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Saturday, April 29, 2006

I hit someone! - Saturday

I managed to drag myself out of bed at about 1100, spent most of the time between waking up and getting up reading more of the book. When I finnally was up I went to the refectory to get breakfast. Normally I ask for more sausages and suchlike, as you'd expect a growing man to. However, the lady forgot to ask for my meal ticket so I was essentially getting free food and the less I said the less she'd recall. After my excellent and free breakfast I did some Othello stuff and cycled to Tesco to get some food for myself. Just outside Langstone there is a set of council houses. Every so often some chavs come into langstone from it to try and steal bikes. Three chavs were crossing the road as I cycled along, not caring that there was a cyclist heading towards them at maybe 15mph. However, like most people they realised in time and slowed down. For some reason that escapes me, other than perhaps stupidity, some fat child, half my height sped up. After looking at me. Sadly the breaks on the bike are not designed to come to a stop from 15mph in the space of two meters. I swerved a little and my shoulder struck his, at an angle that was good for me. I'm guessing that he got something close to 60kg of force into his shoulder and he flew onto the floor. I was fine. As the kind and courteous person that I am I got off my bike and checked he was okay. He was a little shocked but fine. The bike and myself were fine so I got on said that I was sorry I'd hit them (despite not being in the wrong in any way shape or form that I could tell). The child I'd hit (looked like he weighed twice what I did) started swearing at me and telling me I was going too fast. I rode off to Tesco. Halfway to Tesco I realised that I'd seen this child before. He was in Langstone trying to break into the Tower Block. I have no sympathy for him at all and simply ignored him on the way back, this time he had a bike but he (for some reason) didn't give chase. In the evening I almost completed Deimos Rising. I also had a greasy dinner of food acquired from the refectory (I now turn up whenever possible to grab leftovers). I also read more of the book

Spots Anybody who sees me face to face often will know that I'm a slightly spotty person. The only time I've not been spotty since spots appeared was when I managed to miss-read the instructions on a spot-cream jar. I got the equivilent of sun burn on my face. Suffice to say I'm trying to puzzle out why I have so many spots. I'm lowering my intake of ketchup as much as possible and trying to eat more greens. I also use Spotcram but I'm not sure it's got much effect. Any more suggestions?