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Sunday, March 26, 2006

New Recruit - Saturday

Unlike last week I actually got up on time to do some stuff, get Breakfast AND start on WoA before 1030. Nothing special about today's working out of results at all. Well, not the local (i.e. only affect that team) ones any way. We did however have a rather large change when it came to working out all the violent stuff. World of Arl now has a new Custodian (Game Master). Khornesone is now an Admin. It was a test run today, we didn't give him Admin power incase he changed his mind, he does however really like it and wants to stay on. He also passed the test. At the time of writing story stuff we were not telling people who the new Custodian was. So they were of course guessing like crazy. As a test of his integrity, myself and WarpGhost told three people that Khornesone knows and got them to "guess" that he was the new Custodian. They also tried to wheedle information out of him. Particular mention goes to Coel who broke just about every single type of rule you can have on this sort of thing. Khornesone managed to fob them all off and almost comvinced one of them that we were playing a joke on them (though Khornesone didn't know we were doing this). I think that counts as passing with flying colours. The evening was spent yakking to people, working on some more World of Arl stuff and also explaining a load of stuff to Khornesone. Now that he's a Custodian we give him full answers and tell him the whole truth, players have to make educated guesses about stuff.

Website Design Now I'm going to be designing websites in at least a semi-professional manner, I need to spend some time thinking about it. What sites do you think have really good design and why?


Anonymous said...

I personally prefer them to be somewhat simple when I am going through them. And make sure there is always a navigation bar of some sort. I won't even visit websites without them.

Mum said...

The sites I like best are those which do not have broken links and are clearly laid out without loads of unecessary stuff (like adverts - I know they can be a revenue source).

some uni sites are so much easier to use than others. Portsmouth is ok (some of the colours are a bit loud) but Imperial College is much harder to navigate around. Swansea is not too good either.

Teifion said...

I found the Portsmouth website utterly atrocious, it's got everything squeezed into as small a space as possible.

I've got an excellent nav bar on my site(s) so I'm okay there :)

Anonymous said...

today was the worst blog read in a while...

Teifion said...

Any reason why?

Anonymous said...

World of Arl special, thats why it was a bit boring, more interested in the uni stuff, but suppose WoA players have enjoyed todays blog, each to their own!

Teifion said...

Specifically which part of Uni do you find most interesting?