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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Back in Portsmouth - Week 12 and a bit

Saturday was good, WoA has paused for now, yet I spent several hours dealing with an Admin problem on it anyway. Sunday involved me having a short interview infront of the Church where I compressed this into the space of 3 or 4 minutes. To quote Emma, it was shorter than usual. I'm assuming She means I'm normally prepared, have planned and speak to the point of completion on a subject, not taking longer than needed but not cutting it unessessarily short. I thought that was very nice of Emma. Monday and Tuesday were a blur of Packing and some Warcraft 3 games. Wednessday invovled going down to Portsmouth, finding the house was in okay condition and also that Lauren had "commandeered" the room I was going to have. So as to avoid causing arguments right now I've moved into the smallest room, on the plus side I've got a nice chair here, it's not nice enough to completely make up for the other room but I'm sure I'll manage and cause annoyances of my own. I'll be honest, it's one of the scariest nights I've ever had, I don't know that I actually slept until about 0400 the next day, and lightly at that. I was alone in the House until Friday when Peter turned up, every creak and groan, no matter how faint was unnerving for the first 24 hours of being alone, after that I got somewhat better. Pete is in the largest room and has somewhat more stuff than me, we got Internet today (Saturday) and it's not bad at all. If you've seen the deal of free iTunes songs with bottles of Coke, don't buy more than 5 of the things, the smallprint says you get 5 free songs, no more. On the subject of Coke, someone who will remain nameless (it wasn't me and it wasn't Pete) decided that the best way to remove the Coke label and get the free iTunes song was with a sharp knife, stabbing the edge of the label and pulling the knife through the label this person cut slightly too far into the plastic and promptly blew the coke bottle up. There was coke on the walls and ceiling, my ears were ringing for a while. Having had to cook all my meals for myself has made me think of how nice it is to be at home where I not only get free meals, cooked by other people, they're also balanced. I've got very few doubts that I'll promptly stop being so pessemistic as soon as I see my friends. Family are great, but sometimes the simple fact that all 20 people around you are your friends is nice too. On a side note, I should say thank you to my Mum, Dad and Sister for driving me down here and getting me a load of food, it was most appriciated. One last thing while on the subject of food. Pete's Mum brought him down and I went to Tesco with them, it's probably a good thing I did because we had real problems with the unloading. We parked in a carpark, then when we had a trolley that weighed more than me (okay, slight overstatment) found that the lift was not working. Best of all I was the only one with a sense of direction and when we drove the car to pick up pete, we found that the auto-wheel lock on the trolley had engaged and it took both of us to drag it 30m and load the car up. Tomorrow I'll elaborate on my Free Stuff competition seeing as Lorna has already missed the point completely...