Friday involved me ummm, getting up very late. I've got no exams and so had no motivation for actually getting up that day. I spent the day a little with WoA, then I went over to Huw's and played various Warcraft 3 maps until about 0100 Saturday. Walking home Friday night is never plesant, as it was however now Saturday morning there was no problem so it was all good :)
Today I got up quite early, I think it's because Portsmouth is so hot right now, it's really quite a big problem for me. I was working on WoA, for one of the pages I want to create a small tutorial that explains very simply what the game is. I have two options.
1) Use several pages to break up the content
2) Use one well formatted page to break up the content
3) Use Javascript and do something like this (click the left and right arrows)
Well, number 1 wasn't a very nice idea as if the server was a little slow or the internet connection of the user was dodgy it'd be horrible. Number 2 just didn't appeal to me, it's what I'm currently using and I think that suddenly seeing a page of text just looks "eugh". So, number 3. Of course, looking at the Javascript that Panic use I noticed two things.
1) It was amazingly complicated
2) I wasn't allowed to copy it
So, I decided to make a very naff version of it using some Javascript I'd already written. It achieves the same effect but without the pretty scrolling visual. That is todays web-design message, now for the reason for the blog title.
Celestine is one of the ladies at the CU. Today all the students have to move out of halls. Celestine had a problem, namely that she was a Lady and she had a lot of stuff to move, thus, she asked me for help. Seeing as my plans for the day involved "listen to Techno remixed Classical Music while being a geek" I decided that it was probably what I should do.
I arrived and went to the 2nd floor to Celestine's room, noting that there was a lift, me being the "can do" sort of person that I am decided that it might be fun to use the stairs on the way back when carrying stuff. First however the last few things had to be packed. Surveying the items I wish I'd brought my camera, however, I think I can list them.
3 large bags you could fit me into
6 regular carrier bags
1 large suitcase you could fit me into
1 small suitcase you could fit a child into
2 small boxes about the size of a small TV
2 large boxes, I could just about curl up into
1 broom, dustpan + brush, mop
In addition, a lot of it was heavy, so my fun plan of the stairs was right out, infact, I had to figure out how to get the stuff from Celestine's room to the front of the hall, safely (specifically without it being stolen). First we moved it from her room to the lift, then I put a load of stuff into the lift with Celestine and sent her to the ground floor, I raced the lift (I wasn't carrying anything) and managed to win, we then got the stuff out of the lift and I raced back upstairs to the stuff (which was still there) and then loaded that into the lift.
From there we were fairly close to the door so it wasn't too hard. However, I'm worn out and knackered after that. I might have to abstain from being helpful for a while... |