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Sunday, February 05, 2006

I can hug people - Sunday

I planned to get woken up at 0840 or something. Instead my power supply to the computer is so tempermental that a slight knock will uplug it. This meant that about an hour after going to bed it ran out of power. I woke at 0940 and got into the shower in under 30 seconds. When I need to get up, I can. I walked to Easterney with Lawrence and Sarah. Lorna had a very late night last night and couldn't come along in the morning. Apparently Sarah has created the list of 10 tips and is going to give me one tip each week, I'm looking forwards to it. The morning service was aimed at the children and very very interesting. After the service, Andrew, Lizzy, Steven, Pete and myself went to a pub for lunch. After that we walked along the southsea walk and covered a wide range of topics and activities. Pete is a new guy from America, he's quite cool and is studying criminal justice and politics for a half a semester. There was some seven or eight year old child playing on his own with a frisbee. We got into a game of it with him and it was quite good fun. He certanly enjoyed it a lot. On the way back we somehow got onto the topic of hugs. Lizzy said she missed hugging her friends as a greeting from home and I volunteered to fix the situation. She's now on the list of (4) people that say it's okay for me to hug them (relatives don't count). Steven is normally very 'nice', but on the way back he helped me in completely winding Lizzy up by asking lots of specific hugging questions. In the end Lizzy actually had to give us a demonstration so that we'd stop asking questions. It didn't help her much... The afternoon service was very good. Jonathan actually asked for responses to things and it made the service much more interactive and interesting than normal. I hope he does it more often. As a side note, Johnathan is speaking at tomorrows CU meeting and I'm going to do my best to record it and stick it on the net. That way, those that can't make it can still hear it. Who knows, if it's popular I'll make a podcast out of it (it's not like they're hard to do). I've tried moving my speaker around and it's now taking up space that my chair wheels go, BUT, the bass is much better. I'll experiment some more but so far I'm happy.

Random Fact of the Day - Thanks Lizzy Yes, today's fact is about hugging. When a man hugs a lady in greeting (we're assuming they know each other) the correct form of hugging involves the man's shoulders being above the lady's. If the lady is much shorter than the man then he should crouch down and hug under her shoulders. I also added that if they're small and light weight they could be picked up. I did not get a response to that so I'm assuming it's okay.


Anonymous said...

ahh sounds like you guys had a well cool day! - why do i always miss the fun days? doh!

Anonymous said...

No... You can't pick people up when you're hugging them! That's just wrong!

I hope you do get a recording of CU tomorrow as I won't be there... I shall eagerly be waiting to find out what I missed!

Anonymous said...

"The morning service was aimed at the children and very very interesting"
you always did enjoy the children's bit ... but that was when you were 10 :)

(actually with some preachers that's the best bit)

Anonymous said...

ooh also on the hugging note.... if a man is quite a bit taller than the woman then the best hug would involve the woman kind of 'bear hugging' him around his tummy/chest, like a nice squishy hug!

Anonymous said...

ok, off the topic completely but if you would like to go back on the biscuits idea then here's a recipe for cinnamon biscuits (sorry if ounces are a problem!):
3oz butter
3oz caster sugar
6oz plain flour
1 egg
1 tsp powdered cinnamon

cream butter and sugar (beat together until creamy)
mix cinnamon into flour and gradually bit the mix into the creamy butter and sugar
then add the egg (beaten) and mix it all up until you have a stiff paste
roll it all out onto a floured surface and cut into little round biscuits with a cutter (or a glass does just fine). Put the little circles on a lightly greased baking tray/sheet and bake for about 1/2 hr or until no longer squidgy gas 4/ 350F/ 180C/ mod

Anonymous said...

Ummm do you really have a list? Because i think most girls will give you a hug, you just kind of go over and hug them - you don't even have to ask. Oh make sure you know them first though. Or maybe not... see where it goes ;)

Also, what is your top powerball score?

Anonymous said...

i agree. lizzy sounds cool and you have mentioned your looking for a girlfriend. perhaps you should ask her out.

Anonymous said...

ummm I'm confused with the description of hugging...? Also, that lizzy girl sounds nice, maybe get the cookies out?

Anonymous said...

heres a hugging conundrum for your hugging rules.. what if the man is shorter than the lady (as they always inevitably are..)

Teifion said...

Wow, that's a lot of comments.

No... You can't pick people up when you're hugging them!
Are you sure?

like a nice squishy hug!
I'll keep that in mind

here's a recipe for cinnamon biscuits
Just need to get an oven

Ummm do you really have a list?
I have lists for lots of things. People that have said I can hug them is just one list. Note that Deneise (xxxdenxx or something) is also on the list, she hugged me once.

perhaps you should ask her out. Maybe get the cookies out?
I'll ponder that one. I have just bought a pack of cookies...

what if the man is shorter than the lady
Going by what Sarah said you'll be getting a bear hug off me later.

Anonymous said...

wooooo! Hug
but you may have to get past the beautiful(in a manly way) richard first..

Anonymous said...

Does lizzie read the blog? If she does you'll have ruined the surprise. But hey, each to their own.

Teifion said...

She's read the blog, she was also apparently "less than impressed". She still accepted a cookie :)