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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Work work work - Saturday

I managed to pullmyself out of bed at about 1200. This is a lot more impressive when you realise that I went to bed at about 0200 and due to having a very active (but tired) mind, fell asleep about 0400, hence, 6 hours of sleep and 2 of lying in. I spent most of the day working on coursework and finnishing off the last of the WoA stuff. For some reason I'm getting stressed (bad sign, I rarely get stressed) and had to take frequent breaks. Luckily several nice, charming and interesting people chatted to me and I discovered that the Ian Lee podcast is very amusing. Oh, I also snacked on a couple of tunafish sandwiches. I can't use the main WoA website as it is, instead I had to get some of the files that I would use (i.e. the appropriate ones) and also create six, completely RUBBISH pages. An intro page (queue copy and paste from WoA), a photoalbum, TWO intro pages. One about me and one about other people. I also had to have a contact me page and links page. Both were taken almost completely from WoA. I've still got to write a report (no more than 8 or so pages). Based on the aggro that's already gone into this, I think I'll be arguing with the lecturer if I get low marks in it. I know HTML rather well and my pages pass all web-standards checks that they need to. I will of course have to be diplomatic about it. After the Coursework I finnaly finnished my last area of the WoA results. I have no idea why they took so long this turn, but if this continues I'll be looking for ways to speed it up more so (probably limit the number of teams more OR impliment an awsome idea I had, but won't say what it is just yet). I played a lot of quake today and managed to beat one of the levels on maximum difficulty by the simple expediment of kicking two of the three enemies from the server. That said it wasn't a walk in the park, but I still beat a bot on max difficulty. All this boring work has made me long to begin on the othello project sooner, so I will soon. I'll have no idea it works as I won't be able to compile it without cruical stuff, but if I comment it well then I'll be able to fix it fast. More importantly, C is so similar to PHP that I'm considering porting it to my website with some friends afterwards. We have a new person on our floor. You may remmeber that Meloney moved out a few months back. Well now we have Nicholas (not sure if it's spelt right). He's French and is doing something about international. Sadly, he smokes. Speaking of floor mates, a most intersting thing has happened. On thursday Duane got rather drunk, he got SO drunk that he was actually chatted up by a pair of gays. He denys that they are gay, but Sam and myself are finding it a good source of amusement (while not pushing him too far). For those that have given suggestions about talking to ladies on the bus, thank you. I am of course always happy to recieve (sensible, you hear me Bob? SENSIBLE) advice in any area.

Whinging I get the nagging feeling that this came up before, well, I'll rename it if it did. Annoyance Factor - 10 Weirdness Factor - 6 Volume Factor - varies (5) Ease of Creation - varies (3) Average - 6


Anonymous said...

you can talk to ladies at other places than on the bus you know?

Teifion said...

By other places, do you mean ay, my class?

Because if you do, there's one girl and I already know her. Yes, there are about TWO HUNDERED guys and ONE girl in my class, this was part of the reason for the new idea.

Remember that I don't go out drinking too

Anonymous said...

Considering this is my fault some tips on chatting up girls. Just be generally nice, kind and thoughtful. Another good idea is if you see a girl struggling with bags help her - always a winner. Lorna

Teifion said...

Good idea, I'll use that one too. Thanks Lorna (glad you managed to find the blog)