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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Strike! - Tuesday

Today wasn't as cool and exciting as the title would lead you to believe. It started with me realising that if I wanted to get breakfast at 0800 I would have only 10 minutes to wash, dress and pack the bag. 12 minutes later I was at breakfast, I'm impressed with myself (but not as much as yesterday with the bottle and the bin). I got the bus in for the 0900 math lecture and learnt some stuff about Integration. I didn't have any questions and so went and sat down, chatted to people, played Marathon and found out that I should have gone back to halls because Chi wasn't turning up to the C lecture (he's on stike, but smart enough to not picket in the rain). After Branislav's lecture we had more maths. When leaving my row in maths, in an attempt to be 'cool' I tried hopping over the seat. Now, I know I can do this and know not to make the school-boy error of tripping over the seat. Hence I went for a method where you swing your feet, one at a time, over the row of chairs. Unfortunatly I didn't take into account the desk of the chair I was hopping over. After spending some time picking up the pens I'd kicked across the room I went and got the bus. I would have turned up to the B102 lecture, but I was tired and he was not even teaching the syllabus. I almost stayed, Rick was going to have a go at the guy about it but I couldn't be bothered. I got back to my room and played some Marathon. Did some WoA stuff then more Marathon. Dinner was very tasty (Chickein and Mushroom pies). That evening I finnished off that lot of WoA stuff, did some more (I made a coolish map for the players) WoA stuff. Then I realised it was 0044 and I went to bed.

Request of the Day All those that vote for the Sabbatical Officers this week, vote for Lynsey Hayward, she's running for the position again and she has done an excellent job this year. I think you'll find most course rep's are voting for her and we'd appriciate it (well, I would at any rate) if you voted for her.


Anonymous said...

oh how i laughed when people ripped the piss out of you in the b122 lecture.

Anonymous said...

O dear... how old r u?? U sound like a 12 year old, laughing at someone else's misfortune. Dont worry Ty, he/she just probably has nothing better to do than to come and post silly comments on your blog to try to make u feel bad. he/she must really feel big now...

Teifion said...

Who laughed at me in B122? Are you sure you got the right lecture and/or person?

As far as I know nobody has laughed at me in the latest B122 lecture, at least not where I can see them.

Anonymous said...

B122, ha.

1st lesson humm full class
2nd erm about 25 (a few left by the end)
3rd well i heard it was about 6

Teifion said...

You're thinking B102, B122 is with Branislav and Victor, people tend to stay for those lecture.