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Monday, October 24, 2005

Jeans, yes, I wore jeans..... - Monday - 24th of October

Today was a bad day. I woke at 0700 and really did not want to get up, it was raining outside and for once I felt slightly cold. A good breakfast sorted out that problem nicely, I decided that because Jeans 'look cool' I'd try wearing them, also, I was taking the bus, too much rain to cycle. The first lecture (0900) was a waste of time, the lecturer didn't turn up. The second I didn't need to turn up to, I knew everything already. For my lunch break myself and Peter went to Tescos and bought some really cheap stuff for lunch, it was great. After lunch I turned up to another lecture, again, I knew everything (noticing a pattern here?). After that I booked a dyslexia assessment for Wednesday 1500, if you're talking to me at that time, tell me to get a move on. My last lecture of the Day was great, I actually did some real work. It was the Engineering Analysis, I have no idea what it was called, but I remembered the method for doing it, Mrs Jones, Mr Holland and Mrs Ledger would be proud.... After that I got onto the bus, what was really really funny was that the Uni somehow think that 70+ people can fit onto a bus which has room for about 40, well, we got close to 60 on. It was a bit cramped, and again, I didn't manage to save Briley a seat. What was even funnier was that while getting on, Dan said 'Hello Tiargo', and after my reply of 'Hi Incredible Dan', he ignored me.... I got back, waiting in my room for a few minutes and then walked down to the refectory, they now know me by the name of 'smiler' because I always smile :) Briley managed to wait until I had started eating to arrive and complain that I must have rushed to drop my stuff off, run down to the refectory, barge people out the way and generally somehow warp time to get there first. I think she's lying..... After rushing my food a little I caught the bus to Blackwells (Uni bookstore). During the wind and rain swept walk about 5 minutes down the road I ate an orange, I am not good at eating oranges, here is what I managed to do. - I had to get Briley to open the orange (no fingernails) - I had to squeeze it real hard, then realise I needed to bite it to get the juice - I had to roll up my left sleeve and hold it away from me or get covered in juice - I had to wash my hands really well, and they STILL smell of orange After the service thingy at St Lukes we all went back to Langstone, Sarah and Briley went to their flats, I went to meet some more of Launa's flat-mates. The first new one I met was called Sam, as I was asking for Lisa (who apparently wanted to meet me) Sam called down the corridor, she has the exact same sense of humor as me. 'Lisa, some guy apparently knows you, he's climbed in through the balcony and says he wants to marry you, I think he's delusional' I'n not sure if that was the reason why Lisa spoke to me for less than 5 seconds, but she certainly didn't seem to be that interested in meeting me (I really should have worn shorts....). Sam, Launa and one of the other ladies on the floor (I THINK it is 'Chandonay') played a round of Cheat and some other game. I managed to win cheat and lose very very well at the other game. I then went back to my room and went to bed, I have a lecture at 0900 tomorrow that I will know already (Internet applications) so I'll have to make sure I'm there..... - Ammendment - After closing the 15" down I heard the sound of a firealarm, it was the E and F blocks, I got to watch a load of people loiter around outside their blocks while nothing at all caught fire... I did offer Briley a cup of tea, but she said no. I didn't see Steven there so couldn't really offer anybody else anything. They were lucky, apparently one hall in the middle of the city had an alarm set off at 0400, yes, 4am for most people...

Lesson of the Day - Jeans are clearly not as cool as I'm told....


Mum said...

you do not know who you might have impressed with the jeans

Teifion said...

Our family does have some strange names. All my computing class have 'normal' names, it's just the people that live near me....