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Friday, June 08, 2007

Time for an Update

Sorry, I've been rather busy with exams and then last night, a party and as such have not blogged! Tuesday involved an exam which I think I passed, wednesday was involved with revision for my least favourite exam, that exam did not go amazingly well, however, I feel that I passed it (hopefully).

There was then a party yesterday where I had great fun and spent most of it not dancing like a looney but instead talked to a guy called Luke about many different things, he lives in Swansea (so that's two Lukes I know from Swansea).

I sort of regret going to the party, Lorna tried to get me to go to the Union dinner or something or other (she didn't try that hard). The reason I didn't go is that it was £25, granted there was a three course meal but I weigh so little the odds of me enjoying it for it's full worth were pretty low.

Luke, Becca, Lorna and Justin went (only because the CU were nominated for a prize) and came to the party at the end. If I'd gone then I'd probably not have met Luke and gotten to chat with him as much, however, if I had gone, we reckoned that I'd have come back with a lot of free stuff. Overall I'll take a new friend over free stuff so I'm happy with my choice.