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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Splodgit - Tuesday

I was in well on time for my 0900 math lecture. I got a hold of the practice test and it's a lot lot easier than I thought. The lecturer doesn't need to teach us some of this extra stuff for this test (though there's nothing wrong with it). Owing to the fact that the marks for the last test are still not out I was wondering about my arrival to Christianity Explored, currently I feel more worry about failing maths than anyting else in the immediate future. The Computing lecture was nothing special, I spent a lot of the time grinning like an idiot as I played with Splodgit. Splodgit is my latest possession, it's one of those Ribena (probably misspelt but the spellchecker couldn't help me) stress release toys. It's small, purple and when you squeeze it the eyes pop out. It's really funny and I've played with it most of the day. I plan to buy more Ribena and bring chocolate, thereby getting lots of them and giving them to friends that have said they like them. I also sent that email to Branislav about Mr S not knowing anything. I talked to some more people and so far, I've not heard a single good thing about the guy aside from the fact that he doesn't lecture to us. Owing to the current position on the math test I missed the math lecture and got back to halls. I carried on working on the ECE KTG website I'm doing, we're meeting tomorrow and I'd like to have it ready for a second review. After dinner, rather than work on the website I played Time Splitters 2 with Gareth. We've now completed it on Normal difficulty and are working away at hard. When I realised that it was very late I told Gareth that I had to get back to my room. I did my laundry and worked on the site as planned.

Road Rage Today, myself and Sarah got off the bus at the same stop and were about to cross the road (there was a traffic jam) when one of the cars deliberatly moved forwards to be annoying (what she gained from it I don't know). That wasn't really a problem for me, moments after we walked past her she beeped the horn. She was in a traffic jam and there was a reason for it. Honking her horn would not have helped. I'm guessing that the correct action in that case is not to go over and have a go at her? I didn't have a go at her, if only because I didn't think of it until 5 minutes later.