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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Not a bad day - Monday

I had an excellent lie in. Up at 1130 in time to get to my 1300 lecture. Nothing special about the B122 lecture. After the lecture it was a three hour lab (part 2 of the one I got 85% in last week). It was a lab where you worked as a team. David and myself worked as a team and basically discovered that the lecturer had no clue about anything. We don't know what mark we got. I got back in time for dinner (cycled). Dinner was nothing special, thoguh it was tasty. After dinner was the WoA stuff and then I got the bus into town. It turns out that this lecturer lectures the second year, but not at all well. I'm going to be sending an email to my head of year about it. The CU meeting this evening was very good. The speaker addressed being content as a Christian. This is something that I was interested in. Note that I'm just about always optimistic and most of the time content. He said that there are 4 main reasons to be content as a Christian (and I'm not a Christian).

  • Is your contentment bigger than any other worry you've got? - For me, easily
  • Is your contentment immune to the attacks of others? - For me, I think so
  • Did you learn your contentment? (For Christians, did you learn it from Jesus?) - Yes, it was learnt, for some reason, after reading HWFIP
  • Is it all that you need? Would you be able to be content even when faced with death? - For me, probably not
It's made me think, it's made me think. The time in the pub was very good. Tim (Stuffedpig Steve's brother) was there and apparently interested to hear about my cookie plan and methods of playing jokes on people. Emma and myself also played Chess against Chris and Dan. We had to go before we were done, but we had a King + Queen and they had a Rook + King, we're counting it as a win to us. Also, with reference to last Monday Lizze said the following. "Your blog was very interesting, I'd have liked it more if you hadn't included the part about me". I've no idea why she said that as she wasn't put in a bad light at all (as far as I can see). Still, I've made sure nothing stupid was said about he in the blog today (the fight against temptation was helped by remembering that she thinks my hairstyle is good). After getting back from the pub, Brierley, Graham and myself went to Graham's kitchen and had pizza + gamon sandwhiches. Mmmmm. Getting back to my room, someone had put selotape on my lock, Duane owned up to it. Duane and I spent about 10 minutes proving that Sam is not a quick thinker, Domonique (the lady I first offered cookies) was in the room and really didn't stick up for Sam, she didn't help us but she really should have stuck up for Sam. Sam apparently is going to "get" myself and Duane over April fool's day, I've got only one idea how he can do it and I'm going to prepare against it. Of interest, Domonique said that the cookies idea is good, but it'd help to know if the lady in question has a boyfriend first. My comment, "How will I know if they have a boyfriend if they're not talking to me?". Technically this happened on Tuesday...
Why is it interesting? A couple of posts ago someone said that they find the Uni days much more interesting. Why Sir/Madam, do you find this so?


Anonymous said...

Mainly because I dont play WoA and it just doesnt interest me.

Mum said...

"Did you learn your contentment? (For Christians, did you learn it from Jesus?) - Yes, it was learnt, for some reason, after reading HWFIP"
I would say you have always been content. All you needed as a toddler was your cuddly and truck, as a small child you had brio, road track and lego; as a slightly older child - Marathon and since then progranmming with breaks for the Periodic Table!

Anonymous said...

I didn't need to stick up for Sam as there was nothing to stick up for you dozy tart. Plus he can stand up for himself :รพ

Otherwise I'm pleased to see my name reappearing in your blog, makes me laugh :)