I managed to get up at 0800 today, yeah, you should be impressed. Especially when you hear that I managed to get to sleep at about 0100, a whole 7 hours sleep. It's come to my attention that some people are surprised that I sleep so much, well, I don't. It takes me a long time to get to sleep, regardless of the conditions (one exception but that's a story for another day). This means that I am tired, then factor in that I do a lot of looking at a computer screen and you'll realise that my eyes get tired too, not just my brain. Now factor in all the physical exercise I do and you'll see why I like napping (plus it's a great way to put things off till later). Anyway, back to today's happenings. I went down to the refectory and sat down, the staff there weren't the ones I knew so I didn't think it'd be a good idea to ask for free drinks, last time I did that to a group (maybe the same ones) that I didn't know they got slightly annoyed. I sat down there for a few hours and made a start on the WoA results, when we had all the orders collected we (Me and the two Custodians) found that GTalk doesn't have group conversations, this meant I went back to my room to use my modem and MSN. The reason that I say that WoA was stood on it's head (sort of) is because the most powerful team's got beaten to a pulp and there were lots of plans backfiring everywhere. After the results I cycled to Tescos, I needed some more cereal and bread, while there I also splashed out 17p on some coke. After getting back and enjoying a bowl of Crunchy Nut corn flakes I went down to the refectory and sat down and used the wireless. While doing so I drank a litre of coke. I'm not sure how much that is in pints but a pint in the bar is £1.20. This means that I am missing out on social company and music, but gaining wireless and cheap coke (which tastes better too). Wait a moment, social company in the bar means smoke and football, hmmmm, and music means stuff I don't like, while on the laptop I get to choose exactly what I want. Hey, it's really not that bad at all.... Lesson of the Day - The best place in the bar, is just outside it
Saturday, October 29, 2005
WoA gets stood on it's head (sort of) - Saturday - 29th of October
Maths Test - Friday - 28th of October
I managed to lie in until very very late, no lectures until 1300. Mmmmmm. I turned up for Dr Tawfik's lecture after having a fried breakfast/brunch and managed to not fall asleep while he went (very slowly) over something I already knew. After the lecture I picked up a study pack and asked him not to use red on blue text again, it's very very hard to read. I grabbed a study pack and did some more revision. The test itself was not overly hard. The first question was not easy but only worth about 1/8th of the test, I think I got one or two marks from it (workings out). The rest of the test I think I got good marks for, minus one question, but again, lots of workings out to show that I know what I'm doing. That evening I did website design, laughed at E and F blocks when they managed to get a fire alarm go off. As they pushed one of the buttons (i.e. the ones behind GLASS) they have a 350 quid fine, despite them saying it was accidental.... Overall, a rather uneventful day Lesson of the Day - Music sounds so different on headphones when compared to laptop speakers
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Overall, better than I expected - Thursday - 27th of October
I managed to get to the 0900 lab on time, despite being very tired. The lab involved messing around with a circuit board and writing (read copy from a sheet) some computer code. It was in all rather easy, minus the fact that I and my partner had a dud board. After the lab I cycled back, napped, did some web design, ate lunch and cycled back in. My afternoon lecture was with Hassan (who also took the lab) was quite good, I actually had to think about the questions he posed us and he made a lot of jokes. After getting back I washed and showered, then, it was washing time. I washed my clothes and then dried them, the driers on the other end of the campus are MUCH more powerful, I'll be using them next time too. After I finished the washing I grabbed some lunch, Briley and Launa were already there so myself and Garath (on a course very similar to mine) sat with them. We chatted for so long that I managed to drink 3 whole cups of Hot Chocolate, after that Launa and Briley stood outside chatting for so long that I finished the third one with lots of time to spare. After that I napped, web designed, blogged, revised for a maths test and then slept, I start at 1300 tomorrow, there's a 1.5 hour break between that lecture and the test which I'll revise in some more. Lesson of the Day - Before putting money in a dryer, check it's your dryer (I lost 20p today)
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I can't think of a title - Wednesday - 26th of October
