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Saturday, December 24, 2005

I didn't fall asleep all day - Friday

I got up at 0900 and got into Ammonford at 1000. I walked around with my friend Edward and we got some stuff. We sat down in Tescos over some coffee and chatted. It was nice to talk to him some more. After that I posted some stuff and walked back to Glanamman where I called in on my Gran and Uncle. I spent some time talking to them (at least an hour) and then rode home on a bike. My Uncle used to be really into cycling and had an old road bike (it's mine now). The gears on it are apparently real gears and much more reliable. This was confirmed as they broke on the way home. Though the bike is very old and it was because of rust rather than bad design. I spent the rest of the day practising my awsome Candy Crisis skills. The computer still beats me, but then again, it is several times faster than I can hit buttons. Later that evening I played Warcraft 3 with WarpGhost (WoA player) until we decided it was time to start on the WoA results. I write this at 0116 the day after this blog is written about. There will be no story today sorry, or noise.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Guess who left their blog until the last moment again - Thursday

I got up well before 1200. I then spent that time wisely mucking around with something I can't remmeber. I can only assume and hope it was useful. I did some webdesign that day and played through the Vell Os campaign in EV Nova. Well, on to today's story, it's going to have to be quick. I've gotta get up before 0900 tomorrow to get into Ammanford and meet a friend. How I won my first computer This story was a while ago. While I was living in England to be more precise. I was about 8 ish and Coel was 7. At that time I can remmeber we loved playing computer games. In fact, for my birthday some time I got to play on the computer for a whole half hour as a present (yeah, we had tough parents). Playing on the computer in the early days is a story for another day, suffice to say I enjoyed it a lot. My Dad was at the time some sort of computer guy thingie, I care not about the details and I doubt you do either. Anyhoo, my Dad and Grandad went to some seminar thing in the Science museum. Because I loved the science museum my Dad took me and my brother along. On the way in they gave out some goodie bags to the children. Being the well mannered little boys that we were we didn't push or shove to get one, we waited our turn. (For those that play WoA, see how much Coel has changed?) In the science museum I must admit I wasn't that interesting in the talk, it was being given by some computer guy about stuff I didn't understand. At the end of the talk they wheeled out a state of the art computer. This thing was a beuty, 75mhz clock, 500meg of hard drive space and too much RAM to count on one hand. They then said "Whoever has the gold star in their goody bag can come down and get their free computer". Five minutes ago I had found the gold star in my bag. I walked down there (not in the least bit embarissed) and held out my gold star. I shook hands with the speaker and also recieved what must have been over £100 of free software. I later learnt that the name of the speaker was some 'Bill Gates' and that he was moderatly famous. I also have a picture of me shaking hands with him (well, accoriding to my Dad anyhoo). I feel that winning that computer caused a large part of my interest in computers and software. As for getting the gold star, I really hope that it wasn't random luck, but the lovely ladies that were handing out the goody bags picking the good manered ones. So, if by some fluke chance Bill Gates is reading this, thank you very much Bill, the computer was most appricaiated.

CS:S Teamspeak I currently have to use the computer in the family office. This office is home to two other Desktop computers, both PCs. These PCs run Coutner Strike Source. For those not in the know, it's a game. The important part is the way that you can talk over the internet to the people you are haplessly gunning down. Brecon get's very involved in it, but seeing as he and Coel take turns to play on the faster computer, he only has 30 minutes to do so at a time. Gethin on the other hand plays non-stop as nobody wants to use that computer. This means he gets very engrosed, and, when annoyed, loud too. I can hear him through head-phones and it is VERY annoying. Yet if I were to play my music (Currenly it's Technobee from the Ares soundtrack) he would be mildly annoyed. Sorry, did I say mildly? Annoyance Factor - 10 Weirdness Factor - 4 Volume Factor - 8 Ease of Creation - 5 Average - 6.75

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

How I used to recite the Periodic Table - Wednessday

Seeing as nothing much will be happening most days I shall instead tell tales (all true) about myself and also present thoughts on certain things if I can't think of a story. Todays story is about how I came to recite the Periodic Table and made money out of it. It's not the greatest story ever but it'll do for now. Reciting the Periodic Table It all started way way back in primary school, I think I was about 8. I for reasons I can't remmeber became fascinated with the Periodic Table. For those not in the know, there are over 100 elements, most with such easy to remember and pronounce names as Rubidium, Neptunium and Seaborgium. I wrote all of them down (up to 103 which is where my table at the time went up to) and began learning them and a little about them. I recall one school walk to somewhere I spent the whole hour or so simply reading (out loud) from the small book. I've no idea where the book is now. I continued this practice until sometime in secondary school. There people actually knew what the table was and needed to learn the first twenty elements. I at that point could recite up to 90+ of them. I would walk around the tables in the dinner hall and recite the table for money. I made at least £10 in a week, which, when I was in my first year of secondary school, is a good bit of money. The headmaster and other heads sit at a table on the stage and so unsurprisingly saw me. I assume they asked someone what I was doing because I was told to not recite the table for money any more. What did I do then? Well, there's this thing called the Greek alphabet...

