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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Visitors, again... - Wednessday

I got up late this morning, I had a very late night so felt a little tired. I did some more WoA stuff but got interrupted by Lorna and Brierley because they came over again. This disrupted my plan for the day a little but not too much because they didn't stay as long as we thought. While they were here I made lunch for everybody and washed up, and there's my Mum saying I'm untidy! In the evening I looked at the Therion website and saw they were asking for help with some of it, I promptly converted some of it for the webmaster. I also spent some time on MSN playing a practical joke on someone (don't worry, they soon found out it was a joke and were fine with it). I spent 2 of my 5 free songs today on "To Mega Therion" and "From the Dionysian Days", both surprisingly enough by Therion but from Albums Myself and Pete didn't want.


Emz said...

Aye it was a very good joke as well! I thorougly enjoyed partaking in it! :P

Mum said...

"While they were here I made lunch for everybody and washed up, and there's my Mum saying I'm untidy! "

if you washed up after yourself more at home I wouldn't say you are untidy, would I?
actually you are not as bad as some (spread stuff all across the floor again)

Major Look said...

Try writing the MP3 files from itunes to an Audio CD format (AIFF).

Once on a Cd in AIFF there is no longer any Digital Rights Management (DRM) contained on the file and the song can be converted back to unencrypted MP3 or AAC.

Teifion said...

We tried burning them to CD from Pete's PC but it wouldn't let us saying they could not be stored in any other format but M4P. This is strange as another Pete says that he can save them as Mp3 quite easily :s

Major Look said...

Do it properly next time - I am always right - except when mummy says I am wrong :-(