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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Typical Student

Felt you might find this story funny and/xor amusing, warning, it is a little messy so if you're eating, you best not read it just yet.

It was a Sunday morning, this morning as I write to be precise. Church for me in Wales is a good 4 and a half miles away, that's about an hours walk and getting a lift means I have to get one back and basically, it's a lot of hassle compared to a 20 minute cycle ride. Yeah, a lot of hassle.

Anyhoo, my dad is currently in the middle of a big "get fit" sort of thing, those that have seen him will note that he doesn't look particularly unfit, well, he's been doing a lot of exercise and said he'd cycle with me. It started off well, I'm lightweight and built for cycling. However, it was cold and my airways decided that a healthy layer of mucus would insulate them very well against the cold. My Dad wasn't having a problem and for the most part, neither was I, keeping up was however proving harder and harder.

My dad suggested going up a mountain on the way there, yeah sure, why not? It was 0955 and Church didn't start until 1030, I had loads of time!

I got to the top not feeling amazingly well, I'd had to wash my mouth out on the way up because of all the stuff from my nose and throat. It was pretty icky but there's a lot of vegetation on the mountain, some of it now has my snot over it (I'm polluting!).

We cycled down the mountain and my Dad challenges me to go as fast as possible, I don't have a speedo but I think I broke the 30mph speed limit, it was pretty good. During this speeding exercise, my legs moved pretty fast, infact, they were about as fast as I could go. I got to the bottom and really started to feel bad, I managed to turn onto a main road and BLEUGH!

Yep, I threw up, a big load came out and I thought that might be it, but no, more came out, and some more. I somehow managed to remain in a straight line but also managed to hit my left leg and shoe. I pulled to a stop on the pavement and decorated it with what was left in my stomach.

Now see the difference between a city and a town. A man came along and stopped (he was driving) and wanted to know if we were okay, the Firebrigade (we were just outside) all came along and gave me a bottle of water to wash off the worst of it. In the end I got a lift home from my Mum as I was feeling a little rough at that point.

Once I got home, had a shower and had lunch I was fine again. Of course, that story becomes a lot funnier when you condense it a little so it looks like this.

Teifion didn't go to church because he managed to throw up over himself while cycling, typical student...


Brett Jordan said...

s'funny, that kind of thing tends to happen to me when i go cycling with your dad :-)

your ever-luvvin' uncle brett

Anonymous said...

I think its his effect on people...

Major Look said...

Bloody Students - messing up the pavements again!