I meant to get up at 0700. I however turned down my alarm and fell asleep until about 1100. For the rest of the day I wrote some PHP stuff for WoA and chatted to people on WoA. Yeah, I've had an interesting day, don't get me wrong, but it's not really very good blogging material. On a side note we've still heard nothing of the Australian and have no clue what to do. I'd give out his name but I know that he only gives his name out to people for work related things or people he knows well. On a side note Sam thinks his speakers are louder than mine. When challanged he declined (it was midday) so I'm assuming his speakers are rubbish. Seeing as I can't think of anything cool to say. I'll tell you that if you want to see the (almost complete, they'll work for tomorrow) results of the programming goto here and put throw in the (old) dummy orders that I made for it. That's what I've been working on. |
Friday, February 03, 2006
Grey Day - Friday
Digital Clock Assessment - Thursday
I got up nice and early. In time for my 0900 lab. I talked to sam later today and he said that he was going to wake up nice and early just to annoy me. I laughed a lot. But back to the present. David and myself got a basic alarm working and got a mark (we were not told what). I went and chased up Shikun Zhou about getting into a blocked site (my Server's control pannel). I got that sorted out then went to the 2nd lab and helped Peter get by. His partner left him midway through the project and he was just having a lot of bad luck overall. After the assessment Peter, Aaron and myself went to Tesco and I got some ketchup, cookies and cheap lemonade. I've got orange squash and want to see if the two mix. Aaron and I got the bus back to Langstone. Shortly after getting back Gareth and myself played a lot more of Time Splitters. We managed to complete a level on the hardest difficulty. It's really really good fun to play as a team. In the evening after dinner we played some more time splitters until quite late. I then went back to my room and talked to Potsmasher from WoA. He's quite young and from America and can't understand my idea of "Only care about stuff that matters". He can't grasp how I shrug off insults and simply don't care about lots of things. One day... |
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I'm getting a list of tips - Wednessday
Again, got up nice and late. Oh I have a hard life. I spent all the time up until dinner programming some WoA stuff. It's good fun. I've also said that I will 'probably' be going to the Alpha Course. It's got free food so it should be good :) After dinner I played some more Time Splitters with Gareth. The difficulty of the levels rises very very fast and is a very good challange. I invited Gareth to the hall group and he decided to give it a go. The hall group was quite good, Gareth didn't talk much, but Sarah (Sarah that does Psychology and is engaged to Lawrence) and Helen have decided to make me a list of the top 10 tips for getting a girlfriend. The first two so far are • Don't mention the 'F' word. The 'F' word begins with 'F' and ends with 'at' • Bodily functions are not needed nor wanted I'll keep them in mind. Thank you for the advice. Again, a slow day. I'd post source code problems, but you would find that boring. |
Week Off Begins - Tuesday
I have no work for a whole week, my last exam is on Monday and Coursework makes up 50% of the module. I should be okay. Still, a little revision is prudent. I managed to drag myself out of bed at sometime after 1100 and before 1200. What a hard life I have... I spent the afternoon writing PHP stuff for WoA and playing Quake. After dinner I went over to Gareths and we backed up Briley's computer and re-installed Windows. It'd been messing around, rubbish Anti Virus that wouldn't go and we volunteered to fix it. We'll be sticking on Firefox and other real stuff along with decent (and free) Anti Virus stuff. Gareth and I somehow managed to play Time Splitters 2 from about 1800 to 2300. Co-Op mode is awsome for things like that, I wish more PC and Mac games had Co-Op modes. It's late and I've done very little today, my apologies to those expecting a day of flirting, non-stop action, explosions and possibly water bombs. |
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I can pick people up - Monday
Nice and early today, 1000 exam. It was easier than I thought, 45 multiple choice questions about a topic I know very well (HTML and web design). I'd not be surprised if I got 90% or more. After the exam I went to Tesco to get some food for the week and then got the bus home. During the rest of the day I did some WoA stuff and listened to loud music. I've also started trying to do pullups on door frames, I need stronger fingers. Anyway, the reason for today's title. I was talking to Lorna on MSN and told her I was afk for a moment. Here's the conversation. Lorna: What are you doing? Teifion: Finger pushups Lorna: What are they? Teifion: Push ups, but only on fingers Lorna: Why are you doing push ups? Teifion: To get stronger Lorna: Is it for the ladies? Teifion: Partly, it's also for actual strength Lorna: Why would you want strength? - (note the silly question) Teifion: So I can beat up drunks and pick up ladies, literally Lorna: You couldn't pick me up Lorna is very light and should have known better than to challange me like that. Suffice to say I can pick her up physically. The CU is having a football match against Southhampton CU in March or something and they need players. I've already volunteered but it looks like there won't be many subs. This is good and bad, good because it means I play more, bad because I'll be knackered by the end of it. Looks like I should start jogging places... |
Sunday, January 29, 2006
I'm happy with who I am - Sunday
I got up nice and early to get to Solent Church. It took me 35 minutes to walk there (3 miles) so that's close to 6mph walking speed. The free donuts and tea was nice but at the end, when asked about if I was a christian by the speaker (I of course said no) he started talking to me about being a christian. I was okay with that but on the way home thought more about what he said and think it's rubbish. The part that was rubbish was the way that he said he thought I was confused and that if I were a christian I'd be very knowledgable. I don't know about you, but whenever anybody starts promising me great stuff for free I start to disbelieve them. As such on the 35 minute walk home again I came to the conclusion that the grass is probably not greener on the other side, I am happy with who I am, what I can do and so on and so forth. But enough of that, if you want to be a christian then I will not be trying to stop you, christians are normally quite happy, and if you can't find happiness elsewhere then it's a good choice. During the main part of the day I didn't do a lot. Mostly some programming and web-design. I did however go to Easterney Church that evening and I'm glad I did. It was nice to socialise, there's quite a few of us. After getting back I wrote up the blog and discussed with Abi about why I'm not a christian. I've been brutally honest about what I think about religion with her, if you want to talk to me about religion, I'll make sure to ask you before saying what I really think of it. |