I got woken at 0200 this morning. Duane, Sam and Jack were drunk and making lots of noise. Duane in particular kept banging on my door. So, when I woke up at 0700 I put my music on nice and loud, speakers right up to Sam's wall. Apparently that didn't wake Sam up, I bang on his door next time, and Duane'll get something similar. Brierley wanted to start jogging and I needed to get used to having large ammounts of cold air in my lungs, so we had decided to go jogging at about 0815. It was a bit nippy and Brierley did quite well. I'd already had some breakfast but also managed a full fry-up from the refectory. Then WoA results time. Fast forward to the evening, a couple of interesting things. Firstly I told Lorna on MSN that I've got a surprise for Church tomorrow. I drove her crazy by not telling her but giving hints that implied a lot of tantalisingly interesting secrets. I also had a chat with Duane. He said that he didn't like my loud music and I told him I didn't like being woken at 0200. His response? To tell me that my head was so far up my backside it was unbelievable. I've no sympathy for him. Results were finnished a lot faster today, there were two wars (they take the longest to do) and they were both straight forward. There's going to be no WoA next week, I've got a CU football match. Yes, I am taking time off to do something other than WoA! |
Saturday, March 04, 2006
We're Getting Faster - Saturday
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not drunk, merry. it was a very inventive song about wales too!
Try banging on the door and you wont have any arms left to play your music that repeats every half an hour, at least put some variety into your selection, and buy some headphones so the other 6 people on the F***in floor, and however many ppl that walk past, cant hear
hey tiago i would advise you to not write bull about me mate or next time i wont just walk away.. i promise that. I said no-1 wants to listen to your loud music and that i was standing up for sam. you then said i have no sympathy etc even though i never asked for it. also i seem to remember you replying to my comment with no duane your head is up your ass. Fill in the gaps. Also does anyone actually like you?? Rumour has it your not very much liked down at the CU! Ive been polite to you on many a times but the moment you start being shallow and pedantic is the the moment i start being less reasonable! You show no consideration for the people around you with your music and when i say that, yous ay ive no sympathy.. paints a picture of you mate!
i feel sorry for you guys, we have to put up with him on our course.... luckly we get th evenings and weekends off
fuck me its all kicking off over in langstone. lol. sounds like you'l have to give in to the demand im afraid. only way in these sorts of situation. tough luck. you could perhaps make yourself a secret hideout somewhere to listen to whatever it is you listen to in private. or use headphones if you prefer. and who the fuck cares about getting woken up at 2 on a friday night.. why werent you out partying. and if thats not your things then at least respect that some people like to go out and have a good time at the weekend.
''Rumour has it your not very much liked down at the CU!''
- Thats not true at all - we love u Ty!!
Lets stop with the unnecessary harsh comments people - really is no need. Doesnt make anyone look cool.... Ty - Ur fab!
Allright anonymous person number 3 (aka Duane) you were doing a fine job defending yourself until you attacked Teif personally with you "does anybody even like you" comment. Anonymous person number two, I'm going to assume it is Sam, seems to me that you get woken by his music only when you wake him. Ironic how that works. Sounds like an eye for an eye to me. Anonymous persone number 1, thats not bad, well done. Anonymous person number 4, how long have you been waiting to say that? Anonymous person number 5, sounds like you are a partier yourself. I don't agree at all. See, the person sleeping is the one not doing anything, so why should he have to deal with it. The partier is the one doing the action so they should be the one who displays respect. Not much you can do while you are sleeping. I would say something to Sarah, but there really is no need. Well done Sarah.
I am faintly amused by the bullying nature of these comments.
I'm with AJ on this one- particulary about sleepers and awakers. It's very hard to show respect of any kind when asleep, and being awakened from sleep hardly engenders feelings of goodwill and peace to all men etc.
I also think that sarah has a point- we at the CU do like Ty.
I'd also point out to number 3 (anon) that whilst I don't approve of revenge, it does seem a trifle balanced that people waking him up resulted in him waking others up.
Regards Flo.xx
Wow, that's a lot of comments. I didn't even realise that Duane still read the blog ^^
I stand by my choice of not liking the way I got woken up at 0200. If you'd just come in singing loudly and left it at that I'd not have done anything, you've done it before and I've not done anything. But the banging on my door, lots of times, very loudly was what caused me to get annoyed.
maybe i went to far by saying the CU in general.. but i have heard a few things floating around, but im sure people like you in general. Hell i even liked you until you just became this big knob.
Teifion have you ever been in the wrong? Just wondering cause it always seem your right. I banged your door for sam because all you ever do is annoy him with your loud music. According to these posters, you should be displaying respect because your the one awake and sam is the one sleeping.
Dude i can hear your music when im outside, how do you think the others around you feel? I never asked for sympathy and im glad i walked away last night because i dont like violence. But my advice is to stop belittling me with your smart ass comments and to have respect for sam and your neigbbours and in turn we will have respect for you!
and if you dont care well then why should we.
In response to comments made about my original comment, i feel that i need to tell you the whole story in order for you to understand the situation we are in.
Since christmas and teifions acquirement of his speakers, he has played his music loudly from early in the morning till late in the night. Now you may be thinking that there isnt much of a problem with that, which to start off with there wasnt. however after 2 months of it now it has got tiresome. and even though i have expressed this opinion to teifion many a time, that he needs to turn his music down, not only early in the morning and late at night, but also during the day, he chooses to ignore our requests and instead turns it up even louder to annoy us. now when it gets to that point i feel something has to be done, so therefore i feel that waking him up one night, justifies itself compared to not only myself but the other flatmates, the flat below and random passers by, being disturbed by his music over the past two months.
Now teifion might respond to this by saying that his music is only loud because my music is loud, but i only have my music loud, because his music is too loud in the 1st place, and he doesnt realise that he music does disturb a lot of people all the time.
So i hope i have cleared up a few things and this debate isnt all one sided, and i hope teifion takes note of this comment and either invests in some headphones, or brings the noise level down, which consequentally will bring my noise level down, therefore making it a better living arrangement.
Thanks Sam
you're such an arse teifion. You can't expect any student to be quiet at 2am on a Friday/Saturday so fucking get used to it.
I dont think some of these comments are very fair.. I cannot pick sides, caus both groups of people seem to be in the wrong at some point.
can we just stop this mindless bullying please? It doesn't build relationships or encourage people to try to make an effort to even try and be nice.
Its hardly mindless bullying, alot of people seemed to be annoyed by his arrogant never wrong attitude. Ti u need to relise ur "Special" and ur alot of effort to get on with.
Besides doesnt the bible promote the idea of turning the other cheek when someone wrongs you?? But no doubt you will reply with the answer that your not a christian, which is fair enough. But if your not a christian get out the bloody CU. otherwise your taking advantage of the cult that is christianity
Night night, sleep well Ti
I'm prepared to admit I'm in the wrong, I do what I can to lower the volume of the music, Sam kept saying it wasn't that loud (with a very few, short lived exceptions). If I don't know there's a problem then I can't respond to it.
I don't expected everybody to be quiet all the time. However, I also don't expect you to go out of your way to wake people up. You said in the kitchen that "I [Duane] was drunk and wanted to wake people up". You've come in drunk and loud lots of times, I've accepted it, nobody is perfect, but this was directed specifically at me, I didn't hear you bang on any other doors.
And with regards to people 'hating me'. I can live with that. I've got friends and I trust in them. As a definition of a friend I'd say it's.
"Someone that will inconvenience themselves so as to help you"
you're suck a dick, just turn your music down and the whole problem goes away and you can't stop people turning up drunk, it happens, maybe if you went out for a decent night once in a while you'd understand
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