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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Back in Business - Wednessday

Overall a great day. I got up at 0900 and left the house before anybody else was up, I walked into Uni and straight to University House (Admin building). There I asked about my loan problems and they said that my department office was the problem, go see them. I got to my department. Andy (the guy I sent my piece of paper about a course change to) got my letter (and remembered my name) and told me it was all okay and that he couldn't do anything until University House finnished doing something, and that if I had problems enrolling, come see him. Neato. After that I went to Tesco, got some food and then came back home. Lorna was there and we made a start on the CU website, seeing as we can't get on the server (still) we are using mine until we can. For dinner, Lauren cooked a curry which was delicious. I then spent the evening coding a database thing for WoA (it's more satisfying than it sounds) and other WoA stuff.