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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Choices - Wednessday

Up early for an 0900 lecture. Well, I woke for the lecture. I didn't go because I already knew what it was about. The one just after it wasn't overly interesting. After the lecture I went to the ECEKTG and learnt that there are a couple of little things to do to the site and it'll practically be done. There was a Board of Studies meeting today, normally they start at 1330, today it was at 1430. This gave me a good two hours to loaf around (thoguh I didn't realise it was 1430 until I turned up to find nobody there and after asking found the truth). The meeting itself wasn't too bad, it only lasted one hour and I got lots (well, four) free cake things. Dinner was a Roast again (alwawys is on wednessdays). I got three free pies and also a leg of chickein (which I just ate, yummy). After dinner I spent more time reading "A Game of Thrones". I'm almost finnished, it's an excellent book and my neck is starting to cramp up. I'm also losing sleep time because I stay up late reading it. Hall group was good tonight. I've decided that I'm almost certain I want to be a Christian, as far as I can see, there's no reason not to become one. After hall group I sat down and chatted to Lorna a little about Christianity before comming back to my room and spending a good 30 minutes doing WoA stuff!

Colour? Completely random (sort of) question. What colour of Chocolate do you like most and why? I personally like White chocolate a lot, however, the Tesco variant is sicklier than I'd like and sucks the moisture from my mouth. I have to say I like the dark and darkish variants of chocolate sold by Tesco.


Anonymous said...

I like all chocolate. Can't say that I prefer one over the other unless Hot Chocolate counts!!! Then again, those hot chocolate coneseiurs will tell you that there are dark hot chocolates and milk chocolate powders you can make it out of. I have a real sweet tooth, just about anything with sugar makes me happy.

Major Look said...

Cadburys Milk Chocolate is the best. But only if it has been fully chilled by leaving it in the fridge for at least an hour.
Belgian chocolate is also really nice - proper Belgian chocolate made with loads of cream!!

Teifion said...

What's so good about Belgian chocolate?

Anonymous said...

the best chocolate is green and black's white chocolate with vanilla- it is great! try it!

Major Look said...

What's so good about Belgian chocolate?


(see original comment)

Also - Belgian beer is nice - but that has more to do with the alcohol level ;-)

Anonymous said...

I like Galaxy tbh. There is a great difference between it and normal Milk Chocolate. I just can't explain it.

I am excited to hear about your decision about Christianity Teifion, Would be great to hear more about your decision.

I dislike white chocolate personally, I find it dry compared to the other types. Orange chocolate also is a little dry, but the fact that it is orange chocolate makes up for that...