I had a lie in until about 0915, got up and noticed how it's slightly colder here in Wales. Of course, with a complete lack of wind inside the house I saw no reason not to wear shorts. The morning involved WoA and then computer gaming. Lots of computer gaming. Later there was some programming (you can rarely have too much programming), more gaming, more programming and then some dinner. It was a very nice but only scored a quarter of a small tomato because the rest of the vegetables were not so nice, still I really liked the dinner and ate all of it. After dinner there was (shock horror) more programming, some gaming but before those my parents told me that Cerys was really good at getting free stuff (being a very young lady she apparently looks cute). Apparently Cerys went around some shops somewhere and got a load of free samples for purfume and stuff, at some point myself and Cerys are going to Swansea and having a competition over it. Of course, this means I need to find someone to give said stuff to... Who remembers this? (part 2 of that is here). Also, Sam, if you're reading this, are there housegroups on this week? |
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Very nice being home - Monday
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if those shorts make too many appearances at home or in your blog they might mysteriously disappear.........
Dun dun daaaah!
Better find something else to wear before your shorts meet the twighlight zone :P
note to mum... PLEASE make sure there is something else for him to wear BEFORE they 'disappear'!
Oh, very droll :P
Teif, I love the shorts, you know I do, I'm even going to wear some next time we see each other to help share the burden you carry (the burden of being misynderstood by society).
Anyway, no there is not house group. We are finished for the christmas break. Although there will be something on on friday night most probably involving Home Alone (a classic christmas flick) and the rest of the 20 somethings gang.
( I acknowledge the fact that neither are you 20 something nor have you joined any sort of gang but please understand that the age limits are very loose, Jon comes after all, and having grown up in the rather affluent surroundings of Llanedi my understanding of gangs are quite different to most)
He is 20 something Sam, he turned 20 not so long ago :P
I'm the youngest one in that house group methinks.
Where is this Friday event taking place? (The time would be handy but you know, I can just guess...)
Teif, Teif, Teif. As I do not know your phone number I am posting here the text that I am sending others:
Christmas Eves eve eve. Friday Night at 7:30. 20somethings meeting to enjoy a classic christmas movie, some christmassy treats and each others company. Invite your friends or whatever, let me know so I can figure out numbers and decide where to have it (ammanford) Sammy
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