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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Dead on my bum - Friday

I know it's normally feet, but I'm sitting down. I am however able to convey the highlights of today to my loyal blog readers. Firstly I had a nice lie in, got into Uni for Tawfik's lecture dull but I understood it. I'm glad he did a re-cap of the stuff. After that I had a Math test. I'm positive I got the six or so marks needed to pass, but I'm not going to get drunk over it. Got back just in time for dinner. It was pretty tasty, I wish I'd gotten some extra steak pie for supper... After dinner I went onto the WoA forums and began reading, chatting and whatnot. That was at about 1800. It's not 0200 on Saturday and I'm rather tired. For those intersted, here is a link that'll show you that all of the Custodians have a lot on their plates, but still maintain a sense of humour As a side note, tune in on monday to hear how I do at chatting to random Girls on the bus. Lorna suggested that I need a Girl Friend, when asked 'where will I get one' by myself she suggested the bus. Anton is of corse/cause (too tired to know which) for it, though said he could not offer any pointers on the subject of spontainious discussion. One Paul Wolv however was slightly better. It should be intersting, and hopefully won't go anything like the following. *Today I met Ana, she's a fast moving lady with a devastating smile. My crotch should feel better in a couple of days* I've got two current plans for HOW to start the conversation (carrying it on isn't to problematic). 1 - Compliment an item they are in possession of (clothing etc). It does have to be a real compliment 2 - Query them on their course and try to think of intersting questions to ask them about it. Anton suggested using phone numbers as score, the more numbers I got the higher the score. I'm going to try my best :) Owing to tirdness there is no annoying noise of the day, I'm far to tired to get annoyed.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

David to the rescue - Thursday

Got up nice and early, I also made myself a packed lunch for today. I got into the lab and began working on the clock. David has found a really neat set of instructions that basically solved our problems and means that we are well on our way to getting very good marks. After that I sat down and talked to Ben for a bit. There was meant to be a cross world conversation between the Custodians of Arl. However WG (I know his real name :P) was not present. We think his excuse of labs is a lie... Hassan's afternoon lecture was interesting, I answered a load of questions (mostly correct too). I caught the bus home with Aaron and then did some web stuff before going to dinner. For those that are un-aware of my amazing C talents, I do not think that I failed, on the contrary, I am thinking that I am one of a few people that's probably stopped marks being raised up. Doubtless someone will figure this out and whinge at me... Some CU members went down the pub this evening and it was okay. Sarah for some reason doesn't want me to get her MSN address. I had it within 30 seconds of getting online, though I'm not going to give it out (that's what she's worried about). I also gave Marisa a scooby string. I'm sorry Cerys, but Siän has yet to see me and as such, still has no Scooby String, though Sarah, Lorna and Briley are all hoping to meet you in Febuary.

Rap music when you're trying to sleep As I write this I can hear it (when I pause my music) and know that getting to sleep would normally be an annoyance. However, I now have some neat speakers and have sound-proofed some of the wall so that it doesn't annoy Sam, looks like it isn't so bad after all. Annoyance Factor - 10 (though more like 4 now) Weirdness Factor - 3 (3) Volume Factor - 4 (1) Ease of Creation - 0 (0) Average - 4.25 (2)

Catch Up - Tuesday + Wednessday

It is now 0019 on Thursday, all will be explained. Tuesday was mostly un-eventful, I managed to lock myself out of my room, the porter let me back in straight away. My internet also mucked up, it's all fixed now. Today was somewhat more interesting, I found that the marks for the C test were appaling, though Chi did mention that some people had done well. I'll tell you my mark soon. However, you don't want to hear about lectures, you want funny stories and stuff that happened with the CU. Tonight was a CU social (we have them reguarly). It was a photo hunt, you had a list of stuff and had to take photos of you doing that. Having me in the team was rather useful as I am agile and happy to do all manner of stupid looking things for humour. But that's not the part that's really funny. On the way to the event, we were in the car and for some reason we all went 'ahhhh' (the nice sort). I can't remember why, but I decided to do it in a really deep voice afterwards (Sarah, Briley and Lorna probably said I sounded like a girl). Sarah then did it even lower, but that's not the end of it. She also made several stupid statements about herself (I doubt they're true, and they'd embarrass her if they were here). I noted them down in my book and she tried several times to get the notebook. I'm going to have to give her Anton's MSN, they've heard all about your suggestions Anton. After the pictures thingie we all went to a house and watched two episodes of Lost. For the first one I asked lots of questions, but by the second I was actually quite interested and only asked sensible ones. The two episodes were the last two of series two, I am going to see if series three comes out soon.

