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Monday, October 23, 2006

Problem solved - Monday

I got into my Java lab quite on time, I completed the first exercise in half an hour or so, the rest of the lab was spent helping Chris and Ryan with their Java. After that I dashed to Tesco and got some sausage rolls for lunch, I also procured a water tight bag large enough for my purposes later. I got back to Uni and endured three hours of Formal Computing, I felt very tired during it. After Formal Computing I stood outside the Union for 25 minutes waiting for Steve H to arrive (okay, I got there 10 minutes early). Just as I started walking home he arrived. We saw some Union staff about getting into the room we were using and then transported our stuff there. I walked home and Steve went to his lecture. I got to the Union just as Steve did, however, I now had the flowers. I used the water tight bag to hold the flowers in water, with a little Duct tape I prevented it from unfurling and it was really quite nice. I placed them in a corner and I'm sure I saw people looking curiously at them. I helped setup sound, all the while keeping an eye out for Siän. She arrived just as we started and I came up with a most cunning plan. Rather than walk up to her with the flowers and cause her to go scarlet red and probably cause people to laugh at her (not what was intended). I would instead walk up to her and ask her if she liked flowers, then tell her that she could get the flowers herself or I could present them to her if she'd rather. What would she choose? The service itself was by Dave Fenton, he was our speaker at the last houseparty and is very good. He covered the subject of worship and how there really is no such thing as a "Time of Worship" as all time is Worship when you're a Christian. After the service I had to hurry to pack up all the stuff because we were on a tight schedule, the whole time the flowers lurked at the back of my mind, waiting for the oppertunity. I got the chance, Is walked up to Siän and took a deep breath (okay, I didn't take the breath but it sounds cool and adds tension if I say I did). Me: Siän, do you like flowers? Siän: I've been warned about that, no, I'm not having them Me: Sure?         Siän goes a little red Siän: I'm sure Me: So, what do you suggest I do with them? Ceryn: Ooh, I'll have them Me: Go for it Ceryn: Hang on, why are they over there in the corner, what have you done to them? Me: I left them there because I knew that if I walked up to Siän holding a bunch of flowers the results might be funny for us, embarrassing for her Ceryn: I'm not sure Me: Fine         I go get the flowers and pass them to Ceryn, there is of course nothing wrong with them Overall I thought it was funny, Siän was apparently not overly impressed but I don't care, it was funny and I enjoyed it. Myself and Steve dropped the sound stuff back at Immanual Church (by now my arms were really aching, Steve is adept at "letting" me carry the heavy stuff) and then went to the Pub. For some odd reason Siän and her housemates (Ceryn included) were not there. I sat around with Sarah, India, Steve H and Lorna. We made some Prank Phone calls, apparently when I put on a high pitched voice it sounds quite normal and nothing like me at all. Andrew Ward the old CU presedent didn't cotton on and neither did Colin. Phil from Eastney however did cotton on, he sent me several texts about it later. Sadly he's not important enough to warrent a return text (I have sent a grand total of 2 that were not along the lines of "Mummy and Daddy, you can pick me up now"). He came up with some witty responses but alas, not during the call. I got a lift back with Steve and ended my day MSNing and Blogging.


Anonymous said...

Sad day that she didn't take the flowers. That's not very nice. Life goes on I guess

Teifion said...

I'm sure I'll manage, maybe the Lady I'll be going out with saw what happened and now thinks I'm a really nice person?

Marcia said...

It is too bad that she refused the flowers. It was a lovely thing to do.

Teifion said...

Thank you, I get the idea that she thinks I bought them for her :D

Welshie said...

we weren't at the pub coz:
Sian wasn't feeling well still;
I wasn't feeling well still;
Jo just wanted to go home!

But thanks for the flowers!

Welshie said...

aww i've just read the previous post and now i feel bad - sarah should have had them!

Teifion said...

I planned to give them to Sarah if Siän wasn't there (the idea that she'd refuse them never entered my mind). Then for some reason when you said "Can I have them" I saw myself asking for free stuff and I forgot about Sarah :D

Anonymous said...

You forgot about me??!!! :-( sob sob! Now i feel so unloved!

Teifion said...

I never assumed that Siän would say no to flowers!