time however I had a pump. I pumped it up to see how fast it'd go down, it didn't go down noticably, so I cycled back on it, expecting to have to pump it up several times. I got back, it was still okay, I went to dinner, it was still okay. Someone had let the air out of it ^^ I got to the CU meeting in time to help set up the sound stuff, the room we were in was normally used for clubbing and so reflected sound back inside itself, the speakers there were also very large. After the service we sat in the Union bar and I had two pints of Coke, I've got to stop drinking so much of the stuff so fast. I spent the evening talking to Siån, Chloe and Joe. I then walked back with a lady named Abi/Abbey and Siån. Siån comes from Swansea and for some reason thinks it's warmer than portsmouth, I guess it must be me. After walking the ladies home (I'm a gentleman) I cycled back and went to bed. |
Sunday, November 13, 2005
A walk on the beach - Sunday - 13th of November
I got up in time to walk to Easterly Evangelical church with Lorna, Briley and Sarah. It was quite nice, the best bit was Jonathon and Rebecca (Pastor and his wife) inviting the students back to their house for a curry, it was excellent. After the delicious lunch we went for a walk, I came back to do some web browsing and then went to bed early, I've got a test tomorrow. While on the walk I offered to do a website for the church as apparently their current one is several years old. |