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Monday, September 25, 2006

Tired - Sunday

I got up, went to Church. The morning's service was about how Jesus is always with us, we just have to want him to be with us. Afterwards we went around the Hacker's for lunch and I lost at Leg Wrestling. The evening service was about God's plan not being ours. I was reassured by it because I'm always wanting God to tell me what to do, logic says that if there's someone undeniably smarter than you and they are not out for themselves, it's worth following their plan. In the night I went over to Lorna, Brierley, Sarah and Emma's house. I went to sort out the CU website but they didn't have the details so instead we had toasted sandwiches and a Bible Study, most of which we talked about Jehova Witnesses. It's now 0123 and I'm tired.


Emz said...

I dunno why you didn't write that this morning...

Who did you lose at leg wrestling to?

Teifion said...

Brierley beat me a few times, I beat her a couple of times, Phil thrashed me non-stop.