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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Teeing of my Teaching Career - Saturday

The dull, annoying thrumming, of a pneumatic drill. Oh there are worse things to wake up to, but not many. On the plus side as I haven't actually had any alcohol for about 2-3 months I was quite okay with it. At 0910 my music ticked on as predicted and I listend to it for a good hour before heaving myself out of my bed. I did some basic webby stuff and suchlike before talking to Aaron on MSN. We decided that making a mockumentry about me would be funny so he filmed me walking down to the refectory. On the way I tried my best to look gormless and almost lost. Once I reached the refectory door I deliberately tried pushing (you have to pull from outside) and hoped it was caught on the camera. I sat down and had a cracking breakfast. Aaron arrived a little later and a little later after that, so did Gabriel. I'd agreed to help Gabriel with some programming stuff before our test. I sat down and got to work teaching Gabriel as much as I could and ignoring Aaron filming me. After I'd filled Gabriel's head with as much as I could he went off to re-read it and make sure he understood it (I always made sure he asked me if he had a question). Aaron and I put our stuff in our rooms and went to play Golf. Yes, Golf. We walked down to a footpath just by the sea and proceeded to hit balls as far as possible. Aaron was rubbish to say the least, he only hit one ball a decent distance. I on the other hand got about 3 a good distance and almost hit a seagul (the ball was going somewhat more slowly by that time, it'd have been fine). We plan to buy some cheapo golf balls and do it again, just somewhere that we can actually retrieve them from. After the Golf we went back to Aaron's room and watched the video footage. It was pretty hilarious, me walking into the door was my favourite part. I'm definatly going to have to make a mockumentry. What I'm also considering is making a podcast. I've been listening to a lot of them recently and boring ones make the same mistakes, they're bland, monotone, slow and just irritating. I just need a subject to talk about, so if you can think of a good subject, tell me and I'll think about making a podcast on it. For those not knowing what a podcast is, it's like an Audio-Blog. In the afternoon I spent about an hour arguing game mechanics with a WoA player. It was quite amusing. I had a couple of other chats and did some writing. I've gotta get up at the early early time of 0900 ish tomorrow, oh dear, whatever will I do... I also decided to start listening to some classical music, the Berlin Radio Symphony is quite nice, very relaxing for someone like me, with absolutely no stress whatsoever.

Worthless information of the day Camomile tea is disgusting. Yes, it's true. If I feel sick I'll be blaming that, or the bannana. I did try adding three sugars to it, but it didn't help. That's enough sugar for half a cup of tea, gone. Hmm, maybe I can use my remaining sachet as a gift on Monday? (Answer - NO)


Anonymous said...

golf AND camomile tea .... what is going on at Portsmouth?

Mum said...

Mozart is supposed to increase your brain alpha waves and help you to concentrate (allegedly)

Major Look said...

Instead of Camomile tea, try Green Tea.

Actually is there any similarity with TEA and TEE??

Tee Hee :-)

Teifion said...

golf AND camomile tea .... what is going on at Portsmouth?
Lots of interesting things, it's howcome I can write this Blog.

Mozart is supposed to increase your brain alpha waves and help you to concentrate (allegedly)
I'll download some of that then.

Instead of Camomile tea, try Green Tea.
Actually is there any similarity with TEA and TEE??

I had to filch this stuff from the open day. I'll trry to get them to have green tea there, but there's no garuntee.