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Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm a teacher! - Thursday

Got up, walked into Uni to see the Student Loans people, there's a problem with my student loan. They put me down for "Computer Technology" when I will be doing "Computer Engineering". Since Student Loans are busy they couldn't answer the phone. So I went to Tesco for some food. On the way I got a free pen which I haven't gotten around to photoing so it doesn't count yet. I got some more Sandwich fillers, I plan to evaluate the lot of them on a quiet day. I spent the rest of the day writing some WoA stuff, not drinking enough water and generally not doing vast ammounts. In the evening I started something on WoA to teach the players HTML (if they were interested). So far lots of them have said yes, many more than I expected.


Emz said...

Well it's better than going to some site dedicated to the purpose, I actually know the person who's teaching me and so can ask as many questions as I like :P

Teifion said...

Too bad you've asked me a grand total of 1 question...

Anonymous said...

are you sure you didn't pressure people into it? :P

Emz said...

I will be asking mark my words!

Teifion said...

I didn't preassure people into it, I offered.

sparkly shoes said...

hey there mr t
my brother's gone off on mission to hawaii and then fiji for 6 months
I was wondering if you would deem his blog worthy to link to?
what do you think?

Teifion said...

I'll link to his blog :)