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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Home! - Saturday

Up in time for the brunch in the refectory. After brunch I packed what little I needed and set off for the station. I got there with about 10 minutes to spare (as planned) and talked to Alan. He had brought his laptop and was going as far as Southampton so we played Worms against each other. He won the first game, I muffed up the second so well that he died first, then a computer, then me (leaving a computer to win). After Southampton I wrote some WoA stuff and then when the battery got low, dimmed the screen and used it as an mp3 player while I planned other WoA stuff on paper. About Bristol a Dad and two children got on and sat around me. Within 30 seconds I'd made a joke and we were all talking. This made the journey go so much faster. After switching at Cardiff to a train that was late I got to my destination and met my Mum, Dad and Sister. It's been really good to see my Family again. I finnished the WoA stuff I'd started in the evening and chatted to Coel about World Domination after he'd finnished revising. Dinner was excellent, Gethin cooked Totalini (okay, I can't hope to spell it) and after that I played Deimos rising. I even got onto the last level!

Boordem What do you do when you're on a long train journey to amuse yourself?


Anonymous said...

Can't say that I have ever been on a long journey, but I love to read, so I bring lots of books when I go somewhere. Most of the time I only raed one, but still its good to have them. Then of course as you know I get to thinking. I should start keeping a journal for all the thoughts I have. But that is what I do. I can read for hours.