Rubbish Suspense Music You just know something is going to happen, and normally, you know what... Annoyance Factor - 3 Weirdness Factor - 8 Volume Factor - 4 Ease of Creation - 0 Average - 3.75

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Bad news on the Blog - Tuesday

Owing to a connection problem I can't post my blog today (well not properly). I'll have a double length feature tomorrow. I can however sum up. The day was okay, all traces of the cold are gone and one person has started talking to Cerys over MSN (well done Siän), I'll be having a go at the others tomorrow. Major topic of the day is that the internet here has gummed up and I can only use wireless (means I have to leave my room).

Monday, January 09, 2006

C'easy - Monday

I got up in time for my 0900 lecture. Nobody turned up so I've gotta go see Branislav tomorrow. My friends and I spent that hour very importantly playing Quake. After that I went to my C practical lesson. Only, it turned out that the test was THIS week not next. I memorised three lines of code (I only used 2 of them) and sat the test. It was not that hard and I'm expecting a good mark, my time spent over the holidays messing with PHP really came in handy. PHP is almost identical to C. I left a half hour early, by the looks on the faces around me only I had found it easy. Still, I knew what I was doing and chatted to some other people about it. After my friends left the test I chatted to them, found that I'd done much better than them and walked to Tesco with Aaron and Peter. After getting back I did my laundry and drank copius ammounts of hot drinks. Most of the afternoon was taken up by Marathon and dinner (Pork Chops). The CU had a social in the pub that night. Half of the people were at a birthday party so I only gave out 3 scooby strings. Those three people have promised to talk to you over MSN Cerys, so make sure you accept their requests. It was nice seeing most of the people again, several people are thinking about World of Arl and they came up with some neat ideas (some of which are in motion already). Ben particuarly likes the idea (his eyes lit up with a story about the Zeroth Order) and I'm positive he'll be joining. I'm feeling much better and looking forwards to a random day tomorrow, the timetable thingie is broken and I need to randomly remmeber what I've got tomorrow. I'll just turn up to Internet Apps at 0900 and tag along to people that somehow have a copy of the time table on them.

Whirring of the Hard Disk when all is quiet Most annoying when you are trying to get to sleep. Annoyance Factor - 7 Weirdness Factor - 5 Volume Factor - 2 Ease of Creation - 1 Average - 3.75

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Slightly Better - Sunday

I laid in bed until about 0900 ish. Got up, had a tuna fish sandwich for breakfast and did some web design. At 1000 I walked to chruch with Lorna, we were the only students there. When we walked back home, it was raining. Lorna moaned that the hood on her coat was too big, I didn't point out that I had no hood, instead I told her a tale of how I becaume completely and utterly drenched (it's a short story and not the fun). We had a cup of tea in the refectory, after that Lorna went off and I had another cup of tea. Once almost everyone was out of the refectory the lady at the counter gave me some free lunch (mmmm) which was excellent. I got back, did some more WoA web design and played a lot of Marathon. Awsome game. I played for most of the day but I've developed a headache again, I think I need to drink more. I also helped an American with some GCSE (or lower) level of probability, it was quite relaxing to explain how to perfom some of the stuff and I'm glad I could help. As a side note my MSN contact is taking up 2/3rds of my screen, if I never talk to you, it's because you never talk to me and you're taking up valuble space.

Whatever you call that noise when you have a headache Most annoying Annoyance Factor - 9 Weirdness Factor - 5 Volume Factor - 1 Ease of Creation - 1 Average - 4