I got up at 0800, I somehow spelt through my alarm, most annoying. I managed to get to my lecture on time, and of course, it started 15 minutes late.... My second lecture of the day was rather boring, covering 'The Technology Context', basically why we shouldn't use MS Office but were still going to have to. Personally I'm going to look into a way of converting it at the last moment. For lunch I had Tuna Fish, mmmmm. I cycled back into town to see my bank, they told me to phone the Student Finance people and ask for a trace on my loan, the reason they gave was fair enough (that it's another bank and they can't trace it) and they were friendly enough that I'm not going to assume they're messing me around. The Dyslexia assessment thingy said that I may or may not be dyslexic. I now have a questionnaire that I've filled out and will be handing in tomorrow and have a 'screening', after that I've got another followup on the 2nd of November. Some of the questions are apparently stupid, I only found one stupid question. 'Is your handwriting difficult to read?' This being halfway through a HAND WRITTEN (answer wise) questionnaire, I was so tempted to leave it with a 'You tell me' as an answer. My day improved a lot after that, I got back and began the cooking of some sausages, in total it took me THREE HOURS to cook all 6 sausages, yes, 3 hours. However my CU hallgroup really did like them so it was worth it, plus my dinner tasted great. The hallgroup was great fun, we always chat and such before starting worship. Afterwards I went back to my room, wrote the blog and took an early night (for me anyway). As there is no LOTD today, I've instead been forced to place a Joke of the Day Joke of the Day - You remind me of the Ocean - You make me sick
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Uggh, I don't wanna get up.... - Tuesday - 25th of October
My alarm went off at 0700, my first lecture (Internet Applications) was at 0900, I managed to lie in until 0800, take my time getting up, have breakfast and cycle to the lecture without getting a stitch (that's how cool I am ;). The lecture involved me trying to stay awake (I got to sleep well after 0000 that morning), I managed to stay awake. After that I had Engineering Analysis. In Portsmouth it does not rain nearly as much as Wales. My bike was 15m from shelter, and it was raining a LOT, I was almost drenched by the time I got the padlock off it and started moving, I was almost dripping during my lecture.... After that lecture it wasn't raining, but I didn't care, there was a massive wind blowing towards Langstone (there always is) and so I zoomed back to halls and grabbed lunch. Struggled on the way back and brought a power extension (lots of sockets on it). Ben and myself tried networking during Cripps' lecture (he teaches Networking so was okay with it), Ben's computer was of course unable to do anything 'social' so we never managed it. After Cripps' lecture I zoomed back to halls (again). Sat down and did something or other, I think it was some cutting and saving of webcomics. At 1700 the refectory opened and I got in there, I was famished. I learnt the names of several staff and chatted to them a little, again, the food was excellent. Tom thinks I'm going to put on weight by the end of the year. I certainly hope so, I keep cycling everywhere, I should get some real muscle mass by the end of the year (as opposed to the fake stuff I have now) After dinner I sat down, did something or other, I think it was napping, then cycled into town for the third time today. It's amazing how cold it is at 1800, I needed gloves, and yes, I had my bright bright lights on. I got some Milk and a 2 litre bottle of Coke from Tesco, the coke being the cheaper item.... After that I came back to halls (surprise surprise) and listened to Hard Fi, they are an excellent band. At some point (maybe just before/after napping) I did some stuff to the blog in terms of appearance. Lesson of the Day - There is NO safe way to open a 2L bottle of coke that's been in a backpack for the last 3ish miles
Monday, October 24, 2005
Jeans, yes, I wore jeans..... - Monday - 24th of October
Today was a bad day. I woke at 0700 and really did not want to get up, it was raining outside and for once I felt slightly cold. A good breakfast sorted out that problem nicely, I decided that because Jeans 'look cool' I'd try wearing them, also, I was taking the bus, too much rain to cycle. The first lecture (0900) was a waste of time, the lecturer didn't turn up. The second I didn't need to turn up to, I knew everything already. For my lunch break myself and Peter went to Tescos and bought some really cheap stuff for lunch, it was great. After lunch I turned up to another lecture, again, I knew everything (noticing a pattern here?). After that I booked a dyslexia assessment for Wednesday 1500, if you're talking to me at that time, tell me to get a move