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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Snowballs - Wednessday

I was going to be woken gently by the Russian Red Army chior at 0720 today. That is until the Firebell went at 0710 for our drill. I didn't find it that cold but lots of other people did, pity. I got back to my room and found that because of this I was actually up and about much earlier. For the rest of the day I actually felt well rested (once I got over the initial legarthy). This means I'll be changing my wake up music to not gradually increase in volume. The Internet Apps lecture was pointless for me, and Misha Filip's lecture was quite hard to follow. I felt very very tired for the first hour. However, maybe it was the mince pies or some people a few seats back calling all 55Kg of me a "fatty" I will not know. But I felt awake. That was my lecture plan for the day so I went to Tesco, got a LOT of cookies. On the way back there were some people handing out "118" t-shirts. Not sure why but I've now got a rag for when I need one. The BoS meeting had food and drinks there, it was a lot less monotonous than I expected and I presented what little backup the students had given me. The motion was passed, it won't affect me, but it will affect the next year. After the BoS meeting I got the bus back, chatted to two people about the fire alarm today and random other things. During dinner I managed to snort some Jelly (I had finnished, Gareth couldn't do it properly and Brierley actually said I should). When we left, it was snowing. Comming from Zimbabwe; Brierly had never seen snow before. Her attempts to get snow down my shirt failed horribly, but then again, I managed to miss with all three of my snowballs. I played a lot of Marathon before the CU hall group. We had pancakes and played lots of games and had lots of fun. Now it's 2350 and I've got an 0900 lab tomorrow. Night Night.

Tip #6 The three R's. Reassure, Resist, Reassure. She is gorgeous (even when she looks like a hippo wrapped in bacofoil), she is a nice person (even when she criticises everything you do), she is a good cook (even when it's somehow frozen and burnt at the same time, even if this applies to cornflakes), she can do it, whatever 'it' is. But she is not perfect, that is creepy and it will look like you're lying.


Anonymous said...

very good tips! i have applied them all with success!!


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention how mean you were to me by licking a marshmellow and sticking it my hair!! which was as bad as chewing gum AND put soap suds in my hair! i had only washed and straightened my hair 5 mins before! HOW RUDE!

Anonymous said...

Yea and u attacked Colin in the same way too!!! And got cream all over Lorna's flat mates....!! tutt tutt tutt!

Anonymous said...

The gurls are out in force at you TI


Teifion said...

They don't scare me. I'm sure there was a reason for the marshmallow. Colin deserved it, he threw stuff at me first. And Lorna's flat mate Sam?

She tried to smear cream all over me, end result is that I got almost none on me and she had to go have a wash.

Bring it on :P

Anonymous said...

girls? cream? you sound like you're doing ok without the hints!