Other people's snores I, while at home, sleep in the same room as Coel. I take a long time to get to sleep in almost any situation. This means that people, such as Coel, fall asleep before me. I must say that some of the noises he makes are very interesting, half of them sound as if he's choking to death as quietly as possible. All scores are based on the fact that I'm half-way to sleep (well, was) and it's otherwise silent. It's also pitch black because we don't sleep in the light. Annoyance Factor - 9 Weirdness Factor - Between 5 and 10 Volume Factor - 7 Ease of Creation - Between 0 and 10 Average - 7.125

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Not many people to talk to - Tuesday

I got up nice and late. After getting up I began work on my new XML thingie. During the day I spent a good bit of time trying to get Javascript to work on the page, but it for some reason, hates me. As such I consider that time semi-wasted. Thanks for the help from Aaron though. For my Internet apps coursework I have to create a personal website and fill it with as many pages as possible, as such I am going to have to put up stories about myself. What sort of stories (all will be true) would you like to hear. I will be putting at least the following classics of my time. Note that I'll also put up 'thoughts' too. - How I won my first computer - In my days... - Why CS:S is a good thing - My greatest, non-family role models I'm guessing that Anton will have something to say about love and making a move, but I'm unsure I want to put that up. At least yet anyway.

Cat snores My cat is amazing, today he slept on my lap for a good 6 out of 7 hours. During that time he snored loud enough that I had to put headphones on to block him out. Annoyance Factor - 4 Weirdness Factor - 10 Volume Factor - 6 Ease of Creation - 6 if you have my cat Average - 6.5

Monday, December 19, 2005

Teifion Appriciation Day - Monday

Okay, the name's a lie but I like it. I got up nice and late at about 0900. I spent some time working on my new XML page to save time on WoA, well it will once it's done. This took up most of the portion of the day. I talked to some random people over MSN and looked forwards to meeting up with all my old friends from school later. The school presentation was boring to say the least. Though I did think I got an extra big round of applause and even a cheer (not sure why, must be my good looks). Edward got some special award as did several other people that haven't bothered statying in contact with me and as such are not mentioned by name. After the evening we went to the pub. Edward and I turned up to the wrong one, got drinks and wondered where everybody was. We found out and took time drinking our drinks. After that Edward got us lost before managing (through luck I think) to find the correct pub. It was nice meeting all the people again, even if they did talk only about rugby. Steven's sense of humour has not changed since going to Oxford Uni. I pulled my to-do list out of my pocket and he said that at the top of it would be 'get a life'. I decided that I shouldn't embariss him in front of his mates. I left the pub smelling of smoke (it's always the way) and got a lift home. I'm glad I went to the evening, it gave me a chance to see people again, even though none of them seemed particularly interested in seeing me. I also forgot to tell them about the blog ^^

The sound of applause, lots of it If you don't know how to clap, you shouldn't be reading my blog. Annoyance Factor - 0 + 1 for every 20 minutes of it ( 6 ) Weirdness Factor - 0 Volume Factor - 7 Ease of Creation - 8 Average - 5.25

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Fickle Nature of Computers - Sunday

I awoke at I've no idea what time. I got up at 1010. Shower and log onto WoA. I set the WoA message to 'Results are Underway' and had breakfast. The reason for this was that WarpGhost wasn't there and I figured I could wait. Plus I was hungry. After comming back to the computer, now filled by some Jam on toast, I found that WarpGhost was not there. Well, it was a half turn this time so I did it alone. My laziness, hunger for free food and general breaks meant that they took a while to arrive. After the results I managed, with help from my Dad, to get the phpBB working. Then, disaster struck. The database was misslinknig some stuff and I had to reinstall the whole forum, twice. Luckily I managed to put my mods back onto it very easily. During this whole incident the wit of Ian 'Nightbringer' (surname kept secret cos he'd cry if I put it here) to taunt me. There is a story behind this. Back in the mists of time when I was a mod on his forum (well, still am) he made me an Admin (probably on drugs or pissed up on booze) and I broke his forum. Therefore he felt it only fair to laugh at me when I mucked up. BUT, the last laugh shall be had by me, I'm the forum admin and I can do funny things to his account :D I also had the somewhat slower wit of SiƤn to contend with. The conversation basically involved her trying to do some basic math and no matter the answer, I said she was wrong and I right (it was of coruse the complete opposite). Languages student's it appears are not very good at arguing or debating, dud subject if you ask me...

The sound of something not working Yeah, it's a noise alright. One problem, it cannot be humanly reproduced without massive effort, I simply can't be bothered to explain it. Annoyance Factor - 1.1 * time spent * urgency (in my case, 6) Weirdness Factor - 0 Volume Factor - 2 Ease of Creation - 10 Average - 4.5