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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Renewed Hope

The "Company" that I have been trying to get a placement with is actually the University of Portsmouth itself! Yes, I've been trying to get a placement with the IT department (called IS or "Information Services"). Stuart has attended the faculty board meetings and in one of them when I suggested IS did such and such he replied told me that they were understaffed. I know that at least one of their projects is written in Java, hey, I know Java!

Stuart said that the idea was a good one and that if I sent him a CV he'd send it on to his bosses. That was done, sadly however there is some internal rule stuff at the Uni I was unable to be employed by them for a student placement. Under normal situations this rule makes good and perfect sense, however, in the present one it does not. I decided that I should find someone who could solve this problem.

I emailed the Vice Chancellor of the University, I went straight the top and wrote him an email explaining why I liked the Uni and why I felt this rule was silly. I admit, I was not completely sure of the response I would get, would the Vice Chancellor of the entire University care about a single student that can't get a placement? Odds are he's never heard my name.

Purple Doors is a Uni service related to jobs when you leave the University, however, I didn't realise that they also delt with placements, the placements department in the ECE department certainly never mentioned it. The Vice Chancellor has contacted them on my behalf and I have now sent them my CV and hope to meet wit them at some point.

So, thank you very much Professor Craven, it's most appreciated and I will most certainly not hesitate to add this to the list of reasons I like Portsmouth University.