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Sunday, March 19, 2006

I feel like a professional - Saturday

I awoke at 0810, but managed to not realise time goes fast when you're meant to get up. Long story short, I started doing results half an hour later than usual. Today it wasn't too bad and the results were done in good time. I was going to have gone jogging with Brierley at 0800 but she was out all last night and wasn't really up for it (she'd phoned me the night before). Hence the excellent lie in. I ate both the remaining cumberland sausages, that combined with the massive fry-up I had this morning means that I must have eaten enough for tomorrow as well, maybe I should go hungry? During the two short breaks that I had in results I got onto the final level of Marathon 2. Played though it on the hardest difficulty (though I did skip one level that had a bug in it). I spent the evening talking to a lady about my potato theory, sarcasm and also wooing people. Now, as I clearly haven't got enough stuff today for a real blog, I thought I'd make it more about someone else. Queue "Anonymous". This person appears to have a problem, specifically he can't just accept that he's better than me. No, Anonymous has to go and prove that he's better than me with well thought out and backed up arguments such as "I dont think anyone would consider me a geek dude". Yes ladies and gentlemen, this person is an amzing debater. For more information on his message, go here. That however is not all. He is in fact so much better than me that when writing messages for me he does not have to use correct grammar. Yes, I refer to his well constructed line "You are a geek nothing particualry wrong in it. but you are". As a low-life like myself I would have placed a comma after the 'are a geek' and replaced the full-stop with a comma. I would also, in my complete and utter lack of English language ability have replced 'but you are' with 'you just are' as that would in no way be an easier read. However folks, that's not all, there's a third thing that he completey surpasses me on. The ability to understand Time! Yes, Anonymous is acutally living at a different speed to me. I draw this staggering conclusion from his line "Hence why you get old realll fast." As it was a comparisson it must mean that I get older, faster. So, he has either found out how to control time or managed to find the elixir of life! So, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Anonymous. Before someone as stupid as Anonymous is inteligent points out that I'm being sarcastic, I'm not. I mean every single word of the above three paragraphs. My advice to you would be to accept that Anonymous is just better than me and, quite possibly, all of us.

Why do I feel professional? Because for the ECE KTG project I've got one big folder with three smaller folders in it, several sheets of important looking paper and some sketches. For some reason shuffling through it makes me feel "cool", "hip", "professional" and sometimes "hyper-active" all at the same time.


Anonymous said...

dude your such a cock. Besides people from the CU. Do you have any friends? It seems to me you go to the CU because theyre the only group of people that would accept you, "because they have to!"

You obviously have little respect for the religion etc. You make chidlish arguments and you nit pick at something in my statements which you would pass by any other time.

Have you ever been hit by someone. Because you are getting close to it. I would like to know how you would react. Probaly go and bitch to the peelers like a wee cunt you are.

Reading this bring susch a smile to my face some times. Such a prick and the best thing about it is, you dont realise it!

signed off


Teifion said...

I've decided (after being given some advice before I read this) to stop responding to people like you in an antagonistic way, so I will.

Anonymous said...

Um, Teifion, before you start ragging someone elses grammar you may wish to revise your opinions on your own grasp of English. With statements such as, "I was going to have gone jogging with Brierley" I really hope you're just a bad typist....

Anonymous said...

you don't often get grammer advice like that for free!