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Friday, March 03, 2006

What a dull day - Friday

I got up very late (the maths thing is only if you don't understand what he's given you so far, and I understand partial differentiation). The whole day was spent on C programming, PHP programming, Marathon and obviosuly, WoA. I'm sorry for the dull day, but nothing very interesting happened and I can't give away what I'm doing for tomorrows blog ;)

Most interesting thing today I am comming down with a light cold, I think it's caused by too much sleep and eating some vegetables.


Anonymous said...

"I am comming down with a light cold, I think it's caused by too much sleep and eating some vegetables."

more likely caused by a reduced immune system unable to cope because of lack of vitamins and sleep.

Major Look said...

If it is a light cold, try lifting it off and giving it to someone else. If it is a heavy cold, do not attempt to lift it as it may hurt your back.