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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Renewed Hope

The "Company" that I have been trying to get a placement with is actually the University of Portsmouth itself! Yes, I've been trying to get a placement with the IT department (called IS or "Information Services"). Stuart has attended the faculty board meetings and in one of them when I suggested IS did such and such he replied told me that they were understaffed. I know that at least one of their projects is written in Java, hey, I know Java!

Stuart said that the idea was a good one and that if I sent him a CV he'd send it on to his bosses. That was done, sadly however there is some internal rule stuff at the Uni I was unable to be employed by them for a student placement. Under normal situations this rule makes good and perfect sense, however, in the present one it does not. I decided that I should find someone who could solve this problem.

I emailed the Vice Chancellor of the University, I went straight the top and wrote him an email explaining why I liked the Uni and why I felt this rule was silly. I admit, I was not completely sure of the response I would get, would the Vice Chancellor of the entire University care about a single student that can't get a placement? Odds are he's never heard my name.

Purple Doors is a Uni service related to jobs when you leave the University, however, I didn't realise that they also delt with placements, the placements department in the ECE department certainly never mentioned it. The Vice Chancellor has contacted them on my behalf and I have now sent them my CV and hope to meet wit them at some point.

So, thank you very much Professor Craven, it's most appreciated and I will most certainly not hesitate to add this to the list of reasons I like Portsmouth University.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I got a pass

I awoke at 06somethingorother and thought "eugh, time to fall back to sleep". I awoke again, I looked at my clock and saw it said 0830. This was "not good" as I had to see a guy from IS at 0900 and it normally took people 30 minutes to walk to uni. I got out of bed, had a very quick wash and skipped breakfast. I packed my bag and ran some of the way. After almost throwing up due to a massive bought of coughing I decided to forgo any more running and walked the rest of the way thinking "God, why am I going to be late?". I of course arrived on time and reminded myself to be a little more patient. All the points I raised were forwarded on to the relevant people and some people even have my contact details for further discussion if need be.

Later that day I had my Haskell Exam. So far I have achieved an A, a Pass, two Fails, a B and now another A, the 5 best will be taken and used to work out my final mark. I calculated that regardless, I've gotten a pass. CU tonight was about Money, it was quite good and made me think a little about how I spend my money, for the most part I think I use it well, maybe I hoard it a little too much.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bullet Points

Saturday and Sunday, both have involved nothing blog-worthy or at least, of interest to anybody but somebody so obsessed with my life that they have picture of me on their wall. As that person or persons does not/do not exist, I will summarise what has happened.
- I won a lot of DotA games
- I went to Church
- I had lunch at the Thatched House and managed to peg some people while they were looking at me (and they didn't notice either)
- phpBB3 was released and I've already installed it on my server and am testing it
- I have one housemate and need two more