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Friday, April 06, 2007

New Shoes

I got up, did some WoA stuff and then some Citizen stuff. In all my cunningness I often ask the players of WoA things, this week I asked them What would you want to see in a game?. Some of the feedback has been good and I plan to incorporate it into Citizen. Of the people I've asked, the layout for Citizen has so far been nice, though IE refuses to display the images correctly, I'm sure this'll work in my favour as I don't want a vast number of players (at least not at first). After some of that stuff I was taken to get some replacement trainers as my old ones were falling apart. My new ones a much nicer and I like them a lot. Over the last few days I've had a cold, it's been very annoying. My Dad has been wanting to go for a Bike Ride with me this Easter and so I went but not only am I very unfit but my cold didn't help at all. As such my Dad easily out-paced me. One the Citizen site I'm using rollovers, below is the HTML code required for a rollover.

<div align="center">     <a href=""     onmouseover="document.buttonBoard.src='../../images/logos/boardOver.png'"     onmouseout="document.buttonBoard.src='../../images/logos/board.png'"> <img style="MARGIN: 10px 10px 10px 10px; WIDTH: 107px; HEIGHT: 107px;"     src="../../images/logos/board.png" width="107" height="107" border="0"     alt="Board Link" name="buttonBoard"></a> <br /> Citizen Web Board</div>
One Rollover link is one of those blocks, clearly this is not a fair system, it involves a lot of typing for me. With some smart use of PHP (it makes the computer think before making the web-page) I can write the following to achieve a similar effect.
<?php     addButton('main','index'); ?>
As you can see, it pays to be lazy :)


Brett Jordan said...

Proverbs 10:4

Teifion said...

Okay, laziness isn't a good idea but can sometimes produce good results if you put yourself in the mindset of a lzy person then not be lazy yourself.