on. My last lecture of the Day was great, I actually did some real work. It was the Engineering Analysis, I have no idea what it was called, but I remembered the method for doing it, Mrs Jones, Mr Holland and Mrs Ledger would be proud.... After that I got onto the bus, what was really really funny was that the Uni somehow think that 70+ people can fit onto a bus which has room for about 40, well, we got close to 60 on. It was a bit cramped, and again, I didn't manage to save Briley a seat. What was even funnier was that while getting on, Dan said 'Hello Tiargo', and after my reply of 'Hi Incredible Dan', he ignored me.... I got back, waiting in my room for a few minutes and then walked down to the refectory, they now know me by the name of 'smiler' because I always smile :) Briley managed to wait until I had started eating to arrive and complain that I must have rushed to drop my stuff off, run down to the refectory, barge people out the way and generally somehow warp time to get there first. I think she's lying..... After rushing my food a little I caught the bus to Blackwells (Uni bookstore). During the wind and rain swept walk about 5 minutes down the road I ate an orange, I am not good at eating oranges, here is what I managed to do. - I had to get Briley to open the orange (no fingernails) - I had to squeeze it real hard, then realise I needed to bite it to get the juice - I had to roll up my left sleeve and hold it away from me or get covered in juice - I had to wash my hands really well, and they STILL smell of orange After the service thingy at St Lukes we all went back to Langstone, Sarah and Briley went to their flats, I went to meet some more of Launa's flat-mates. The first new one I met was called Sam, as I was asking for Lisa (who apparently wanted to meet me) Sam called down the corridor, she has the exact same sense of humor as me. 'Lisa, some guy apparently knows you, he's climbed in through the balcony and says he wants to marry you, I think he's delusional' I'n not sure if that was the reason why Lisa spoke to me for less than 5 seconds, but she certainly didn't seem to be that interested in meeting me (I really should have worn shorts....). Sam, Launa and one of the other ladies on the floor (I THINK it is 'Chandonay') played a round of Cheat and some other game. I managed to win cheat and lose very very well at the other game. I then went back to my room and went to bed, I have a lecture at 0900 tomorrow that I will know already (Internet applications) so I'll have to make sure I'm there..... - Ammendment - After closing the 15" down I heard the sound of a firealarm, it was the E and F blocks, I got to watch a load of people loiter around outside their blocks while nothing at all caught fire... I did offer Briley a cup of tea, but she said no. I didn't see Steven there so couldn't really offer anybody else anything. They were lucky, apparently one hall in the middle of the city had an alarm set off at 0400, yes, 4am for most people... Lesson of the Day - Jeans are clearly not as cool as I'm told....
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Sailing - Sunday - 23rd of October
I got up at eight, the CU church crawl starts at 10 and I needed to get some fizzy drinks for the boat trip. It turns out that shops can't sell stuff before 10 on a sunday, so I was a little late. Thank goodness for a bike, I could have sworn those pedestrians walked in my way on purpose.... (and don't even get me started on the pigeons) I went to Kings church, simply so I could find out where Dan's boat was. Kings church was very friendly and nice, but I'm not as keen on it as Easterly Evangelical. After the service I had to pedal rather hard to keep up with Dan, his bike is lighter than any other and I've only just gotten back into cycling. Still, he only really overtook me on the 500m straight at the end (but it was by a lot). The sailing itself was great fun, sadly the other people were not that talkative and so I didn't actually make any real new friends. I was the only one brave enough to climb the mast while in roughish water, and on the way down was almost knocked off when Will (Dan's co-captain) hit a massive wave, though he claimed it wasn't his fault *grumble grumble*. After getting back I sat down outside the refectory and downloaded more webcomics, I have them set to change my desktop every 15 minutes, though I'll probably change it to 10 when I get lots more. As a side note, I was the only person other than Dan to get anything for the boat trip, I spent a massive 37p on two 2L bottles of Coke and Lemonade. For dinner I had some fried egg + gammon + toast. I enjoyed it immensely. Also, for anybody that knows me, feel free to leave comments, Anton and James have started, I love feedback, if you think I made a mistake, tell me. Lesson of the Day - Climbing a mast is easy, I've done it several times now (Tall ship voyage two years ago)