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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Five Hours of Fun - Saturday

I got up at about 0955. This was a problem as I had agreed with Arakasi that we'd do the WoA results at 1000. I managed to shower and get into the refectory by 1000. Arakasi doesn't read this so there's no way you'll know if I'm lying. I had a nice fry up there before doing the results. The results took five hours to do, or more. And the first thing that happens when they're done? Someone complains that I did something wrong, which I didn't. (It's okay to complain if you're right, but not if you're wrong). I talked to Edward Harry once I got back to my room. Edward is in Warrick *sniggers* and studying some dud course, physics or maths. Edward's been having fun and for some reason, when he shops at Tesco, gets FOUR bags of stuff. I'm not sure what he's getting, but there's certanly a lot of it. I cycled into Tesco and got my stuff. I popped into the GW and found that they don't have job vacancies, ah well. It was a match day so there were police everywhere along the way back. I think it was against Chelsea, with a Portsmouth victory. The reason I say this is because I passed some kids behind a big fence singing. 'Goodbye Chelsea, goodbye chelseea' (You can see it was imaginative) I almost got run over when a car broke the highway code (He wanted to turn right, I wanted to go straight ahead). The amusing thing is that there were 4 policemen on bikes about 5m away, I wonder if they took his numberplate :) I spent the rest of the evening re-writting some of the WoA readme stuff. It's now got more full stops in it. I also did various other little things to the site, it's getting a slightly new look and a massively new layout (from my end, not yours).

Item of the Day - My lights get dimmer over the duration of a 3 mile cycle in the dark because it's cold, not because they are low on batteries (which is what I thought)


Major Look said...

If your lights get dimmer over 3 miles due to the cold, does that mean in the summer they will get brighter? ;-)

Teifion said...

I hope so