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Friday, January 27, 2006

Gentleman? - Friday

I got in for my 0900 lab. I spent the entire bus journey there talking to the driver. The lab itself wasn't too bad. I spent most of it talking to the lab tech and some of it answering the questions (which were completely rubbish and pointless, still, free marks...). The lab tech has a great sense of humour and is called Thomas. He managed to bang my knee into a table when pushing past. When he banged his own knee into a table 5 minutes later I laughed at the irony (as did Peter and Thomas). After the lab I went back to halls, got some free hot chocolate, chatted on MSN and recorded some Arl Today (Podcast) stuff. Lorna called me a gentleman because I said nice things about her. She then went on to say that she had never realised I could be such a nice person. When I pointed out several times I had behaved like this or better she basically said she'd forgotten. Still, that wasn't too bad. At dinner Briley came and sat with myself and Duane. After being laughed at by Briley for getting cream over my nose (I was trying to fit as much of the pudding in my mouth as possible, just, as you do...) I turned the tables and took the mickie out of her. She did laugh a lot and didn't seem to mind too much so I think it was okay, still, I'll be careful to not laugh at people too much. After that I did some more Podcast stuff. I have a clip of some stuff from a guy in Hull. Suffice to say my listening to the Ian Lee podcast has proved useful in dealing with it. I'm sure the person will be happy with it. I've also discovered that it's harder to remember to do the exercises that my personal fitness coach (competed in the 1993 swimming youth olympics) suggests I do. On the subject of exercises I've noticed that my arms are a little bigger, I just hope it's not the placebo effect. Myself and WarpGhost are a little worried about the third Custodian (Arakasi) as he's not signed on for a whole week and is normally on at least once a day. We're just hoping that he's safe and it's just his computer that's mucuked up.

Joke of the Day To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


Anonymous said...

Hot Chocolate. I love Hot Chocolate!!!! At the moment I have something like 7 tin containers full of it. Mmmmmm..... hot chocolate....

Brett Jordan said...

I like the pessimist/optimist quote, copied, pasted and filed :-)