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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Long Day - Saturday

I got up at about 0840 ish and basically WoAed the rest of the day. I took a few breaks, used my Free Coke Codes to get some Kutless Songs, used the voucher from my Gran to get some Neuroticfish songs, I've been listening to them all day. I took a break at one point to sort out some more stuff with the CU website, it's quite handy that the students all live so close to each other. Next Saturday and the Saturday after that should be somewhat more interesting to read as I've got parties to go to (assuming I can WoA done fast enough).


Emz said...

I look forward to reading about them :D

Teifion said...

They're parties for CU people, so I'm tempted to say "there will be a load of hot chicks", the problem being of course that as Christians we're called to have inner beauty.

Just seems that saying "there will be a load of ugly people there, but they have great personalities" isn't going to have the same effect...