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Saturday, November 18, 2006

PLAYZONE!!! - Friday

Lectures = Eugh. Right, now that's out of the way, the afternoon! I programmed and WoAed. Okay, evening! Playzone, but first, I spent an hour or two talking to a fresher (while WoAing). Katharine was feeling unwell, specifically She was unwell enough to come to Playzone. Of course, I am not going to let a bit of a bunged up nose stop stop me from getting a Fresher to Playzone! After roughly an hour Katharine had agreed to meet me at the bottom of James Watson hall whereupon d make sure she got the Union without collapsing. I prayed for half an hour. I got to James Watson hall, she was there and feeling fine. Turns out it had been slightly more than a blocked up nose but again, do I look like I care? I've got God on my side. Prayer Works. So, we went to playzone, it was really really good fun. As with last year, people have no idea how "skilled" I am at not getting friction burns. People kept telling me I'd burn my leg hair off or set fire to my legs (okay, not the second one but it'd have been funny if someone had said it). Suffice to say, the only injuries sustained were on my right elbow where I banged it going down a slide, my left knee bumping into a pole and my left big toe stubbing on a step. By the end of Playzone I was so worn out that Sarah started to worry I might be ill. I soon recovered and though not quite as energetic as usual, walked Siän home and then walked back myself. There I had a short shower, WoA'd a little and blogged. Overall it's been a good day and I really enjoyed it.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I like days with only two hours of work - Thursday

I had a very nice lie in and turned up to my 1100 lab. In it myself and Chris did a lot of thinking, bounced a lot of ideas off of each other and as a result got a lot done. Chris estimates we're halfway to solving the problem, I'm not quite so optimistic but I know we did a good bit of work. The lab also went very fast, we were very engrossed in our work. After the lab I went home, there I WoAed and then programmed Phil the Database. I went to see Jonathan for a final Baptism Session where we discussed Prayer quite a lot. It was good and I learnt from it. When I got back I pretty much programmed for the rest of the evening, it's now 2300 (I got back about 1700ish), lets call it five and a half hours, all programming. The time just flew by as I started work on Phil's sister database, Maggie. Of interest to Mac users might be what happens if you push Command (often called Apple), Option, Control and 8. No, I've not broken your computer, it's just inverted the screen. It's designed for people who have trouble viewing the screen as it is normally, I personally find it very relaxing on the eyes, particularly if I'm in a darkish room. Tomorrow is PLAYZONE! I also added to my Christmas List, adding a Delirious? album and Warcraft 3 the Frozen Throne complete with Expansion Pack. It's a good game and I know it's got a lot of life left in it.

Somewhat better - Wednesday

I got up quite on time for my 0900 Java lecture. I went to the Java lecture and learnt some new stuff about Java. After the lecture I sat down for some WoA and then some programming in the area of WoA. I enjoyed it but for some reason it just doesn't make good blog material. Salem's lecture wasn't incredible, I found I got 47% in the test, I thought I'd done better than that, ah well, just means I know I need to put more work in for future tests. After the lecture I met Becca and showed her the way to the Prayer Lunch. I had an awesomely cool joke planned but it failed. Siän's house (where we have the prayer lunches) has a short extension to the hallway beyond the door, this means I can wall-climb up it and sit above the door. Sadly there's a massive pane of glass there, rather than in the front room they were all in the kitchen so saw me. The joke was going to be that I'd let go of the wall, fall down quietly and say "Mind if I drop in?". Becca, Siän, Graham, Brierley and Ceryn didn't laugh much either. We prayed for the issues concerning the CU, everybody but myself, Siän and Becca left. We washed up and I went home. There I checked my email and found that to follow a certain link I had to go see someone at Uni. I got to the Connect Up shop and spent about three quarters of an hour talking to the guy there about Macs and whatnot. I got home, had dinner (it scored a single handful of vegetables today, though to be fair the waffles were replaced by mashed potato). I then did some Java, got totally confused when it didn't work. Gareth knows the niggling details of Java somewhat better than me and quite easily pointed out the keywords I'd missed out. I did not "roll out of bed" this morning. The reason being I had an idea that my head my connect with something solid very fast, possibly achieving the reverse effect to what was intended. Thanks all the same for the suggestion.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gaaah - Tuesday

Well, when I looked at my watch this morning it said 0845. So, I stayed in bed until about 1100, then went to the Software Systems lecture. After that I sat down with Chris, I did some Java stuff, he did some Digital Electronics stuff and we occasionally helped each other. After that we went to our evening lectures and I went home. At home I did some WoA, ate dinner, played a lot of Halo 2, more WoA, some Java and an early night. On the plus side tomorrow I only have two lectures, will try out Wulfbanes suggestion of waking up (cleared my floor specially for it) and quite possibly will be run on a good night of sleep.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Tired? - Monday

