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Friday, February 10, 2006

Alpha Course - Thursday

I got up early. Far far earlier than you'd have though possible considering I was asleep at about 0300 at the earliest. I had some breakfast while my laundry was cleaned. I then backed up my WoA database, very fast. After all that I went into Uni for the ASK thingie. There I learnt about hyphens and dashes. Next time I'm going to learn about how to spell better when the words are not phoenetic. After the ASK session I went back to halls and did a load of WoA stuff. Note: I've decided to link to WoA with every mention of it as it'll improve it's search ranking (I think). In the afternoon I went in again for the presentation thing. It was very very easy and I think I'm okay about passing B101. After the presentation I got two bottles of lemonade, 4 pints of milk and a pack of 6 cookies (normally only 5) and then got the bus back. I met Justin on the way, it's a lot nicer to have someone to talk to. After getting back I chatted to some WoA players and then got ready for going to the Alpha Course. Seeing as it started at 1930 and the last bus to leave Langstone for two hours was at 1830 I was going to Abi's house first. It is in the middle of Sommerstown. Sommerstown has a very very bad reputation and I was a little wary walking down there on my own in the dark. Still, if a bunch of 5 chavs with a stick didn't look twice at me then I can't be that bad. I had a massive mug of tea and chatted to Abi, Leanne (otherwise known as Dave...) and Andrew (not the presedent of the CU). We then walked to the cafe thing and sat down and chatted. After some very nice food we were given a small and very good talk by Matt. Then that was it, I was expecting some discussion on Christianity but nope, it ends at 2130. I stayed a little longer and chatted to some people. I'll now summ up the (very good) talk given by Matt with my amazing powers of summation. "If you have not tasted an apple you cannot say what if it is good or bad. By that logic, if you haven't tasted Christianity you can't say if it's good or bad. The Alpha Course is here to give you a taste of Christianity" I'm very impressed with it, he put the point across very very well (there was a funny story about eating smoked salmon) and put my name down for the Alpha Coruse (confirmation) without hesitation. I got the bus back to halls, chatted to people about WoA (notice a pattern to my days yet?) and blogged.

Random Thought for the Day I came to Portsmouth expecting to find people that liked WoA, even if there were only a few. So far only a single person in Portsmouth (from Uni, the guy in Gosport doesn't count) plays it and he's nothing like me. Anybody got an explanation for this?


Anonymous said...

yay! Im glad you enjoyed alpha! Sounds like it was cool!! Aparently u were on the bus 4 times with my flatmate today!! heehee!

Teifion said...

Who is your flatmate and do they read the blog?

Anonymous said...

Changing the subject.... can u put up the photos of my hair please, really wanna see what they look like.

Anonymous said...

regards to your WoA game, its too much to read and work out, the instructions are long and boring, i gave up,

If it was quicker and easier to work out what the hell it is and how you play, i would of joined,

Teifion said...

I'll have the pics up today Colin (I'll drop the 'a' now)

Sadly that's one of the areas of the game that I can't change very easily. However, there is a system in place where if you're only intersted in part of it you can join a team and only handle that part. Nic my floormate handles all of one team's trades, a very good way to start playing.

Anonymous said...

yeay tei, im glad you had a good night at the alpha course launch.

have fun at the course, will probably see you there at some point (my group have to cook food one week)

Teifion said...

Change of plan on the pictures Colin. I'm going to use it for filler on Saturday (otherwise it'll be boring). Looks like you'll just have to wait...