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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Interesting Saturday? - Saturday

No, not THAT interesting. I slept in till 0800 (I meant to get up for 0530), still, all the results got completed on time and I still had time to chat to loads of people on our IRC channel. World of Arl has gotten somewhat more violent and competitive since last world. We've already had four teams nearly die. This world might be one of the shorter ones... Ummm, yeah, that's about it as far as if you're not a player. Ooh, there are two new blogs I visit. Sam from the youth group in Wales and also The Common Sense Marketer. Next Saturday I'm meeting Coel and hopefully also a guy from WoA, myself Coel, Huw and this other guy (Pete) will go out for a meal, possibly with Lorna's household, because they'd like to meet Coel (I think).


Sarah said...

You forgot to mention my blog!!!

Brett Jordan said...

Meeting Coel is something everyone should do, but probably only once.

Your (and his) ever-lovely Uncle Brett

Sammy Davies said...

Hmm, not sure that now you're checking out the beagle lane life action you're going to have any time to read anyother blogs. You see the genius behind the Beagle life lane is that its layered. One, two, even three readings wont get you everything you can get out of it.

Clear the schedule, Beagles in town!!!