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Thursday, October 05, 2006

MORE free stuff! - Thursday

I got up and left the house at 0845ish, Prayer meeting was at 0900. The Prayer Meeting was over by 0930. Note that last time, we'll be looking at it later. I went to Freshers Fayre and helped at the CU stand a little, got free Pizza for the people at the CU stand. I also got some more bags. Infact, I got a lot of free bags. I would go up to the Union people, then after a while I started asking for a second bag (I was wearing an Orange t-shirt so it's impressive they didn't recigonise me!). Then, disaster struck! They recigonised me! What would I do? What was the best way to get out of it with at least one more bag? So, without any hesitation, with a big smile on my face and a look that spoke friendliness, I asked for three bags instead. I walked off with three bags. This is what I got yesterday. This is what I got today (notice that it's about 3 times the size) and this is the sum total of what I got from Freshers Fayre minus a couple of items such as keychains. I got about 20 goodie-bags today, so, I had a backpack with some in and four slightly large carrier bags full of the mini ones. It was a mile and a half walk home (ish) and by the end of it my shoulders hurt a lot. I got back around 1330. I'd been on my feet ever since 0930 bar a few minutes of sitting. Before that I'd already walked into Uni for the Prayer and Fayre. Lauren and myself then walked to Tesco (another three miles for there and back) and by the end of it my feet hurt a bit. Steve H and myself sorted out the sound stuff for the CU at Immanual Baptist Church, this involved carrying very heavy equipment up a flight of stairs first. Steve somehow managed to not carry anything heavy (he's stonger than me, but very lazy and says so himself). After sound was setup I went with Sam to meet the Freshers and walk them back (there's another two miles to add to the total). After the Freshers Introduction meeting I helped pack up the sound and because Steve H is so lazy, he drove to the Pub (which was handy because it meant I was almost the first one there). I played a game of Chess against Lawrence, last time he won without too much of a problem, this time it was much closer. We traded Queens early and the game remained mostly tied. We got down to about 3 pieces each, I was in the lead but some very very good movement from Lawrence resulted in a draw (I had just the King, he had a King and a Knight, it's impossible to get a checkmate with it). Lawrence and myself started a game of Draguhts but called it a draw (I think Lawrence had about 30% more than me) because we were walking some Ladies to their halls. Becca is now the first lady to have happily accepted my coat when it was cold/raining, strange that I've been doing it a whole year and Ladies normally decline. My Mum would no doubt come out with something about it being a nice coat or my lack of shorts wearing. I talked to Jo (a different Jo than our Vice President) who has apparently already heard stories all about me. She is a Languages student and knows little about computers, so that rules out topics on anything I know. I think I might have scared her by proving I could touch my nose (tip of the nose specifically) with my tounge and also my ability to show only the whites of my eyes, it's a new ability I discovered I had! I walked back with Sarah, Brierley, India, Emma, Andy K and Andy Malcom. India is very cool because she can also touch the tip of her nose with her tounge! Despite all the good stuff that's happened, I don't feel amazing right now, possibly because it's 0037 on a Friday and possibly not, I'm normally up later. Meh, I'm sure I'll manage to recover, in other bad news, Becca said she'd proably not participate in my free stuff competition :(


Mum said...

well it is nice to see that camera we gave you has come in so useful :)

Teifion said...

It has indeed been very useful