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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fishy Friday? - Friday

I meant to get up at 0820. But for some reason I was very very tired. This meant that I got up at 1100 instead. Probably good seeing as at the time of writing it's 0046 and I've gotta get up in 9ish hours. When I did actually get up I had a bowl of Crunchy Cornflakes (mmmmm) and then set to work on writing up some very intersting WoA stuff. I spent quite some time doing that before finding out that someone below me had very loud music. Within 30 seconds my lovely sound setup solved the problem by drowning them out with the dulcet tones of DC Talk. When I found that standard music was boring, I switched to a quick game of Quake. It's not got the awsome announcer voice of UT but it was pretty good and quite entertaining. After the Quake game I got back to writing stuff. Dinner was excellent and I enjoyed it a lot (Hot Dog and Chips). After dinner I did a little more writing before going along with Lorna, Brierley and Sarah to Rees Hall. They had arranged something called 'Fishy Friday' where people from the CU would go and get chips. We managed to park a good mile or two from Rees hall and had a lovely walk in very very cold wind to get there. Steven, Justin, Andrew, Richard (known as Rio) and Charlotte were the only ones to turn up. I got a basic burger while other people got loads of stuff. We sat on the beach and I found myself getting colder and colder. I was also quite bored (no running around or anything exciting) and so when they went to the pub I got the bus home. Once back in Langstone I had a cup of tea, listened to the Ian Lee podcast, wrote some more WoA stuff and went to bed.

Random Thought for the Day Sam listens to Neighbours late at night/early in the morning. Should I feel bad for having my music on to drown it out while I go to sleep?


Anonymous said...

come on Teifion - why did you let it be so boring on the beach?

Teifion said...

I did try to get them to throw frisbees and suchlike, but we didn't have a frisbee and nobody was interested in doing anything.