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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gaaah - Tuesday

Well, when I looked at my watch this morning it said 0845. So, I stayed in bed until about 1100, then went to the Software Systems lecture. After that I sat down with Chris, I did some Java stuff, he did some Digital Electronics stuff and we occasionally helped each other. After that we went to our evening lectures and I went home. At home I did some WoA, ate dinner, played a lot of Halo 2, more WoA, some Java and an early night. On the plus side tomorrow I only have two lectures, will try out Wulfbanes suggestion of waking up (cleared my floor specially for it) and quite possibly will be run on a good night of sleep.


Lauren Heffer said...

you didnt mention your vegetable quota; does that mean my cooking did not justify a score? :P

Teifion said...

Sorry about that, it scored 1.5 handfulls of carrot and two strips of something green and probably unhealthy.

Most Tuna/Dolphin-Fish sandwiches muster 4-6 Cucumber slices.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, new to this ;)