I awoke gently at 07somethingorother. I fell asleep shortly after resetting my alarm. I looked at my watch. 0830. This was "not good". I had a lab at 0900 that I had to attend, my current fastest at walking was 18:33 and I had to get washed, dressed and pack some stuff into my bag. 0905 I was in the lab, 0910 the lecturer turned up. It was Ionnais so we traded jokes. He's cool. Myself and Chris got to work on the Java project, we figured out what we each needed to do to get it off the ground. After the lecture I got some cornish pasties (Tesco Value). I wish I'd gone for the Sausage rolls, I think the pasties disagreed with my digestive system a little. Formal computing was very very boring (sadly) and I walked home after it. I napped for a while (I was still very tired) and then went to setup sound. We got it all almost working before Steve returned from dinner. Today I wasn't running sound, Sam wants to get more involved, the problem is I'm still somehow involved in carry the heavy stuff, I wasn't feeling overly well before having to carry it, now my arms hurt even more. I've decided that next week I'll have to see what I can do about not being involved in sound if I can help it. CU tonight was about Prayer, it's importance and how it's a great privilege. It really challenged my thinking and I think I should read more of the Old Testament. After CU I was somehow again required to carry heavy stuff, though Steve carried more than usual because I wasn't up to it. I went home (though I did talk to Andrew and Simon a bit before they left) and MSNd to WoA players and also Becca from the CU. Tomorrow will be a good day (I think). I've got Java in the morning, a two hour break, an hour of software systems, two hour break, digital electronics, software systems then no Data Coms tutorial, it's been cancelled this week. That is good. I also uploaded another picture of myself. It's quite impressive I weigh little enough to be able to stand on Pete like that and for him to be quite okay.

Free Lunch! - Sunday

I got up, walked some of the way to Church, saw Sarah and got a lift with her to the Church Search. The bad news was that there were not enough car spaces for the ride back, so I walked. I got half way there before Sarah picked me up and drove me the rest of the way. We got in ten minutes late but didn't miss anything beyond the initial hymns. Jonathan was talking today about Eternal Life, the key message of the Bible. It made me think about a conversation I'd had with a friend the other day about Baptism. He believed one thing and I believed another. They key thing was that though it's important, it's not something that should detract from the main message. For lunch all the ladies went around to the Mitchell's and the guys went around to the Hackers. There we had a most excellent Curry. As a new method of defining how good the food is I will add a value of what vegetables I ate with it, the better the food the more vegetables I will manage to eat with it. This curry scored 4 Cabbage leaves (technically three but one was twice the size of the others) a mushroom and I think three chunks of carrot. If I'm ill we know why. For the rest of the day we watched a Delirious DVD and went for a walk. The Hackers gave us afternoon tea which was very nice (I had a decent sized tomato slice). We then went to the afternoon service. It was about the Futility of Wars, how they don't server anything in the long run and that rather than saying it's the government's fault, we need to first look to ourselves. Specifically that we need to "Look to the needs of others". After the service I walked Lorna and Faye (I think that's how it's spelt) home and then sat around talking to them. Sarah's blog had a special thing about me, specifically she's going to start using paragraphs now. I got home, WoAed and checked the sites I check. On the ECE Forum there has been an interesting thread about the Mac Adverts ditching the "cool" guy. More importantly I quite like my response to them trying to imply I look stupid. However, after that they simply started trying to find a picture of me. PeteA is Pete from my house and we got this and this as examples of what I look like. The first picture of me being a giant isn't photoshopped in any way, it just came out like that because of the position of the camera (was standing on these small rails that are just below shoulder height, I don't know what they're called).

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Interesting Saturday? - Saturday

No, not THAT interesting. I slept in till 0800 (I meant to get up for 0530), still, all the results got completed on time and I still had time to chat to loads of people on our IRC channel. World of Arl has gotten somewhat more violent and competitive since last world. We've already had four teams nearly die. This world might be one of the shorter ones... Ummm, yeah, that's about it as far as if you're not a player. Ooh, there are two new blogs I visit. Sam from the youth group in Wales and also The Common Sense Marketer. Next Saturday I'm meeting Coel and hopefully also a guy from WoA, myself Coel, Huw and this other guy (Pete) will go out for a meal, possibly with Lorna's household, because they'd like to meet Coel (I think).